PhysioEx - Activity 5
PhysioEx - Activity 5
PhysioEx - Activity 5
Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology: Activity 5: Fatigue in Isolated Skeletal Muscle Lab Report
1. When skeletal muscle twitches fuse so that the peaks and valleys of each twitch become indistinguishable from each
other, the muscle is in a state known as
You correctly answered: d. complete (fused) tetanus.
2. When the stimulus frequency reaches a value beyond which no further increase of skeletal muscle force can occur, the
muscle has reached its
You correctly answered: c. maximal tetanic tension.
3. A decline in a muscle's ability to maintain a constant level of force, or tension, after prolonged, repetitive stimulation is
You correctly answered: c. fatigue.
4. Which of the following is not thought to be a contributing factor to the development of fatigue?
You correctly answered: a. buildup of Ca2+ in the muscle fibers
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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: If the stimulator is briefly turned off for defined periods of time, what will happen to the length of time that
the muscle is able to sustain maximal developed tension when the stimulator is turned on again?
Your answer : b. The length of the rest period will proportionately increase the length of time for sustained muscle tension.
Why did the length of the intervening rest period affect the length of time the skeletal muscle can maintain maximum tension
once the stimulator is turned on again?
You correctly answered: c. Intracellular concentrations of ADP and Pi declined during the rest period.
Experiment Data:
Voltage Stimuli/sec Rest Period (sec) Active Force (g) Sustained Maximal Force
8.5 120 0 5.86 10
8.5 120 0 5.86 10
8.5 120 12 5.86 1.80
8.5 120 22 5.86 5.80
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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.
3. A decline in a muscle's ability to maintain a constant level of force, or tension, after prolonged, repetitive stimulation is
You correctly answered: c. fatigue.
4. During fatigue
You correctly answered: c. the number of active cross bridges begins to decline although the rate of stimulus delivery
(frequency) remains constant.
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Review Sheet Results
1. When a skeletal muscle fatigues, what happens to the contractile force over time?
Your answer:
Ketika otot rangka mengalami fatigue atau kelelahan, kekuatan kontraktil akan berkurang seiring waktu. Fatigue atau
kelelahan otot terjadi ketika otot mencapai tegangan maksimumnya, tidak akan ada lagi peningkatan kekuatan kontraksi
Sumber: Wan JJ, Qin Z, Wang PY, Sun Y, Liu X. Muscle fatigue: general understanding and treatment. Exp Mol Med. 2017
Oct 6;49(10):e384. doi: 10.1038/emm.2017.194. PMID: 28983090; PMCID: PMC5668469.
Sumber: Wan JJ, Qin Z, Wang PY, Sun Y, Liu X. Muscle fatigue: general understanding and treatment. Exp Mol Med. 2017
Oct 6;49(10):e384. doi: 10.1038/emm.2017.194. PMID: 28983090; PMCID: PMC5668469.
3. Turning the stimulator off allows a small measure of muscle recovery. Thus, the muscle will produce more force for a
longer time period if the stimulator is briefly turned off than if the stimuli were allowed to continue without interruption.
Explain why this might occur. How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Ketika stimulator dimatikan, akan terjadi fase istirahat antara stimulus satu dengan stimulus selanjutnya, sehingga akan
mengulur terjadinya kelelahan atau fatigue pada otot, sehingga tidak terjadi penumpukan ADP, Pi, dan asam laktat. Oleh
karena itu, tegangan pada otot terus-menerus dapat dipertahankan lebih lama.Sehingga, sesuai dengan prediksi yang telah
dibuat, durasi waktu istirahat akan berbanding lurus dengan waktu yang digunakan untuk tegangan otot yang
Sumber: Sherwood L. Human physiology: from cells to systems. Cengage learning; 2015.
4. List a few ways that humans could delay the onset of fatigue when they are vigorously using their skeletal muscles.
Your answer:
Dengan latihan fisik yang cukup, kapasitas metabolisme otot dapat berubah sehingga menunda timbulnya kelelahan otot.
Otot yang digunakan untuk latihan anaerobik intensitas tinggi akan mensintesis lebih banyak enzim glikolitik, sedangkan
otot untuk latihan aerobik dengan daya tahan lama akan mengembangkan lebih banyak kapiler dan mitokondria. Latihan
dengan repetisi ringan juga dapat melatih ketahanan otot, karena terdapat jarak antar kontraksi otot.
Sumber: Wan JJ, Qin Z, Wang PY, Sun Y, Liu X. Muscle fatigue: general understanding and treatment. Exp Mol Med. 2017
Oct 6;49(10):e384. doi: 10.1038/emm.2017.194. PMID: 28983090; PMCID: PMC5668469.
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