The Weak Interaction: Project PHYSNET Physics Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI

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1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Assigned Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3. Characteristics of the Weak Interaction a. The Weak Force: Universal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b. Huge Fluxes For Direct Neutrino Observation . . . . . . . . . . . 1 c. Change in S if One Weak Vertex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 d. Range of the Weak Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 e. A Four-Fermion Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4. Categories of Weak Interaction a. Categories Based on Particles Involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 b. Examples of Weak Leptonic Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 c. Examples of Weak Semi-Leptonic Processes . . . . . . . . . . . 2 d. Examples of Weak Hadronic Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 e. Strong Decays Occur Before Weak Decays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5. The Intermediate Vector Boson a. The W Particle as the Weak-Force Meson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 b. The Mass of the W Particle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 c. The Spin of the W Particle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 d. The Neutral Weak Boson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 e. A Problem with Neutral K Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6


- s

d d

u d

L0 S
_ p


e_ ne

Project PHYSNET Physics Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI

ID Sheet: MISN-0-281 THIS IS A DEVELOPMENTAL-STAGE PUBLICATION OF PROJECT PHYSNET The goal of our project is to assist a network of educators and scientists in transferring physics from one person to another. We support manuscript processing and distribution, along with communication and information systems. We also work with employers to identify basic scientic skills as well as physics topics that are needed in science and technology. A number of our publications are aimed at assisting users in acquiring such skills. Our publications are designed: (i) to be updated quickly in response to eld tests and new scientic developments; (ii) to be used in both classroom and professional settings; (iii) to show the prerequisite dependencies existing among the various chunks of physics knowledge and skill, as a guide both to mental organization and to use of the materials; and (iv) to be adapted quickly to specic user needs ranging from single-skill instruction to complete custom textbooks. New authors, reviewers and eld testers are welcome. PROJECT STAFF Andrew Schnepp Eugene Kales Peter Signell Webmaster Graphics Project Director

Title: The Weak Interaction Author: J. R. Christman, Dept. of Physical Science, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT Version: 11/8/2001 Length: 2 hr; 16 pages Input Skills: 1. Interpret Particle Diagrams and give the associated coupling constants (MISN-0-279). Output Skills (Knowledge): K1. List the three categories of weak interactions and give examples and possible Particle Diagrams for each. K2. Give arguments that lead to predictions of the mass and spin of the W particles. Output Skills (Problem Solving): S1. Given a weak decay, devise a plausible Particle Diagram for it, showing the weak interaction as a four-fermion interaction. S2. Given a weak decay, devise a plausible Particle Diagram for it, showing the weak interaction as the exchange of a (charged) W or a (neutral) Z0 . External Resources (Required): 1. M. J. Longo, Fundamentals of Elementary Particle Physics, Prentice-Hall (1973). 2. Scientic American, March, 1959. Post-Options: 1. SU(3) and the Quark Model (MISN-0-282). 2. Current Work in Elementary Particles (MISN-0-284). Evaluation: Stage B1

ADVISORY COMMITTEE D. Alan Bromley E. Leonard Jossem A. A. Strassenburg Yale University The Ohio State University S. U. N. Y., Stony Brook

Views expressed in a module are those of the module author(s) and are not necessarily those of other project participants. c 2001, Peter Signell for Project PHYSNET, Physics-Astronomy Bldg., Mich. State Univ., E. Lansing, MI 48824; (517) 355-3784. For our liberal use policies see:



THE WEAK INTERACTION by J. Christman 1. Overview

This module lls in some details of the weak interaction. In particular, it deals with the basic couplings of the interaction and with the W particles which are exchanged in it.

