Lichen Aureus
Lichen Aureus
Lichen Aureus
Vascular Diseases
clinically by mild scaling overlying pinpoint ery- subtype presents with more localized and persistent
thematous macules and patches with associated lesions with circumscribed macules or papules that
pruritus. Lichenification can occur from repeated are a distinctive gold, rust, or orange color (Fig. 143-5).
scratching. Histopathologically, spongiosis is pres- Histologically a dense, band-like lichenoid infiltrate
ent, in addition to the classic histopathologic fea- of inflammatory cells is seen. The lesions are gener-
tures of PPD. This subtype spreads rapidly over a ally asymptomatic but at times are intensely pruritic.
period of 15 to 30 days and will subsequently fade They are most commonly localized to one lower
without treatment over several months to years, extremity, but other body sites can be involved, and a
although recurrence is possible. segmental distribution has been reported.11,12 This dis-
order has a predilection for young adult males, with
a peak incidence in the second and third decades. It
runs a chronic course, with stable or slowly progress-
LICHEN AUREUS ing lesions.