Introductory: On Analogy
Introductory: On Analogy
Introductory: On Analogy
1. Introductory
A. Menne (ed.), Logico-Philosophical Studies
© D. Reidel Publishing Company Dordrecht-Holland 1962
for some laws used in the proofs. Other more recent topics of mathemat-
icallogic needed for the theory, as, e.g., plural relations!, semantics 2, etc.,
will be explained.
The main results of our inquiry are: (1) an exact definition of univocity,
equivocity, and analogy of attribution; (2) proof of the principles of
contradiction and of excluded middle for univocal and equivocal names;
(3) a metalogical examination and exact translation of the formula
'analogy itself is analogical'; (4) proof that a syllogism in Barbara with
analogical middle terms, if analogy is defined according to the alternative
theory, is a correct formula; (5) criticism of the alternative theory;
(6) definition of ana10gy of proportionality by isomorphy; (7) proof that
a syllogism in Barbara with analogical middle terms, if analogy is explain-
ed according to the isomorphic theory, is a correct formula; (8) a sugges-
tion that contemporary logic uses analogy.
Incidentally other results are reached, which may have a more general
relevance: (1) the foundations of a semantic system, useful for Thomistic
logic, are sketched; (2) a generalised table of relevant semantic relations
between two names is given; (3) the formal validity of a syllogism in
Barbara, as opposed to its verbal correctness, is defined; (4) a rudimentary
analysis of causality, as understood by Thomists, is supplied.
2. Meaning
The fundamental notion of our theory is that of meaning, described by
the following formula: 'the name a means in the language 1 the content!
of the thing x' (symbolically: 'S(a, 1,/, x)'.) The situation symbolized by
'S(a, 1,/, x)' will be called a 'semantic complex'. In spite of its simplicity
the semantic complex merits a detailed comment.
(1) By 'name' we understand here a written word or other written symbol.
It must be emphasized that a written symbol is just a black mark (a spot
of dry ink) on paper. As such (materialiter sumptum) it is a physical
object which occupies a given position in space and time. It may happen,
therefore, that two names, e.g., a and b have the same graphical form
(symbolically /(a, b), where 'J' suggests 'isomorphy') but we cannot
1 cr. R. Carnap, Abri.fJ der Logistik, Wien 1929, pp. 43-45; Bochenski-Menne,
Grundri.fJ der Logistik, 2nd ed., Paderborn 1962, § 23.
B cr. A. Tarski, Der Wahrheitsbegriffin denformalisierten Sprachen, Studia Philosoph-
ica (Lw6w), I, 1935,261-405.
speak correctly of 'the same' name which occurs twice, e.g. as middle
term in a syllogism. In that case we have always two different names of the
same graphical form.
(2) Every relation of meaning implies a reference to a language. This is
obvious, for the same name may mean one thing in one language and
something quite different in another. Moreover, it may have no meaning
at all in another language. If the mention of a language is omitted in
classical definitions, it is because the authors writing during the Middle
Ages and the Renaissance thought of the only one language used at that
time, Latin.
(3) What we call 'content' is what classical Thomists called 'ratio'. This
ratio is always conceived as something determining the thing whose
content it is; even in case of substantial contents (as 'substance' and
similars) we conceive them as such and St. Thomas explicitly teaches that
in this case we always have to do with a quality in a broader meaning
(including 'substantial quality')
(4) Finally, the 'thing' means the same as the 'res' of the Thomists,
namely the subject to which the content connoted by the name belongs.
This is, at least if the logical analysis is pushed sufficiently far, an individual.
The relation S gives rise to several partial relations and partial domains.
We are not going to investigate them here, as they are not relevant
to our theory. We shall note, however, that the relation S allows some
elegant definitions of some important semantic terms. Let Dn' R be the
class of all Xn such that there is at least one Xl, one X2 •.. Xn-l, one Xn+l,
one Xn+2 .•• Xm (m being the number of terms of R) such that
R(xl, X2, •.. , Xn, ... , xm). We shall call Dn'R 'the n-th domain of R'.
We put now:
2.1. nom = DI.Dl'S = DI.1i {(3 I,f, x) S (a, I,f, x)}
2.2. lin = DI.D2' S = DJ.l {(3 a,f, x) S (a, I,f, x)}
2.3. rat = DJ.Da'S = DI./ {(3 a,l, x) S (a, I,f, x)}
2.4. res = DI.D4' S = DJ.x {(3 a,I,f) S (a, I,f, x)} •
The above definitions define the classes of names (2.1), languages (2,2),
contents (2,3) and things (2.4).
