Corcoran SchemataConceptSchema 2006
Corcoran SchemataConceptSchema 2006
Corcoran SchemataConceptSchema 2006
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Abstract. Schemata have played important roles in logic since Aristotle's Prior Analytics.
The syllogistic figures and moods can be taken to be argument schemata as can the rules
of the Stoic propositional logic. Sentence schemata have been used in axiomatizations of
logic only since the landmark 1927 von Neumann paper [31]. Modern philosophers know
the role of schemata in explications of the semantic conception of truth through Tarski'
1933 Convention T [42]. Mathematical logicians recognize the role of schemata in first-orde
number theory where Peano's second-order Induction Axiom is approximated by Herbrand's
Induction-Axiom Schema [23]. Similarly, in first-order set theory, Zermelo's second-order
Separation Axiom is approximated by Fraenkel's first-order Separation Schema [17]. In some
of several closely related senses, a schema is a complex system having multiple components
one of which is a template-text or scheme-template, a syntactic string composed of one or
more "blanks" and also possibly significant words and/or symbols. In accordance with a side
condition the template-text of a schema is used as a "template" to specify a multitude, often
infinite, of linguistic expressions such as phrases, sentences, or argument-texts, called instances
of the schema. The side condition is a second component. The collection of instances may
but need not be regarded as a third component. The instances are almost always considered
to come from a previously identified language (whether formal or natural), which is often
considered to be another component. This article reviews the often-conflicting uses of the
expressions 'schema' and 'scheme' in the literature of logic. It discusses the different definitions
presupposed by those uses. And it examines the ontological and epistemic presupposition
circumvented or mooted by the use of schemata, as well as the ontological and epistemi
presuppositions engendered by their use. In short, this paper is an introduction to the history
and philosophy of schemata.
3The meticulous accuracy and discipline needed in this field is illustrated by the fact, often
ignored, that Tarski's side condition implicitly requires that the initial capitalization and final
period (full stop) not be considered part of the sentence. For example, the sentence is 'zero
is even', not 'Zero is even', not 'zero is even.' and certainly not 'Zero is even.'. Some people
never grasped this point (Quine [39, p. 12]).
5Notice that the first blank may but need not be filled with a name of the expression
filling the second blank. The previous example illustrates the "may" and the next example
illustrates the "need not". These and related points were suggested by Ricardo Santos (per.
Use and mention. As Tarski points out, phonetic or other similar descr
tive devices permit a much sharper distinction between "use" and "menti
than the quotes-name method. In perhaps the most direct senses of the e
pressions 'uses' and 'mentions', in every case the quotes-name method
an expression in order to mention it. As Frege said [19, p. 261]: "As
proper names of the sentences of the object-language I use these very
tences, but enclosed in quotation marks". In a phono-orthographic me
it is only in rather atypical cases that an expression is used in order to m
tion it. For example, zee-ee-ee names zee. The last letter of the alphab
the first letter of its own name. Normally the expression mentioned is n
used. In the instance 'the expression zee-ee-ar-oh names the entity zero' i
clear that 'zero' is used but not mentioned in the object position, whereas
is mentioned but not used in the subject position.
However, in order to make an analogous point about the instance
expression 'zero' names the entity zero' it is necessary to stipulate
natural sense of 'uses' or to make the claim, called metaphysical and
theological by non-logicians, that although the subject of the senten
the six-character string quote-zee-ee-ar-oh-quote, which the sentence
the sentence does not use the four-character string zee-ee-ar-oh (Tarski [
pp. 104-105]).6
However, if we use the expression 'word' in one of the familiar rich sen
in which a word is something that, for example, is inherently meaningful
that might have more than one spelling or more than one meaning, then t
is a lot more to using a word than just using the string that spells it. Wh
I use the English word spelled see-aitch-ay-tee, I am not thereby usin
English words aitch-ay-tee, ay-tee, and ay. And I am not thereby using t
French word spelled see-aitch-ay-tee, the German word aitch-ay-tee, and
Spanish word see-aitch-ay. Similarly, in a straight-forward sense of '
not every sentence using the eight-letter word 'recenter' uses the four-l
word 'cent'. But, it would invite criticism to say that one can use the str
word 'recenter' without using the string 'cent'.
