0 - Python Programing BCA-3

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Teaching Manual



COURSE: Python Programing


SESSION: 2023-24

NAME OF FACULTY: Shakshi Knawar Ranawat



Table of Contents


NAME OF FACULTY: Shakshi Kanwar Ranawat
NAME OF COURSE: Python Programing


S.No. Contents

Section Remarks
Course Planning Related Aspects *

Outcome Based Education System:


1.1 Vision & Mission of PU & Respective Department

To be taken from
1.2 Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)
1.3 Programme Outcomes (PO) and Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

2 Planning Aspects Related to Students

2.1 About the Class/Students

Format Available
2.2 List of Students

3 Planning Aspects Related to Teaching

3.1 Guidelines for Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals Format Available

PU Syllabus of Course, Course Outcomes (COs) & mapping of COs with To be done by
POs and PSOs Teaching Faculty

3.3 ABC analysis (RGB method) of Unit & Topics


3.4 Blown-Up of Syllabus Format Available

3.5 Syllabus Deployment Format Available

To be done by
3.6 MSE / ESE Papers of last 2 years
teaching faculty

To be taken from
3.8 Academic Calendar & Time table of Faculty

Section B Course Delivery Related Aspects

1 Delivery in the Class
1.1 Zero Lecture (Delivery Mode)* Format Available
1.2 Zero Lecture (Discussion Mode) Format Available
1.3 Unit Cover Page Format Available
1.4 Detailed Lecture Notes with Cover Page Format Available
1.5 Tutorial Sheets / Home Assignment* Format Available
e-Shiksha Program: Video Lecture (In CD / Google
1.6 NA
Drive) / PPT’s*
2 Assessment in Class
2.1 Open Book Test / Class Test / Quiz
To be done by teaching faculty
2.2 Important Question Bank*
Assessment & Evaluation Standards & Planning
1 Assessment Plan for the Course Format Available
2 Assessment Rubrics (Criteria & Standards)
2.1 For Attendance / Assignments / Class Participation Format Available
2.2 For Internal & External Examinations Format Available
3 Assessments – COs Mapping Matrix Format Available
Assessment of Learning Outcomes Attainment
1 Results of Assessments (Internal & Final)

1.1 Individual Course Outcomes (COs) Attainment Tables Format Available
1.2 Consolidated Course Outcomes Attainment Table Format Available
1.3 Course Matrix Attainment Table Format Available
Copies of Assignments & Exam Papers (Internal &
2 To be done by teaching faculty
Faculty Report of the Course Format Available
Any Other Relevant Document

*(Soft Copy to be mailed to students)


1). About the Class: Information considering performance of previous Year (class as a whole); for I year
students, data of their 12th class can be used:
Head Nos.
Total no. of students in the class
Average SGPA of the class
Name of top 5 student scoring highest marks
No. of students scoring 60% & above marks
No. of students scoring between 60%-40% marks
No. of English medium students
No. of Hindi medium students
No. of Hostellers
No. of Day-Scholars

2). About the Course: Past record of the course which is to be taught considering previous batch:
Head Nos.
Name of the previous teacher who taught the course
Total no. of students in the previous class
Average result of the class (passing percentage)
Average marks of the class
No. of students scoring 60% & above marks
No. of students scoring between 60%-40% marks
No. of students scoring below 40% marks

3). List of students: List of students of the class having all basic details:

4). Target result of the course:

a. Total number of Students:
b. Pass %:
c. Average marks of the class:
d. % of students (to get more than 80%):
e. % of students (to get between 60%- 80%):
f. % of students (to get between 50%- 60%):

1). Guidelines for Lectures:
a). Introduction & Conclusion: Each Course, unit and topic shall start with introduction & close with conclusion
or summary. In case of the Course, it is Zero lecture.
b). Time Distribution in lecture class: - Time allotted: 60 min.
i. Faculty shall ensure giving attention towards students who were absent for last lecture or continuously
absent for many days + taking attendance by calling the names of the students and also sharing any
new/relevant information.
ii. Actual lecture delivery should be of 50 min. It should start with an agenda of topics, issues to be covered
particularly important concepts.
iii. Either first 5 min. or last 5 min. of both the time should be utilized for Introduction/ recapping/ conclusion
(as per need) of the topic preferably by the students
iv. After completion of a Unit/Chapter a short quiz (as a feedback of learning) should be organized.
v. During lecture students should be encouraged to ask questions.
Note: Pl. ensures that each student is having Lecture Note Book. Also write day and date, name of the teacher,
name of Course with code, unit and lecture no. and topics to be covered on the black board at the beginning of
each lecture and ensure that students write the same in lecture note book. Ask students to leave 4/5 pages blank
for copying the note from fellow students in case they are absent in any particular lecture. This will train them in
being systematic & meticulous.

