Measuring The Specific Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice: Background Information
Measuring The Specific Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice: Background Information
Measuring The Specific Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice: Background Information
To measure the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.
Background information
The specific latent heat of fusion lf of a substance is the energy needed
to change 1 kg of the substance from solid to liquid without a change in
temperature. It is given by the equation: lf = .
❏ crushed ice ❏ 2 funnels
❏ 2 low voltage immersion heaters ❏ 2 small pieces of wire gauze
(50 W 12 V) ❏ 2 beakers of the same mass
❏ 1 power pack (0–12 V a.c./d.c.) ❏ 1 retort stand and 2 clamps
❏ 1 joulemeter ❏ 1 electronic balance
Precaution 1 Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 3b-1 on p.22:
1 Ice is crushed to
increase the contact
(a) Place a smal piece of wire gauze at the neck of two funnels.
area with heater.
(b) Fill the funnels with crushed melting ice. Measure the mass of
2 Melting ice is used so
that its temperature each funnel to ensure the mass of ice in each funnel is roughly
is 0 °C and no energy
is needed to raise its
the same.
temperature before
(c) Insert an immersion heater into the ice of each funnel. Connect
3 The small pieces of one of the heaters to the power supply through a joulemeter.
wire gauze prevent
the crushed ice from (d) Pack the ice so that the drip rates of water from the two funnels
dropping from the are steady and about the same.
funnels directly.
✎ What is the purpose of the control apparatus?
control experimental
apparatus apparatus
to 12 V a.c.
power supply
Insert the heating part Fig 3b-1
of the heater totally into
the ice. This maximizes
the energy transfer to 2 (a) Record the initial joulemeter reading.
the ice and avoids the
heater from overheating. (b) Place a beaker underneath each funnel. Switch on the heater.
Precaution 3 (a) After about 5 minutes, switch off the heater. Wait until the drip
This allows time for the rates of water from the two funnels are steady and about the
energy to be conducted
from the heater to the same.
(b) Remove the two beakers and measure the mass of them with
(c) Record the final joulemeter reading.
4 Record the results below and calculate the specific latent heat of
fusion of ice.
✎ Results:
Mass of experimental beaker with water 0.050
m1 = __________ kg
Mass of control beaker with water 0.014
m2 = __________ kg
Mass of ice melted by heater 0.036
m = m1 – m2 = __________ kg
Initial joulemeter reading 15 000
J1 = __________ J
Final joulemeter reading 29 200
J2 = __________ J
Energy supplied by heater 14 200
Q = J2 – J1 = __________ J
✐ It is very difficult to
maintain a true ‘control’ for
Q 3.94 × 105 J kg–1
the experimental beaker. ⇒ Specific latent heat of fusion of ice lf = = __________
✐ The possible sources ✎ Compare the measured value of the specific latent heat of fusion of
of error should match ice with the standard value, 3.34 × 105 J kg–1. What are the possible
the measured value of lf.
sources of error in this experiment?
It is difficult to keep the water dripping down the funnels at the same rate. Energy is
Further thinking
✎ If this experiment is repeated without setting up the control apparatus,
how will the measured value of the specific latent heat of fusion of
ice be affected? Explain your answer.
Without the control apparatus, the mass of ice melted by the energy from
It is not necessary.
✐ However, the
control apparatus
The control apparatus has already eliminated the effect of energy gained from the
cannot eliminate the
effect of energy loss
from the heater to the surroundings by the ice.