Tarski's Original Template-text. The example given in the introduc
section above, Tarski's schema T, warrants further discussion. In the
mentioned above, the template-text for Tarski's schema T is the eight-w
two-blank string: ' ... is a true sentence if and only if... '. In its ori
1933 formulation Tarski used ecks for the first blank and pee for the se
x is a true sentence if and only if p
The side condition includes the requirement that the second blank is to
filled in with a sentence of English and the first blank is to be filled in
name of that sentence (Tarski [42, p. 155]). It is clear that ecks and p
6Frango Nabrasa (per. comm.) said: "This act of using would be like eating an e
hard-boiled egg without eating the yolk, something only slightly less miraculous than
Monotheistic Trinity".
7Although Frege [19, p. 261] introduces no new terminology nor does he note the initial
capitalization and final period, he does note other differences between assertoric and clausal
forms in German. viz. word order. In word-for-word translation it would be 'Jan is a man'
and 'Jan is mortal', but 'If Jan a man is, is Jan mortal'.
8This is not the sense of 'proposition' that Church prefers. In his preferred sense, a
proposition per se has no wording but can be expressed in many different wordings in
different languages. Davis [13, p. xxii] wrote: "The fundamental property of a statement is
that it is asserts a proposition that must be true or false". Thus, he seems to follow Church's
preferred use of 'proposition' while using 'statement' as Tarski uses 'sentence'.
not something that is either true or false, rather it is either true under a
interpretation or false under that interpretation.
Moreover, 'if and only if' is to be taken in the truth-functional sense a
not as involving any modality or necessity.9 In order for an instan
Tarski's schema T to be modal it is necessary and sufficient for the sente
on the right of the "principal" occurrence of 'if and only if' to be modal
important point here is that an instance of Tarski's schema T does no
that anything is necessarily the case. For example the instance menti
above says that 'zero is one' is a true sentence if and only if zero is on
does not say that it is necessarily the case that 'zero is one' is a true sent
if and only if zero is one.
Circularity and Quotes-names. Tarski's schema T, which he calls a schem
not a schema, is of special philosophical significance since, accordin
Tarski and many others, each instance of the schema is a "partial definit
of truth", or rather of "true sentence". Accordingly, the naming sch
may be regarded as giving partial definitions of the concept of naming,
rather of the relational concept "names".
Phonetic naming of alphabetic and other characters, 'ay' for the first l
ter, 'bee' for the second, and so on, was a commonplace in ancient wr
Greek and Latin but is curiously rare in written English except for its pro
nence in the 1933 truth-definition paper and in the literature deriving f
it. Its advantages continue to be exploited in the best of contemporary lo
ical writing (cf. e.g., Boolos [4, pp. 102, 107]). It is common, but stric
speaking incorrect, to talk of the name of a sentence or other string;
string has many names. Tarski [42, pp. 156, 157], [47, pp. 104, 105] featur
two systems of string naming, both already used above: the quotation-m
name, as 'zero' and the structural-descriptive name, as zee-ee-ar-oh. B
other systems are widely used, e.g., the italic name, as the proper name
and the common noun thing (Church [6, p. 8]). The structural-descri
or phonetic-name method, which Tarski characterizes as "a letter-by-lett
description" [47, p. 105], is preferred by Tarski because it avoids the
pearance of a vicious circle" when an instance of Tarski's schema is regar
as a definition as mentioned above. Compare the following three inst
of the naming schema.
the expression 'zero' names the entity zero
the expression zee-ee-ar-oh names the entity zero
the expression zero names the entity zero
The first has two occurrences of the string zee-ee-ar-oh, i.e., of the st
'zero', one in the subject and one in the direct object, an apparent circula
or triviality. The second has only one, in the direct object; thus avoi
9I do not recall seeing this point in print by Tarski or by anyone else. However, T
uniformly avoids modal assertions. He even goes so far as to construe ' Q is a conseq
of P' as the non-modality "every model of P is a model of Q".
~?As important as this passage has become in modern linguistics, analytic philosophy, and
logic I have been unable to find a single quotation of it besides the one by Ogden-Richards [33]
copied here.
