Project 3

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Limitation on using Simplified Procedure

MS 1553 1) Building height is 31.5m and greater than 15.0m.

2) Building is residential building and have more than 300 people congregate
in one area.

Hence, Wind Load have to be obtain using Analytical Procedure.

Calculation of wind load based on MS 1553:2002

Design wind pressure

p = 0.613 [Vdes]2 Cfig Cdyn Pa

Vdes = design wind speed

= Vsit l
Table 3.2 l = importance factor = 1.15
Vsit = Vs Md Mz,cat Ms Mh
Table 3.1 Vs = basic wind speed = 29.1 m/s
Md = wind directional multiplier = 1.00
Table 4.1 Mz,cat= terrain/height multiplier. Varies
with z. For z = h = 1.22
Ms = shielding multiplier = 1.00
Mh = hill shape multiplier = 1.00

Vsit = 29.10 x 1.00 x 1.22 x 1.00 x 1.00

= 35.502 m/s

Vdes = 35.502 x 1.15

= 40.8273 m/s

Cfig. = aerodynamic shape factor

= Cp,e KaKcKlKp for external pressure
Cp,e = external pressure coefficient
Table 5.2 (a) : windward wall = 0.80 (H is more than 25m, on the ground)
Table 5.2 (b) : leeward wall = -0.50 d/b = 20/27
= 0.74
α= < 10°

5.4.2 Ka = area reduction factor = 1.00

5.4.3 Kc = combination factor = 1.00
5.4.4 Kl = local pressure factor = 1.00
5.4.5 Kp = porous cladding reduction factor = 1.00
Ka, Kc, Ki, Kp recommended for highrise = 1.0

Cdyn = dynamic response factor

= 1 + 2lh [gv2Bs + (gr2SEt / x)]0.5
(1 + 2gvlh)

Cdyn is needed when the natural period of building is more than 1.0s

Natural period = n/10

= 9 storey/10
= 0.9s < 1.0s
Hence, Cdyn is not needed for this case

f = 1/T
= 1/0.9
= 1.1 Hetrz > 1.0 Hertz
Hence, take Cdyn = 1

p = 0.613Vdes2 Cfig Cdyn (N/m2)

Mz,cat Windward Leeward Total
Vdes, z pw Vdes, h pL pw- pL
31.5 1.220 40.8 817.4323 40.8 -511 1328
28.0 1.210 40.5 804 40.8 -511 1315
24.5 1.200 40.2 791 40.8 -511 1302
21.0 1.190 39.8 778 40.8 -511 1289
17.5 1.175 39.3 758 40.8 -511 1269
14.0 1.152 38.6 729 40.8 -511 1240
10.5 1.124 37.6 694 40.8 -511 1205
7.0 1.080 36.1 641 40.8 -511 1151
3.5 1.000 33.5 549 40.8 -511 1060

kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2

0.817 0.511 1.328

0.804 0.511 1.315

0.791 0.511 1.302

0.778 0.511 1.289

0.758 0.511 1.269

0.72885 0.510895 1.239743

0.69385 0.510895 1.204744

0.64059 0.510895 1.151484

0.5492 0.510895 1.060097

Senai, Johor

Terrain 1 (Flat Open Space)

Calculation on total wind force exerted on the building

kN/m2 kN
1.328 1.328 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 125.496

1.315 1.315 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 124.2675

1.302 1.302 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 123.039

1.289 1.289 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 121.8105

1.269 1.269 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 119.9205

1.24 1.24 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 117.18

1.205 1.205 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 113.8725

1.15 1.15 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 108.675

1.06 1.06 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 100.17

Storey Height = 3.50 m

Building Width = 27 m

Total Wind Force = 1054.431 kN

Determination the location of shear centre

Column Width = 300 mm 0.3 m

Column Depth = 300 mm 0.3 m

Calculating I for each column

Column = bh^3/12
= 0.000675 m4

Reference Point

Column A/3 = 0.15 m

Column G/3 = 27 m

Thus the distance of the shear center C from the reference point

∑Kzy = 5(0.000675 x 0.15) + 5(0.000675 x 4.5) + 5(0.000675 x 9) +

5(0.000675 x 13.5) + 3(0.000675 x 18) + 3(0.000675 x22.5)
3(0.000675 x 27)
= 0.22832

∑Kz = 29 x 0.000675
= 0.01958

Yc = 11.6608785 m

Eccentricity for the Total Lateral Force F,

e = 13.5 - 11.660878
= 1.83912155 m ( -1.8391m from the center of Building)

Eccentric Moment, = 1.839 F kNm (Torsion Effect)

