Elec 1
Elec 1
Elec 1
In the study of social science society has been used Difference between Sex and Gender
to mean a group of people that form a semi-closed Sex
social system, in which most interactions are with ● Different bioological and physiological
other individuals belonging to a group. characteristics of male and female.
● Act often referred to as the act of
Gender - refers to the socially constructed roles and reproduction
relationships, personality, traits, attitudes, behaviors, ● Is the category for liginh beings specifically
values, relative powe, and influence that society related to their reproductive organs
ascribes to the sexes on a differential basis. Gender
● Socially constructed of men and women
Sociology of Gender such as norms, roles, and relationship both
groups (men and women)
● Distinction between sex and gender
● It examines how societies influence our Biological Differences
understanding and perception of difference
between masculinity and femininity
Female Male
● One of the biggest within the field of
Genitalia Vagina, Penis,
Clitoris Scrotum
● Transgender - Most often use term describes Internal Uterus, Testes
non- traditional gender behavior to identities Ovarties
● Transexual - The term transsexual has
historically been used to refer to individuals Reproductive Fallopian
who have medically and legally changed their
sex, or who wish to do so.
Organs Ovum
● Intersex - a person is born with a
reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t Chromosomes XX XY
seem to fit the typical definitions of female or
Sex Characteristics ● Race - Is when a person is treated less
● Women menstruated while do not. favourably than other person in similar
● Women have developed breast that situation because of their race, colour,
are usually capable of lactating descent national, or ethnic origin, or
while men have not immigrant status.
● Women can give birth ● Gender - Inequality betweej people to
● Men can supply sperm. opposite gender
● Men have testicles while women do ● Appearance - how an indvidual, or a
not person looks like.
● Caste - the complex system of social division
that per vades life.
Sex Gender
Michael Kimmel
● In his study, it shows that masculinity may be studied in relation to school shootings in the US. The
perpetrators of these school shootings were all male who did not fall under the typical figure. These
boys were teased, bullied, and beaten up.
● Their sexuality would be called into question as they may have failed to enact the dominant
masculinity of their school.
● Their ultimate revenge (the school shooting) seem to be their final act to prove themselves as men,
or as revenge against those who bullied them for being “different” and not ascribing to the male
code of that school.
HOMOPHOBIA is not a fear itself of gay men, but the fear of a man can and will become gay or feminine.
KIMMEL sees homophobia as the cause of sexism, racism, and heterosexism, as it is an aversion to becoming the
“other” or the non-dominant masculinity.
Fragile Masculinity
● Fragile masculinity is the idea that some men go to great lengths to look or act like a “real man,” and that
they become aggressive when their masculinity is questioned.
● Fragile masculinity encourages harmful behaviors in men, like verbal or physical aggression, sexism, or
discrimination based on gender or sexuality.