Ort BCK Hideseek Tns
Ort BCK Hideseek Tns
Ort BCK Hideseek Tns
Strategy check
Remind the children to sound out the letters to help them work out new words.
Independent reading
• Ask the children to read the story. Praise and encourage them while they read, and prompt
as necessary.
Praise the children for reading the high frequency words and CVC words on sight.
Encourage the children to work out the decodable words by sounding out and blending the phonemes
all through the word, e.g. (‘c–a–n’), (‘s–ee’).
Check that children:
• start reading from left to right automatically
• can read on sight the familiar high frequency words.
Returning to the text
(Summarising) Ask the children to retell the story in one or two sentences.
(Imagining) Ask: Where would you have hidden if you were playing the game?
(Clarifying) Ask: What is the symbol at the end of the sentence on page one? What sort of sentence is
this? Where is the answer to the question?
Ask the children to find all the times ‘you’ appears in the book. Do the same with other frequently
repeated words.
(Questioning) Ask: Do you think the children would have ever found Dad if he hadn’t fallen out of
the tree?
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