2). Guidelines for Practicals:

● Minimum Two lectures shall be taken for explaining in brief about the experiments of rotor-1 & rotor-2
before start of each rotor.
● All the experiment must be performed by the faculty and TA before the start of lab.

● Lab manuals must be available in all the labs.

● Rotors shall be decided before start of practical classes and students shall be well informed about their
experiment wise practical execution dates.
● Pre lab system must be strictly followed.

● Lab record shall be evaluated on each turn and marks must be displayed in the lab in the prescribed list.

● Lab record work shall also be carried out by students in the lab class (Not more than 30 Min in two Hrs.

3). Guidelines for Tutorial: - It is an essential component of Teaching- Learning process in Professional
Education. Here the focus is an active learning with student doing & teacher facilitating.
Objective: - To enhance the recall mechanism.
To promote logical reasoning and thinking of the students.
To interact personally to the students for improve numerical solving ability.
a). Tutorial processing: - Tutorial sheet shall be provided to each students
I Part: - It is consisting of questions to be solved in the class assignment session in test mode on perforated
sheet given in tutorial notebook and to be collected & kept by respective faculty for review & analysis (20
II Part: - Indicating/Initializing the weak issues/ drawback and Evaluating and providing the grade. Making
a group with good student for assisting the weak students to explain/solve questions by every student on
plain papers given in tutorial note book (20 minutes).
III Part: - Solving/ explaining difficulties of lecture class and providing the new home assignment (20
minutes). To be done in tutorial note book.
b). Guidelines for Home assignment shall comprise of two parts:
Part (i) Minimum essential questions, which are to be solved and submitted by all within specified due
Part (ii) Other important questions, which may also be solved and submitted for examining and guidance
by teacher.
c). Where feasible good students should be given opportunity to explain to class.
d). Guidance for attempting test/exam papers & marking criteria.

Faculty of: Computer Engineering Program: Class/Section: Date:…………...

Name of Faculty: Name of Course:

Blown Up Topics
S.No. Topic as per Syllabus
(Up-to 10 Times of Syllabus)

Unit-1: Introduction to Python Programming

Introduction to Python Programming

1 1. Introduction of Unit

2 What is Python 2.1 Definition of python language

Uses of Python Programming Language / 3.1 Uses of Python Programming Language

3 Python Applications

3.2 Python Applications

Python environment setup — 4.1 Python environment setup — Installation and

4 Installation and working of IDE working of IDE

4.2 Various online interpreter available

Features of Python Programming 5.1 Features of Python Programming Language ·

Language · Python-2 and Python-3
5 differences 5.2 Python-2 and Python-3 differences

6 Python Data Types 6.1 Numbers

6.2 Strings

6.3 Tuples

6.4 List

6.5 Dictionary

6.6 Declaration and use of data types

7.1 Running Simple Python scripts to display

7 Running a simple python script 'welcome' message.

8.1 Identifiers

8.2 Keywords

8 Python building blocks 8.3 Indention

8.4 Variables


9.1 Conclusion
Conclusion of unit

Unit-2: Python Operators and Control Flow statements

10 Introduction to Unit 10.1 Introduction

11 Basic Operators 11.1 Arithmetic

11.2 Comparison

11.3 Relational

11.4 Assignment

11.5 Logical,

11.6 Bitwise

11.7 Membership

Identity operators, Python Operator 12.1 Identity operators

12 12.2 Python Operator Precedence

13.1Control Flow: Conditional Statements (if, if ...