Calculating forces on each wall in terms of total force, F

Thus for Column A/3

F(A/3)z = 0.000675F + 0.000675 x (0.15-11.661) x 1.839F

0.000675 + 0.000675 (7 x 0.000675 x 10^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (7 x 0.000675 x (-10^2)) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (4 x 0.000675 x 5^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (4 x 0.000675 x (-5^2)) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (0.000675 x 11.661^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (0.000675 x (-(11.661 - 4.5))^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (0.000675 x (-(11.661 - 9))^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 4.5)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 9)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 13.5)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675

= 0.000675 F + -0.0144 F
0.019575 4.5625
= 0.03448276 F + -0.003156164 F
= 0.03132659 F Dr Chin -0.00309
Dr Chin 0.0313

Thus for Column G/3

F(G/3)z = 0.000675F + 0.000675 x ( 27 - 11.661) x 1.839 F

0.000675 + 0.000675 (7 x 0.000675 x 10^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (7 x 0.000675 x (-10^2)) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (4 x 0.000675 x 5^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (4 x 0.000675 x (-5^2)) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (0.000675 x 11.661^2)
0.000675 + 0.000675 (0.000675 x (-(11.661 - 4.5))^2)
0.000675 + 0.000675 (0.000675 x (-(11.661 - 9))^2)
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839)^2
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 4.5)^2
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 9)^2
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 13.5)^2
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675

= 0.000675 F + 0.019 F
0.019575 4.5625
= 0.03448276 F + 0.004164384
= 0.03864714 F Dr Chin 0.004078
Dr Chin 0.03856
Force acting on Column A/3 = 0.03132659 F
= 0.03132659 x 1054.43
= 33.0317321 kN

Force acting on Column G/3 = 0.03864714 F

= 0.03864714 x 1054.43
= 40.7507448 kN
A/1 - G/1
A/5 - G/5
A/2 - D/2
A/4 - D/4
Calculation on total wind force exerted on the building

kN/m2 kN
1.328 1.328 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 125.496

1.315 1.315 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 124.2675

1.302 1.302 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 123.039

1.289 1.289 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 121.8105

1.269 1.269 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 119.9205

1.24 1.24 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 117.18

1.205 1.205 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 113.8725

1.15 1.15 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 108.675

1.06 1.06 x 3.50 x 27.00 = 100.17

Storey Height = 3.50 m

Building Width = 27 m

Total Wind Force = 1054.431 kN

Determination the location of shear centre

Column Width = 300 mm 0.3 m

Column Depth = 300 mm 0.3 m

Calculating I for each column

Column = bh^3/12
= 0.000675 m4

Reference Point

Column A/3 = 0.15 m

Column G/3 = 27 m

Thus the distance of the shear center C from the reference point

∑Kzy = 5(0.000675 x 0.15) + 5(0.000675 x 4.5) + 5(0.000675 x 9) +

5(0.000675 x 13.5) + 3(0.000675 x 18) + 3(0.000675 x22.5)
3(0.000675 x 27)
= 0.22832

∑Kz = 29 x 0.000675
= 0.01958

Yc = 11.6608785 m

Eccentricity for the Total Lateral Force F,

e = 13.5 - 11.660878
= 1.83912155 m ( -1.8391m from the center of Building)

Eccentric Moment, = 1.839 F kNm (Torsion Effect)

Calculating forces on each wall in terms of total force, F

Thus for Column A/3

F(A/3)z = 0.000675F + 0.000675 x (0.15-11.661) x 1.839F

0.000675 + 0.000675 (14 x 0.000675 x 10^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (8 x 0.000675 x 5^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (11.661 - 0.15)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (11.661-0.15-4.5)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (11.661-0.15-9)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 4.5)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 9)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 13.5)^2
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675

= 0.000675 F + -0.0142 F
0.019575 1.473939
= 0.03448276 F + -0.009634049 F
= 0.02484871 F

Thus for Column G/3

F(G/3)z = 0.000675F + 0.000675 x ( 27 - 11.661) x 1.839 F

0.000675 + 0.000675 (14 x 0.000675 x 10^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 (8 x 0.000675 x 5^2) +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (11.661 - 0.15)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (11.661-0.15-4.5)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (11.661-0.15-9)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 4.5)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 9)^2 +
0.000675 + 0.000675 0.000675 x (1.839 + 13.5)^2
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675
0.000675 + 0.000675

= 0.000675 F + 0.019 F
0.019575 1.473939
= 0.03448276 F + 0.012890628
= 0.04737339 F
Force acting on Column A/3 = 0.02484871 F
= 0.02484871 x 1054.43
= 26.2012501 kN

Force acting on Column G/3 = 0.04737339 F

= 0.04737339 x 1054.43
= 49.9519679 kN
A/3 0.089
B/3 0.0332 RECHECK
C/3 0.004256 RECHECK
D/3 0.002283
E/3 0.0271
F/3 0.0793
G/3 0.1588

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