Lesson 1 Gender and Sexuality As A Social Reality
Lesson 1 Gender and Sexuality As A Social Reality
Lesson 1 Gender and Sexuality As A Social Reality
Gender and
as a
Social Reality
The socially constructed roles, behaviors,
community and share the same cultural
components. It is consists of people, institutions
around us, shared beliefs, and our cultural ideas.
Gender ++ Society
Gender Society
Concepts, principles, and approaches in the
understanding of genders in the Philippine towards an
effective gender responsive society.
Sex, Gender, and
Sex/ Sex Characteristics
Biological dimension of your gender and
of Sex Hormones
These are chemicals in our body
that are responsible for sustaining
bodily processes are also used as
Hermaphroditism or
The social and cultural meanings that a society attach to sex which in
turn affect the acceptable behaviors and expectations we have for each
What are the ways
through which
gender is
Transgender woman
A male at birth who does not feel
or cis, is the term used to describe comfortable identifying as a man.
people whose gender identity
and/or expression aligns with
those typically associated with the
sex assigned to them at birth. Transgender man
A female at birth who does not feel
comfortable identifying as a woman.
Who do I love?
Sexual Orientation
Refers to a person’s physical, romantic, and/or emotional
attraction towards other people.
Greek Egypt
Aristotle, Plato, and other
Greek philosophers viewed Herodotus, a Greek historian,
women as the inferior sex and observed the Egyptian civilization
citing that Egyptian women
are properties of men whose enjoyed higher social status
only job was to obey their because they can inherit property
husbands, bear children, and and engage in trade and politics.
take the care of households.
Historical Views on Gender
Confucianism has stringent written rules that
dictate how women should conduct themselves.
The written documents entitled “Three
obedience’s and four virtues” and “Precepts of
women” stated that women should only obey
their father, when married she is to obey her
husband, and when widowed she is to obey her
What rights were
denied to women in
the past?
Subtle forms of oppression
● Sexism- prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination
based on sex.
● Gender pay gap- men earn more than women
● Underrepresentation in politics, military, executive
positions, etc;
● Rape on women and the stigma making women
ashamed to report the crime
Subtle forms of oppression
● Very conservative expectations on women on how
they behave
● Unrealistic depictions of women in fiction, often very
● Women do more housework and childcare
● Boys were trained to be leaders while women were
trained to do house chores.
During the 19th and early 20th century, the first wave of feminism spread
across the western countries as women demanded for their right to
vote or participate in elections and be allowed to own properties.
temperamental and therefore, not able to
make rational decisions.
Protection from
Reproductive Rights
Domestic Violence
Protection from
Right to divorce, equitable wages,
Sexual harassment and
equal employment opportunities
Sexual violence
Gender and
Sexuality as a
Subject of
Gender Studies
As an area of knowledge, is about looking into, analyzing, and examining
society in order to notice power in the seemingly “simple things.”
This emerge from the need to analyze how gender, sex, and sexuality
impact our lives, especially how it creates gender inequality.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people often do not fit in the
traditional binary gender roles so they are often subjected to hate,
bullying and discrimination.
Confidentiality and
Informed Consent
Non-maleficence and
Distributive Justice
We would stand against
inequality if we actually
understood what we learned.