The participation of a neutrino guarantees that the interaction is weak. However, it is extremely dicult, in most cases, to show that a neutrino is, in fact, even present. 3c. Change in S if One Weak Vertex. All rst order weak interactions (i.e., decays with one weak vertex), either do not change strangeness or else change strangeness by 1. That is, S = 0, 1 for rst order weak decays. Second order weak interactions, decays with two weak vertices, are extremely rare and will not be considered here. 3d. Range of the Weak Interaction. Theories suggest that the range of the weak interaction is on the order of 1016 1017 m, which is shorter than the range of the strong interaction. 3e. A Four-Fermion Interaction. A weak interaction vertex in a Particle Diagram must have exactly four particle lines and the particles must all be fermions. The interaction strength at the vertex is denoted gw .

2. Assigned Readings
Chapter 6, Longo S. B.,Treiman, The Weak Interactions, Scientic American, March, 1959.

3. Characteristics of the Weak Interaction

3a. The Weak Force: Universal. All particles participate in the weak interaction in the sense that all known particles (except the resonances) have been observed to participate in an interaction or decay that involves the weak force (at one or more vertices in the associated Particle Diagram). Study of the weak force, however, is complicated by the strong interaction: some interactions may proceed in more than one step, the rst step being a strong decay to other particles, some of which then interact weakly. The strong process takes place in such a short time and over such a small distance that it is impossible to observe and hence it is impossible (except by indirect evidence) to ascertain whether or not the strong interaction actually took place. This makes deduction of the weak part of the interaction uncertain. 3b. Huge Fluxes For Direct Neutrino Observation. Neutrinos are the only particles that interact via the weak force alone so they make ideal bullets to study the weak interaction. The weak interaction is so weak, however, that only about 1 neutrino in every 1012 undergoes an interaction with the nucleons in uids used to detect neutrinos. So the experimental study of the weak interaction requires enormous neutrino uxes and also detection chambers the size of large rooms.

4. Categories of Weak Interaction

4a. Categories Based on Particles Involved. Weak interactions are classied in three categories: leptonic, in which only leptons are involved; semi-leptonic, in which both leptons and hadrons are involved; and hadronic, in which only hadrons are involved. 4b. Examples of Weak Leptonic Processes. Here are two scattering reactions and a decay involving only leptons in the initial and nal states (note that the neutrino is chargeless so the scattering cannot be electromagnetic): e + e e + e + + + e+ + + e 4c. Examples of Weak Semi-Leptonic Processes. some diagrams for Weak Semi-Leptonic Processes: Here are (scattering) (scattering)

MISN-0-281 n p + e + e (nuclear

3 decay):

MISN-0-281 K+ + + + + :

ne n gw ep
+ 0 +e+ +e :

_ L0 K

gs p gw n p gs gs


gs p


p+ gs p

n p gs


0 p + :

p L0 p pn gs



4e. Strong Decays Occur Before Weak Decays. The hadrons that enter the weak vertex of the above diagrams are the lowest mass baryons with S = 0 and S = 1. All hadrons couple strongly to at least one of these baryons, and since the strong interaction is so fast one expects an initial hadron to rst interact strongly until one of these low mass baryons is produced.

+e +e :

gs pgs n p gw



5. The Intermediate Vector Boson

5a. The W Particle as the Weak-Force Meson. The electromagnetic interaction is carried by the photon and the strong interaction is carried by hadrons, in the sense that the interactions are caused by exchange of such intermediary particles. Similarly, the weak interaction is carried by the intermediate vector boson and its symbol is W. There is a positively charged W+ , a negatively charged W , and a neutral W0 . These particles can be produced by appropriate pairs of weakly interacting particles and they decay into appropriate pairs: p + n W+ p + 0 W+ + + W+ For example, decay proceeds according to: p + n W p + 0 W + W

4d. Examples of Weak Hadronic Processes. diagrams for Weak Hadronic Processes: K+ + + 0 :

Here are some

_ L0 K

n gw n p gs



gs p








Figure 1. Spins and momenta from W decay.

ne p n _ g w W_ g w


Figure 2. The weak-interaction exchange of a neutral particle (the Z).

family number 0, and the baryon family number 0.

gw to make the overall

The coupling constant at each vertex is coupling constant gw .