1'Notice that Peirce says that the token embodies the type and is an instance of the type, not
that the token is in or is a member of the type. He says that the type is a word in one sense of
'word'. There is no suggestion however slight that the type is to be identified with the huge and
evolving class of its tokens. Of course, Peirce's theory-laden terminology can not be regarded
as in any way binding on later logicians. Nevertheless, it is a gross but common mistake,
perhaps an anachronism, to write as if Peirce and those who have adopted his terminology
take the type to be the class of its tokens. This mistake occurs in otherwise respected and
authoritative sources such as the 1993 New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary [32, p. 3441 of
Volume 2] and the 1999 Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy [1, pp. 936-937].
shape12. Tarski is well aware that this could undermine the plausibility o
theory of truth by calling into question some of the axioms of his metath
- axioms that are entirely plausible when interpreted as concerning abstr
tions but which imply the existence of arbitrarily large material objects w
taken as he suggests. For example, see Tarski's disclaimers [46, p. 31, f
p. 156, fn. 1, p. 174, fn. 2].
?4. Schemas in the history of logic. The Greek word 'schema' was u
in Plato's Academy for "[geometric] figure" and in Aristotle's Lyceum
"[syllogistic] figure". As mentioned above, the syllogistic figures fall und
an interesting limiting case of "schema" in the senses of this article, as w
be explained below. Each of the four traditional syllogistic figures
argument schema. Kant used the words 'schema' and 'schemata' in a
only remotely related to the senses of this article.
Connotations. The articles schema through scheme in the 1971 Ox
English Dictionary [34, Compact Edition, Volume II, pp. 204-206] and
1993 New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary [32, Volume 2, p. 2711
certainly interesting to anyone concerned with the conceptual framewor
of modern linguistics, logic and philosophy - despite the fact that ne
work recognizes the senses of the words 'schema', 'schemata', 'schema
and 'scheme' most relevant to this article.13 What emerges from reading t
articles is a vague connotation that must have been operative in the think
of the people who coined the current range of meanings and in the think
of those of us who found it easy, even natural, to accept the coinages. I s
to find the vague connotation of 'schema' and its cognates to be close
"incomplete" than to "complete", closer to "potential" than "actual", c
to "apparent" than "real", closer to "abstract" than "concrete", and cl
to "form" than to "matter". But I would not be surprised if others di
with me on such a subjective issue.
Other uses in logic. The above points are relevant to the concerns of th
paper for several reasons not the least of which is that modern logic
even those who are meticulous about using 'schema' in a technical se
continue to use the cognates as standard non-technical English. For examp
Tarski [43, p. 159] uses 'schema' in the context 'schema of the proof' i
sense of "style" or "form", Carnap [5, p. 1] says that an uninterpre
language "is not a language but a schema or skeleton of a language"
Goldfarb [21, p. 352] refers to ordinary non-logical constants as "sche
'2Even this requires modification in view of the fact that in some alphabets toke
different character types have the same shape and differ in some other way. For exam
some mathematical languages union, intersection, inclusion and subset are expressed by
characters whose tokens are all U-shaped.
13There are other uses of 'schema' and its cognates not recognized by the OED
example, 'schema' has been used in the sense of a draft document to be discussed and r
(Encyclopedia Britannica [15, Vol. 6, p. 591]).
P belongs-to-every S
14The original 1999 Corcoran article [9] on schemata does not discuss the history of the
subject and consequently omits this theoretically and historically interesting if arcane point
that I was unaware of at the time. The first couple of published versions of the 2004 Corcoran
article [10] on schemata do indeed discuss the history of the subject, but nevertheless they
also omit this point. Even worse. although they cited the Aristotelian moods (tropoi) as
schemas, they explicitly denied that the four traditional figures (schemata) were schemas in
the modern sense. At the time of the publication of the very first of these, it did not occur
to me that there could be schema-templates composed entirely of blanks and containing no
characters from the underlying object language. But as soon as I saw it in print. I realized my
mistake. Instead of immediately making the correction, I decided to wait until more mistakes
were brought to my attention so that the corrections could be done all at once. In addition, I
was curious whether someone else would notice the mistake. Indeed, at least one person did
- my long-time friend and former colleague Mary Mulhern (per. comm.). Even if the line
is regarded as a meaningful character in the argument schema, the three-character sentence
schemas occurring in it are schemas composed entirely of blanks. This was first pointed out
by Joaquin Miller (per. comm.).
Al No square is a triangle.
No triangle that is a circle is a square.
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