This table should replace the traditional division of names into univocal,
equivocal, and synonymous ones. As weare, however,notinterestedin the es-
tablishment ofa full semantic theory, we shall not define all sixteen relations,
but only the first four which are directly relevant to the theory of analogy.
middle for univocal and equivocal names'. We mean by the first that no
two names can be univocal and equivocal in respect to the same language,
couples of contents and of things. By the second we mean that if such
names are not univocal, they must be equivocal, and conversely. It should
be clearly understood that this is true only in respect of some determined
contents meant by the names, moreover that these names must be of the
same form and the things they mean must be non-identical. For nothing
prevents two names from being univocal in respect off - g and, at the
same time, equivocal in respect of h - j, iff =1= h or g =1= j; also, if the
names do not mean the contents involved, they are neither univocal nor
equivocal in respect of them. The last two conditions follow from our
table in § 4.
Consequently, we state our principles in the following form:
7.1. (a, b, I,f, g, x, y): S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y,) . J(a, b) . x =1= y' J
J' '" [Un(a, b, I,f, g, x, y). Ae(a, b, I,f, g, x, y)]
7.2. (a, b, I,f, g, x, y) : S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y) . J(a, b) . x =1= y' J
J . Un(a, b, I,f, g, x, y) v Ae(a, b, I,f, g, x, y) .
Proofs 1:
(1) P J '" (pq . p '" q) (axiom)
(2) p J . pq v p '" q (axiom)
(3) '" (f = g) . = Dt. . f =f g (definition)
(4) S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y) . J(a, b) . x =1= y: J
J : '" [S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y) . J(a, b) . x =1= y . f = g] :
: S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y) . J(a, b) . x =1= y' '" (f = g):
by (1) puttmg. S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y) . J(a, b) . x =1= y f = g
p q
(5) = 7.1
by (4), (3),5.5 and 5.6 with the rule for adjunction of quantifiers.
(6) S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y) . J(a, b) . x =1= y: J
J : S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, 1, g, y) . J(a, b) . x =1= y . f = g . v
v . S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y) . J(a, b) . x =1= y • ,..., (f = g)
by (2) with the same substitutions as for (4)
(7) = 7.2
by (6), (3), 5.5 and 5.6 with the rule for adjunction of quantifiers.
1 The method used is that of the Principia Mathematica; therefore what we call a
'proof' is rather a sketch of a proof. Rigorous proof could be, however, easily built
along the lines given here. (This applies to all proofs contained in the present paper.)
The law of excluded middle shows that the classical Thomists were right
when they named their analoga 'aequivoca a consilio', considering them
as a subclass of the class of aequivoca, and that some modern Thomists
are wrong when they put analogy as a third class coordinated to univocity
and equivocity. Incidentally it may be remarked that the authors of the
Principia Mathematica used an exact translation of the ,aequivocatio a
consilio' when they coined the expression 'systematic ambiguity'. As a
matter of fact, they were treating of analogy.
far more complex than that which is met in classical formal logic. As a
matter of fact, all artificial symbols of any system of contemporary
formal logic belong to the same semantic level, namely to the object
language, i.e. each of them means some object, but none of them means a
symbol of an object. But in the theory developed above we are using
symbols belonging to a higher level, namely our symbols 'a' and 'b',
which are names of names, i.e. symbols of symbols.
In order to supply the last sentence with a more definite meaning, let us
introduce the following recursive definition: (1) the object language is the
first level; (2) a language such that at least one term of it is a symbol of a
symbol belonging to the n-th level, but none is a symbol of such term, is
the n + I level; (3) a relation holding between objects of which at least
one is of the n-th level, and none is of the n + I level, is ofthe n-th level.
It will appear that our a, b and also S, Un, Ae etc. are of the second level;
consequently the names of these will belong to the third level. Now when
we say that 'analogy' is an analogical name, the word 'analogy' is a name
of An; thus it belongs to the third level. We have to investigate if and how
we are allowed to extend our theory to that level, for everything we said
until now was clearly situated on the second level.
Let us note first that the laws of the third level would be, as far as structure
is concerned, exactly similar to these met on the second. For if we say
that 'analogy' is analogical, we mean that two names, say A and B mean
in our new language (which is, by the way, the third level), the relations
AnI and An2 of the objects (aI' bl , 11. /1, gl' Xl' yJ and (a2, b 2• 12. /2, g2, X 2,
yJ. The last two may be considered as classes; but there is nothing to
prevent us from considering them as objects, as the relations AnI and Ana
are true contents of them. Let us put 'X' for the first and 'Y' for the
second. We shall obtain the following exact formulation of the thesis
'analogy is analogical':
AN(A, B, L, An!, An2, X, Y) .
