GW1Project Teachersnotes
GW1Project Teachersnotes
GW1Project Teachersnotes
Lesson aims Pupils give a presentation about word. Explain also that the first sites that come up in
animals. | They can also complete the evaluation in their search are the ones that are likely to have the most
the Activity Book. information.
New language presentation, frog Step 2 Create your project
Recycled language animals, parts of the body, • Pupils use the information they have collected to make
actions, continents, plant, big/small, long/short | It’s flashcards for a presentation about their animals. First,
a (crocodile). It’s got (a long body.) It’s from (Africa.) they stick photos of their animals onto card. Then they
It can (swim). | Pupils also revise all unit vocabulary write sentences on the back of each flashcard, using the
and grammar in the unit evaluation. information from their research.
Materials Flashcards: 86–95 | Model sheet 8, • Pupils work collaboratively: Pupil A can stick the photos
for an animal on card, and Pupil B writes the sentences.
Project sheets 8, Worksheets 8, Peer and Teacher
They then swap roles.
evaluation sheets, cue cards, paper, card, pens or
pencils, scissors, computer or tablet • Pupils then discuss and decide which order the flashcards
should appear in for their presentation.
• Pupils then work with another pair. They put their
Warmer flashcards together to make one presentation about
four animals.
• Use the flashcards to play a game of Noughts and • Pupils practise the presentation together.
crosses (see page xviii). Pupils can make sentences about
the animals, using (Elephants) are (big), (Giraffes) have Step 3 Present your project
got (long necks), or (A bird) can (sing).
• Pupils give their presentation by showing each flashcard
and reading the sentences aloud. They take turns to
Pupil’s Book page – Let’s Collaborate present the different facts.
Introduce the project • Allow time at the end of the presentation for questions.
• Say Listen to my presentation about an animal. Display Step 4 How did we do?
the model sheet and point to each of the photos as you • Distribute a Peer evaluation sheet to each pair for them
read the sentences. to complete.
• Then say Now it’s your turn. Let’s collaborate. Pupils look • The project monitor then collects and stores the project
at the project flyer on page 99. Tell them they are going materials together.
to give a presentation about animals.
• If you wish, complete a Teacher evaluation sheet for
Step 1 Plan your project each pair and award pupils an overall grade.
• Divide pupils into pairs and distribute the project sheets Activity Book page 81 – Evaluation
and worksheets. Pupils write their names and choose
and circle the name of the project monitor. 1 Look and write the word. Then read and say.
• Pupils collect and tick the materials they need for their • Pupils look at each picture and name the animals they
project. The project monitor can also check that they can see. They then write the correct caption for each
have everything they need. animal, using the number of letter blanks to help them.
• Pupils choose two animals for their presentation, adding
Key: 2 bird 3 hippo 4 elephant 5 giraffe 6 lion
another animal to the list if they prefer. They should
choose two different types of animals, switching between 2 What’s your favourite part? Use your stickers.
English and L1 as they discuss their choices.
• Pupils choose their favourite part of the unit – the story,
• Allow pupils to choose as much as possible, but make sure the song or the video – and put a sticker under their
they choose a wide variety of animals across the class. chosen preference.
• Pupils research their two animals online and fill in the
chart in the project worksheet. They also find and 3 Write the colour.
download photos to illustrate the different information • Pupils rearrange the letters and write the colour word
about the animals. black. They then go to page 3 and find and colour all
• Pupils work together, taking turns to find information the puzzle pieces marked with an 8 in black.
online for them to both note down in their worksheets. • Pupils then look at the completed puzzle. Ask Who’s
Pupils also check each other’s charts and ask questions. this? (iPal.) What’s he saying? (Goodbye.) Pupils can
The monitor can also make sure that the worksheets then wave goodbye to iPal.
are completed correctly and that the photos are stored
correctly. Extra activities: see page TB114 (if time)
• Note: When researching their animals online, show
pupils how to type in the name of their animal as a key