22022history Paper 1 Question Booklet HLSL

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Higher level and standard level

Paper 1

Wednesday 4 May 2022 (afternoon)

1 hour

Instructions to candidates
y Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.
y The history higher level and standard level paper 1 source booklet is required for this
examination paper.
y Answer all questions from one prescribed subject using the relevant sources in the source
y The maximum mark for this examination paper is [24 marks].

Prescribed subject Questions

1: Military leaders 1–4
2: C
 onquest and its impact 5–8
3: The move to global war 9 – 12
4: R
 ights and protest 13 – 16
5: C
 onflict and intervention 17 – 20

2222 – 5301
4 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2022
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Prescribed subject 1: Military leaders

Read sources A to D in the source booklet and answer questions 1 to 4. The sources and questions
relate to case study 2: Richard I of England (1173–1199) — Impact: Political impact in England: absence
of the king; political instability; revolt of John and Philip in Richard’s absence.

1. (a) What, according to Source A, were the consequences of Richard I’s arrest?[3]

(b) What does Source B suggest about Richard I and John? [2]

2. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source C for an historian studying the political impact in England of Richard I’s absence. [4]

3. Compare and contrast what Sources C and D reveal about the political situation in England
during Richard I’s absence. [6]

4. Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the political impact of Richard I’s
absence in England.[9]

Prescribed subject 2: Conquest and its impact

Read sources E to H in the source booklet and answer questions 5 to 8. The sources and questions
relate to case study 1: The final stages of Muslim rule in Spain — Context and motives: Political context
in Iberia and Al-Andalus in the late 15th century; internal conflicts and alliances in Granada in the late
15th century.

5. (a) What, according to Source E, was the political situation in the Iberian Peninsula in the
late 15th century?  [3]

(b) What does Source F suggest about the Iberian Peninsula up to 1492? [2]

6. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source G for an historian studying the unification of the Iberian Peninsula. [4]

7. Compare and contrast what Sources G and H reveal about the reasons for the unification of
the Iberian Peninsula. [6]

8. Using the sources and your own knowledge, to what extent do you agree that the unification
of the Iberian Peninsula was politically motivated?[9]
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Prescribed subject 3: The move to global war

Read sources I to L in the source booklet and answer questions 9 to 12. The sources and questions
relate to case study 1: Japanese expansion in East Asia (1931–1941) — Events: Pearl Harbor (1941).

9. (a) What, according to Source I, were the proposals made to Japan by the United States? [3]

(b) What does Source J suggest about the attack on Pearl Harbor? [2]

10. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source I for an historian studying relations between Japan and the United States before the
attack on Pearl Harbor. [4]

11. Compare and contrast what Sources K and L reveal about why the Japanese attacked Pearl
Harbor in December 1941. [6]

12. Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the reasons for the Japanese attack on
Pearl Harbor in 1941.[9]

Prescribed subject 4: Rights and protest

Read sources M to P in the source booklet and answer questions 13 to 16. The sources and questions
relate to case study 2: Apartheid South Africa (1948–1964) — The role and significance of key actors/
groups: Key individuals: Nelson Mandela.

13. (a) What, according to Source M, was the role of Nelson Mandela in the formation of
the MK? [3]

(b) What does Source N suggest about support for Nelson Mandela? [2]

14. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source O for an historian studying Nelson Mandela’s role in the struggle against apartheid. [4]

15. Compare and contrast what Sources M and P reveal about Mandela’s role in the struggle
against apartheid. [6]

16. Using the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the significance of Nelson Mandela to
the struggle against apartheid up to 1964. [9]

Turn over
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Prescribed subject 5: Conflict and intervention

Read sources Q to T in the source booklet and answer questions 17 to 20. The sources and questions
relate to case study 2: Kosovo (1989–2002) — Causes of the conflict: Role and significance of Slobodan
Milosevic and Ibrahim Rugova.

17. (a) What, according to Source Q, were the aims of Ibrahim Rugova’s Democratic League
of Kosovo (LDK)? [3]

(b) What does Source R suggest about Ibrahim Rugova’s relationship with western powers? [2]

18. With reference to its origin, purpose and content, analyse the value and limitations of
Source Q for an historian studying the aims and methods of Rugova’s LDK. [4]

19. Compare and contrast what Sources S and T reveal about Ibrahim Rugova’s methods to
achieve Kosovar independence.  [6]

20. Using the sources and your own knowledge, discuss the view that Ibrahim Rugova’s
methods contributed to the origin of war in Kosovo.  [9]


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2022

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