Here all symbols (except the parentheses and commas) are different from
those used in the former paragraphs; and yet the structure is not only
similar, but strictly identical with the structure of
An(a, b, [,f, g, x, y) .
It is also clear that the whole of our previous analyses might have been
repeated on the third level. We would reach a theory, whose terms and
meanings would be different from the theory we developed above, but
whose structure would be completely identical.
This suggests an important remark. Analyses of such kind involve the
use of the idea of structural identity, orisomorphism. Now, according the to
theory we shall propose, this means analogy of proportionality. It seems,
consequently, that we cannot treat adequately the problem of the generic
notion of analogy without a previous examination of analogy of proport-
10. Analogy of one-one attribution
Among the several kinds of analogy there are only two that are really
relevant: analogy of attribution and analogy of proportionality. Two
names which are related by the first will be called 'attributively analogous';
similarly, two names related by the latter will be called 'proportionally
analogous' .
We are starting with the first kind. Here again there is one relation called
'analogia unius ad allerum' - in our terminology 'one-one analogy'
(symbolically' At') - and another called' analogia plurium ad unum', here
'many-one analogy' (symbolically 'Atm'). Let us begin with the first,
which is the more fundamental.
We have two things, xandyand two contents,Jandg; the names a andb
are equivocal in regard to them, but there is still another characteristic:
x is the cause of y or y the cause of x. Writing 'C(x, y)' for 'x is the
cause of y' we shall have:
10.1. At(a, b,l,f, g, x, y) .
= D/• • Ae(a, h,l,f, g, x, y) . C(x, y) v C(y, x) .
This is, however, rather unsatisfactory, for the connection off and g is not
shown, the relation of causality not being analyzed. We cannot, of course,
give a complete analysis of this highly complex notion here. We shall note
only that the relation of causality is a pentadic relation which holds
between two things, two contents and a peculiar dyadic relation between
the things; e.g. the food is the cause of the health of the animal, if and
only if there is a contentf(health) present in the food (x) such that, if a
peculiar relation R (here: of being eaten) is established between x and
the animal (Y), another content g (the health of the animal) appears in y.
Writing 'C(f, x, R, g, y)' for this relation we shall have:
There are, according to tradition, two conditions for this kind of analogy:
the contents must be non-identical, i.e. we must have equivocity; still, the
syllogism having as middle terms a couple of proportionally analogous
names must be a correct formula. This is secured, according to classical
writers, by the fact that these middle terms mean something 'proportion-
ally common' in both cases, or that there is an analogatum commune
containing in confuso the contents meant by both names.
It seems at first, that these requirements are contradictory: for, if the
meanings of the two names are quite different, one can hardly see how a
syllogism with them as middle terms may be a correct formula. As a
matter of fact, not only is there a logical theory capable of fulfilling both
requirements without contradiction, but it seems even that there are two
such theories. It seems, namely, that one theory is suggested by the
'proportionaliter commune', the other by the 'confuse'. We shall call the
former 'isomorphic', the latter 'alternative theory'. As far as is known
to the writer, St. Thomas used the isomorphic theory, while the alternative
seems to be originated by Cajetan.
(2) A second-level analogical language. This will contain all symbols used
until now (small Latin letters being sometimes substituted by small
Greek letters and indexes being added to them), with addition of the
following: (i) 'IT'; a formula composed of 'IT' followed by 'a', followed
by 'b' will be interpreted as meaning the formula 'a C b'; (ii) '+'; a
formula such as 'IT + a + b' will be read: 'a formula composed of II
followed by a, followed by b'; (iii) '8 T'; 'F 8 T' will be read: 'F is a true
The proofs will be developed in a second-level language, containing as
subclasses the above two. We shall proceed as follows. Given the (second-
level) premises A and B such that A 8 T . B 8 T, we wish to prove that the
(verbally correct) conclusion C (of the same level) is a true theorem, i.e.
that C 8 T. We translate A and B into the first-level language, apply to
the result the laws of classical formal logic and obtain a conclusion,
which we re-translate into the second level language; if we are able to
obtain C 8 T in that way, the formula 'if A 8 T· BeT, then C e T' is
clearly a valid formula and the formal validity of the mode, whose
premises are A and B, and the conclusion C, is proved.
