2010 Ee 604

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Bx/BBSUS/ BE-604/10

B . E . (EE) Part-Ill 6 t h S e m e s t e r E x a m i n a t i o n , 2 0 1 0
Time : 3 hours F u l l M a r k s : 70

Use separate answerscript for each half.

Answer SIX questions, taking THREE from each half.
Two marks are reserved for neatness in each half.


1. a) Discuss the following characteristics of an instrumentation system.

(i) Drift, (ii) Live zero, (in) Fidelity, (iv) Dead zone.

b) Classify the following transducers

(i) Diaphragm type pressure transducer, (ii) S e r v o - m a n o m e t e r ,
(iii) Angular digital encoder, (iv) T h e r m o c o u p l e .

O What are 'active* and 'passive* transducers? Give one e x a m p l e of each,

expecting these given in Q. 1 (b) above. [4+4+3]

2. a) E x p l a i n with neat d i a g r a m the w o r k i n g principle of p o t e n t i o m e t e r type

transducers. Discuss different types of potentiometers, the materials used and
the merits and demerits of these transducers.

b) What causes the non-linearity at the output of a potentiometer due to loading?

H o w this effect is eliminated or reduced? [7+41

3. a) Why the gauge factor of a semiconductor type strain gauge is very large
c o m p a r e d that of a metallic strain gauge?

b) Why do we use multiple no. of strain gauges in an arm of Wheatstone bridge?

D o e s it effect on the bridge sensitivity?

c) Two strain gauges are mounted in Poisson's configuration on a vertical column

type load eel! to measure vertical force on it. If the load cell has a circular
section of dia 4 cm, Young's Modulus = 20 x 10 N/m , nominal resistance of
g a u g e e l e m e n t s = I 2 0 Q with gauge factor = 2.0. D e t e r m i n e the bridge
sensitivity expressed in V/kN/V. (4+2+5]
— (2) —

4. a) H o w do you a p p l y d i a p h r a g m type pressure t r a n s d u c e r in a c o n d e n s e r

m i c r o p h o n e ? Discuss the working principle with neat diagram.

b) What are the relative merits and demerits of different temperature transducers?

c) A thermistor is showing a resistance of 1 k£2 at 40°C and 5 k Q at ice point.

Calculate the characteristic constants ( a , p) of the thermistor probe at an
ambient of 25°C and calculate its resistance at 100°C. [5+2+4]

5. a) What is seismic m e a s u r e m e n t ? Why do we prefer m e a s u r e m e n t of

" a c c e l e r a t i o n " to that of "displacement"?

b) Design a 3-bit angular position encoder to produce g r e y - c o d e d output. What

are various non-contact type transducers that can be used for this purpose.

c) Write d o w n the advantages of p u s h - p u l l type variable reluctance transducers.



6. a) With the help of a circuit diagram, find out the gain of a 3 - O p . A m p . ( O A )

configuration of Instrumentation Amplifier. State the merits and demerits of
the circuit and suggest any modification to be done for o v e r c o m i n g the

b) Following is a circuit diagram ( F i g . - l ) of a bipolar coefficient multiplier

circuit for the gain set between +3 and ^3 by using Rg. Find out the values of
R | , R , R3 and n if R , = 10K; R = R | / n ; R = R , / ( n - l ) .
2 2 3 |6+5]

F i g . - l (for Question No. 6b)

7. a) What is an Isolation Amplifier? N a m e s o m e isolation couplers suitable for

this amplifier. What is Hall Effect? State h o w does it work.
— (3) —

b) Calculate the hall voltage that is developed if the applied magnetic field is
0.70 tesla and supplied current is 100 mA to a thin magnetic copper plate
with cross-sectional area 0.75 m m with thickness 2 mm (Hall coefficient of
copper is - 5 . 3 3 ; Mass of copper = 63.5 x 10~ kg/mol; Density of copper =
9 x I 0 kCal/m; Avogradro n u m b e r = - 5 . 3 3 x 1 0 ~ " ) . |6+5|

8. a) What is a transdiode? D r a w the VI characteristics of a transdiode.

b) With the help of simple active circuit diagrams, describe operation of a log
amplifier and an antilog amplifier. State their uses in a small multiplier.

c) With the help of a circuit diagram using two pn diodes, two OA's and four
resistors develop a precision rectifier circuit showing waveforms at different
j u n c t i o n s in the circuit. [2+S+4]

9. a) D r a w a Sample and Hdd (S/H) circuit and describe its operation.

b) What are different types of A D C ' s ? D r a w the schematic diagram of an A D C

where as D A C is utilised. |5+6|

1 0 . Write short notes on any two : ISVi+S'/j)

a) An Isolation Amplifier in an ECG machine;
b) A 2-bit P r o g r a m m a b l e Instrumentation Amplifier;
c) Successive Approximation (SA) type A D C ;
d) Speed detector and Direction detector for a rotating shaft;
e) 4 - b i t Shaft Encoder Disc - a DDT.

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