Control Flow
13 else, nested if)

14.1 While

14 Looping in python 14.2 for loop

14.3 Nested Loop

15.1 Break Statement with example

15 Loop manipulation 15.2 Continue statement with example

15.3 Pass Statement with example

16 Conclusion 16.1 conclusion of the unit

Unit-3: Data Structures, Python Functions and Packages

Introduction to Unit 17.1Introduction to Unit


18 Lists, Tuple, Sets, Dictionaries 18.1Lists,

18.2 Tuple,

18.3 Sets,

18.3 Dictionaries

String and Slicing 19.1String and Slicing


Use of Python built 20.1Use of Python built


User defined functions and its types 21.1 User defined functions and its types

Command-line Arguments 22.2 Command-line Arguments


23.1Python Packages
Python Packages: Introduction,
23.2 Introduction,
23 Writing Python packages
23.3 Writing Python packages

Using standard packages (e.g. math, 24.1Using standard packages (e.g. math, scipy,
24 scipy, Numpy, matplotlib, pandas etc.) Numpy, matplotlib, pandas etc.)

user defined packages 25.1 user defined packages


26 Conclusion 26.1 Conclusion of the Unit

Unit-4: Object Oriented Programming

27 Introduction 27.1 Introduction to the Unit

Creating Classes and Objects 28.1Creating Classes and Objects


29.1 Inheritance

Method Overloading and

30.1 Method Overloading and Overriding
30 Overriding

31.1 Data Hiding

Data Hiding

Data abstraction, Abstract classes 32.1 Data abstraction, Abstract classes


33.1Types of Methods : Instance Methods

Types of Methods Instance Methods , Static Methods , Class
33 Methods

Accessing attributes , Built-In Class 34.1 Accessing attributes , Built-In

34 Attributes Class Attributes

35 Destroying Objects 35.1 Destroying Objects

Conclusion of Unit 36.1 Conclusion of Unit

Unit-5: File I/O Handling and Exception Handling

37.1 Introduction of Unit

37 Introduction of the Unit Conclusion of Unit

38.1 Types of File

38 Types of file

File Objects, File Built-in Function, File 39.1 File Objects, File Built-in Function, File Built-in
39 Built-in Methods Methods

File Built-in Attributes 40.1 File Built-in Attributes


Read/write operations Reading Text 41.1 Read/write operations Reading Text


Moving cursor in file inbuilt -functions 42.2 Moving cursor in file inbuilt -functions

Errors in Python : Compile-Time

43.3 Errors in Python : Compile-Time Errors ,Runtime
43 Errors ,Runtime Errors , Logical Errors Errors , Logical Errors

44 What is Exception? 44.1 What is Exception?

try….except…else, try-finally clause 45.1 try….except…else, try-finally clause

Regular expressions 46.1 Regular expressions


47 Conclusion of Unit 47.1Conclusion of Unit

Faculty of: Computer Engineering Program: BCA Class/Section:Ist Sem Date:

Name of Faculty: Deshraj Bairwa Name of Course: C Language

Code : BCACCA1101
DEL. DATE (if any)

Unit-1: Introduction to C Programming

Introduction of Programming
1 1

Types of Translators and

2 Introduction to computer-based 2
problem solving

3 Overview of C 3

4 Data Types 4

5 Tokens 5

6 Program design and implementation 6

Unit-2: Decision Making & Looping

Decision making in C- Nested if

7 statement, if else if Ladder, Switch 7

8 Decision making in C- Switch Case 8

9 Loop control in C - for loop 9

10 Loop control in C - while 10

11 Loop control in C - do-while 11

12 Control flow in C- break, continue 12

Unit-3: Array and string

13 Array 13

14 Array 14

15 Scope rules- Local & global variables 15

16 String – String in-build functions. 16

17 String 17

18 Functions 18

19 Function 19

20 Recursion 20

Unit-4: Advance programming in C

21 Pointers 21

22 Pointers 22

23 Pointers 23

24 Structures 24

25 Structures 25

26 Structures 26

27 Unions 27

28 Enumerated data 28

Unit-5: File handling Additional Features

29 File Handling 29

30 File Handling 30

31 File Handling 31

32 Advance features 32

33 C Preprocessor 33

34 C standard library and header files: 34

35 C standard library and header files: 35

36 C standard library and header files: 36

Session: 2023-24
Note: Soft copy of zero lectures shall be mailed to all the students. After a week of delivery of zero lectures, a session of
zero lectures must be conducted in interaction mode including a quiz.