5b. The Mass of the W Particle. Since the range of the weak interaction is less than 1016 m, the mass of the W must be greater than an amount determined by the uncertainty principle: h c (1.05 10 34) (3 108 ) h = = = 3.151010 J = 2.0 GeV . mc > t R 1016

5d. The Neutral Weak Boson. A neutral boson is not needed for exchange in the usual weak couplings of nuclear physics; all of them involve a transfer of charge and so involve the exchange of charged Ws. However, the observed weak scattering of one lepton by another does require the exchange of a neutral boson (see Fig. 2.). Our current theoretical understanding is that the W0 cannot itself be observed, but that it and another unobservable particle combine two dierent ways to form the observed weak-interaction Z0 and the well-observed electromagnetic-interaction (the photon). Apart from lepton scattering, other reactions such as + p + p + 0 can occur via the exchange of the Z0 . 5e. A Problem with Neutral K Decay. An important example of weak neutral exchange should be the decay of the neutral kaon. The more usual decay products include at least one pion. The decay to leptons, K 0 + + , is extremely rare. With a Z0 existing, K0 can decay that way via a rst order weak decay and for some time the rarity of that decay mode was taken as evidence that the neutral weakon did not exist. With evidence for the Z0 in neutrino scattering (see Sect. 5d), a new explanation was required for the rarity of the neutral kaon decay to muons. The solution is another quantum number, called charm, which we shall discuss elsewhere.1

(Note: 1 GeV = 103 MeV.) Experimentally, W particles have been seen. The observed mass of the W is approximately 80 GeV. 5c. The Spin of the W Particle. The spin of the W can be deduced from observations of the spins of its decay products. Consider, for example, the decay of the neutron (see the diagram in Sect. 5a and Fig. 1, this section). In the center of mass frame of the electron and antineutrino, the spin of the antineutrino is /2 in the direction of its momentum (this is h true for the antineutrino in any frame) and the spin of the electron is observed to be /2 in the direction opposite to its momentum. The orbital h angular momentum is zero. If the particles result from the decay of a W, the spins and momenta of the decay products look as in Fig. 1. Note that the total spin is , to the left. Since angular momentum is conserved, the h spin of the W must have been . This is in fact the reason for its name h intermediate vector boson. An integer spin particle is a boson and a spin 1 particle has associated with it a vector eld (another vector boson, the photon, is associated with the vector electromagnetic eld). It is also easy to deduce that the W particles have electron family number 0, muon

Preparation of this module was supported by the United States Coast Guard Academy for a Directed Studies Program. Preparation of this
1 See

Color and Charm (MISN-0-283).





module was supported in part by the National Science Foundation, Division of Science Education Development and Research, through Grant #SED 74-20088 to Michigan State University.

Note: If you do not understand how an answer in this supplement was arrived at, kindly go back to the text and work through it carefully. Make sure you understand all of the text examples before coming back to this supplement. The text is organized for learning, whereas this supplement is designed to help you test whether you learned the subject from the text.

Problems: Devise plausible diagrams for the following weak decays, both without and with intermediate weakons. 1. 0 0 + 0 (C) 2. K+ 0 + e+ + e (B) 3. + + + (E) 4. 0 p + e + e (A) 5. 0 + e + e (D) Note: In some cases there are a number of legitimate possibilities for intermediate states. For example, in Answer (C) the (p, p) intermediate state could equally well be (n, n). Answers: (A)

p L0 gw ene L0 _ g w W-

p e_ g w ne



MISN-0-281 (B)


gw SK

e+ ne SK p0

_ g w W n n gs

_ g w

e+ ne

gs n gs


p0 L0

L0 X0 X0 gw p gs ne Sgw eL0 Sp0 p _ g w Z0 _ g w p _ g w _ g w W-

p gs ne eL0 p0



p p+ gs n gw

m+ nm

p p+ gs n W+ _ _ g w g w

m+ nm





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