We put as a law of translation the intuitively evident:
14.1. S(a, I,f, x) . S(b, I, g, y) : ") : II + a + b 8 T·=. f Cg .
With the help of 14.1 we can easily prove that a syllogism in Barbara
with univocal middle terms is a formally valid formula; but we cannot
prove it if the middle terms are either purely equivocal or attributively
analogical. Alongside of 14.1 we shall need still another law of translation
for cases where an existential quantifier is involved:
14.2. (3 h)· S(a, I, [[v h], x) . S(b, I, g, y): J
J: (3 h)· [[v h] C g.
This seems to be also intuitively evident.
15. The validity o[ the syllogism in Barbara with analogical middle terms
according to the alternative theory
not only 'being', but also 'good' must be analogical. But this means,
according to the alternative theory that H4 in § 15 should be replaced by
first (f) and its thing (x) on one side, the second (g) and its thing (y) on
the other. The texts of st. Thomas Aquinas are clear enough here. The
said relations are, however, not identical; this is also a traditional thesis,
strongly emphasized by all classical Thomists. We may therefore admit, as
a first approximation, that, while being non-identical, they are both
contained in the same relation. The definition of analogy of proportional-
ity would run, in that case, as follows:
17.1. Anp(a, h, I,f, g, x, y) . = Df• • Ae(a, h, I,f, g, x, y) .
(3 P, Q, R) . f Px . gQy . P #= Q . P c:: R . Q c:: R .
This is, however, not satisfactory. For if 17.1 would be the definition of
analogy of proportionality, there would be a material univocal element;
analogy would allow us to transfer to the other name some material
relations found in the meaning of the first. Now St. Thomas Aquinas
and tradition are quite clear as to the negation of such univocity. But
17.1 can be corrected by the affirmation that the common element in
both relations is formal, i.e. consists in the isomorphy of these relations.
The definition becomes:
17.2. An(a, h, I,f, g, x, y) . = Df• • Ae(a, h, I,f, g, x, y) .
. (3 P, Q) ·fPx· gQy. PsmorQ.
This is what we mean by 'isomorphic theory'. 1 It is strongly supported by
the fact that St. Thomas Aquinas uses for illustration of his doctrine
mathematical proportionality, the only mathematical function he possess-
ed and a function which makes one immediately think ofisomorphy.
One may think, perhaps, that if this be analogy of proportionality, the
meaning of our sentences about spirit, God etc., would be extremely
poor, indeed limited to some very few formal relations enumerated in the
Principia Mathematica. But this is not so. It is true that we cannot, as
yet, give exact formulations of many formal properties involved in
relations used by metaphysics and theology; the reason, however, is
not the lack of such formal properties, but the very undeveloped state of
biology and of other sciences, from which the metaphysician and the
theologian must draw his analogical names (and contents). An immense
progress in speculative sciences would arise out of a formalization of these
disciplines. And yet, even in the actual state of knowledge, where only
1 This definition is under the danger of trivialization; a better definition would be one
by which the quoted relations P and Q are contained in the meaning of a respectively
b in I (this proposal was made by P. Lorenzen).
19. The validity of the syllogism with analogical middle terms according
to the isomorphic theory
1 The author is conscious that the proposed solution is highly un-orthodox; he would
be glad to find anything better. It must be remembered, however, that the whole
difficulty is purely operational; it seems intuitively evident that once there is a common
property, the syllogism is valid.
19.4. Anp(bl' b2,I, Pl, P2, U, V, R) . Anp(al' a2,I, <Xl. <X2, Z, t, Q) : ::>
::> : II + b2 + a2 e T· =.(x) . (3 h) hRx ::> (3 g) gQx .
Our hypotheses are
H1. II + ml + al e T
H2. II + +
bl m2 e T
H3. Anp(ml, m2,I, Ill. 1l2, x, y, P)
H4. Anp(al. a2, I, <Xl. <X2, Z, t, Q)
H5. Anp(bl' b2, I, Pl, P2, U, V, R) .
The proof of 'II + b2 + a2 e T' runs as follows:
(1) (x) . (31)/ Px ::> (3 g) gQx by H3, H4, HI and 19.2
(2) (x) . (3 h) hRx ::> (31)/ Px by H5, H3, H2 and 19.3
(3) (x) . (3 h) hRx ::> (3 g) gQx by (1), (2) and 1B.1
(4) + +
II b2 a2 e T· =.(x) (3 h) hRx ::> (3 g) gQx
by H5, H4 and 19.4
(5) by (4) and (3)