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Name: Mubarok, Alfan, Rafi

Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology: Activity 6: The Skeletal Muscle Length-Tension Relationship Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. During an isometric contraction

You correctly answered: d. the skeletal muscle is generating force, but it remains at a fixed length.

2. The force that results from muscles being stretched is

You correctly answered: a. passive force.

3. Active force
You correctly answered: b. is determined by the amount of myosin bound to actin.

4. When you generate the isometric length-tension curve, which of the following forces will not be indicated on your
You correctly answered: c. tetanic force

5. Passive force in skeletal muscle is largely caused by

You correctly answered: c. the protein titin.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: As the resting length of the muscle is changed, what will happen to the amount of total force the muscle
generates during the stimulated twitch?
Your answer : a. An increase in muscle length will increase total force.

Stop & Think Questions:

Note the dip in total force at a muscle length of
90 mm as compared to the total force at a muscle length of 80 and 100 mm. Why does this occur?
You did not answer this question.
Correct answer: d. At this muscle length, active force has decreased in value and passive force has not yet increased to a
significant value.

Experiment Data:

Voltage Length Active Force Passive Force Total Force

8.5 75 1.82 0.0 1.82
8.5 70 1.75 0.0 1.75
8.5 80 1.75 0.02 1.77
8.5 90 1.21 0.25 1.46

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. When a skeletal muscle is stimulated and generates force but remains at a fixed length
You correctly answered: d. the muscle is contracting isometrically.

2. Which protein is mostly responsible for the development of passive force in a muscle?
You correctly answered: d. titin

3. In skeletal muscle, active force stimulated through a range of muscle lengths

You correctly answered: b. will utilize ATP hydrolysis to drive the cross bridge cycle.

4. Which of the following is not depicted in a typical skeletal muscle isometric length-tension curve?
You correctly answered: a. time

5. Maximal active tension will be produced in a skeletal muscle fiber when

You correctly answered: a. the fiber is at its resting length.

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Review Sheet Results
1. What happens to the amount of total force the muscle generates during the stimulated twitch? How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Ketika terjadi peningkatan kecepatan otot, kekuatan total pada otot meningkat dan ketika tejadi penurunan panjang
kekuatan pada otot menurun

2. What is the key variable in an isometric contraction of a skeletal muscle?

Your answer:
Hubungan antara panjang - tegangan otot

3. Based on the unique arrangement of myosin and actin in skeletal muscle sarcomeres, explain why active force varies
with changes in the muscle's resting length.
Your answer:
Ketika istirahat, panjang otot meningkat dan ada lebih banyak waktu untuk jembatan miosin kembali ke posisi awal

4. What skeletal muscle lengths generated passive force? (Provide a range.)

Your answer:
80 mm - 100 mm

5. If you were curling a 7-kg dumbbell, when would your bicep muscles be contracting isometrically?
Your answer:
Kontraksi isometrik otot biceps terjadi ketika mengangkat barbel

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