Faculty of: Computer Engineering Program: Class/Section:-Ist Sem

Name of Faculty:

Zero Lecture (Delivery Mode)

1). Name of Course: Code:

2). Self-Introduction:
a). Name:
b). Qualification:
c). Designation:
d). Research Area:
e). Experience:
f). E-mail Id:
3-A). Introduction to course: -(Pl. separate out course specific matter and general matter valid for all courses
and group/place them appropriately)

a). Relevance to Branch:

C is most demandable in Computer Science:
1. It is an essential tool that enables us to communicate with computers and complete tasks. It helps us solve
problems and carry out tasks more efficiently.
2. Use programming terminology correctly in discussion of course topics & identify the need for a variable and
select the appropriate primitive data representation.
3. Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.
4. Use different data types & data structures and create/update basic data files.
5. Write, compile and debug programs in C language using pointers & various data types.
6. Understand the file handling concepts in context of programming.
b). Relevance to Society & Industry:
1. C programming is used in many different areas of society to create software and control systems that help make
our lives better and easier.
2. C language is important because it's been around for a long time and is still widely used today
c). Relevance to Self:
1. C/C++ is still powering the world despite number of new high level programming languages.
2. Most of the major software applications including Adobe, Google, Mozilla, Oracle are all written in C.
d). Relation with laboratory:
1. To learn problem solving techniques.
2. To teach the student to write programs in C and to solve the problems. use the pre-processor.
3. Write programs that perform operations using derived data types.e).

e) Connection with previous year and next year:

1. Software is use as frontend.

2. Database is used as backend.
f). Potential for career:
1. Junior Programmer: As a junior programmer, you can start off with your coding career.
2. Senior Programmer: After 3-4 years of coding experience and a definite level of skill set and expertise
3. Software Developer: It is a respectable position that can be bagged by a person from a person who completed his
4. Quality Analyst: This post would entail you to analyze each and every aspect of the designated software designed
by a software developer.
5. Game Programmer: is a software engineer or computer scientist who essentially develops codebases for gaming
relevant software, such as game development tools.
6. Software Developer Engineer: All the responsibilities of a software developer with addition to expertise in
computer hardware as a software developer engineer
7. C/C++ Analyst: Concerned with the design, development, and implementation of computer programs in C and
8. Programming Architect: Programming architect, you would entail to fulfill the criterion of a software engineer
with more than 5 years of work experience and have the certificate of development of as many projects in C and
C++ as possible.
3-B).Outcome Based Education System:
● Briefly tell about Vision & Mission (Both PU and Dept.), PEO, PO, PSO.

● To discuss CO in detail and also explain correlation between CO and PO.

● CO shall be dictated so that it shall be available in student’s notebook.

4). Syllabus Deployment: -

a). Total weeks/ Working days available for academics (excluding holidays) as per Poornima University
calendar- (Depends on allotted periods per week).

Course &Semester:
Total No. of Teaching days/Hours available as per PU Calendar for the course 36
Hours to be considered for special activities as given below 6
Actual no. of hours available for teaching the course 30
Note: Individual faculty must calculate the exact no. of lectures available according to time table etc. after
consultation with HOD.

b). Special Activities (To be approved by HOD & Dean& must be mentioned in deployment):
● Open Book Test- 01 Hr.-Once in a semester during midterm exams

● Quiz - 01 Hr.-Once in a semester after midterm exams

● Special Lectures (SPL)- Minimum 10% of total no. of lectures including following:
(SPL focus could be A category topics or latest technology and evenly distributed in a semester)
i. ……………...Hr.-e-Shiksha Class/video by the faculty, who is teaching the course
ii. …………….. Hr.-SPL by expert from industry/academia (other institution)
iii. …………….. Hr.-Flip Classroom by students
● Revision classes (Solving Important Question Bank):- 01 Hr.- 01 class before Mid Term and 02 Hr.- 2
classes before End Term Exam
● Industry related activity

c). Lecture schedule

University scheme (L+T+P) = 3+2+2
(For all Labs, there should be minimum 1 lecture for covering essential theory of half of the
experiments, (Min. Total 2 lectures in a semester)
No. of Lecture per week as per scheme:………… Total Lectures available for teaching:……...

Degree of
No. of Text/ Reference
Sr. No. Name of Unit Broad Area difficulty
lectures books
1. Introduction to C Identifiers, data types,
6 Low Yashwant Kanitkar
Programming operators
2. Decision Making &
6 If, if-else, switch case Low Yashwant Kanitkar
3. Array and string 1D, 2D Array, String
8 Medium Yashwant Kanitkar
4. Advance Pointers, Structure,
programming in C 8 High Yashwant Kanitkar
5. File handling & Calloc, malloc, file
8 High Yashwant Kanitkar
Additional features pointer
5). Books/ Website/Journals & Handbooks/ Association & Institution:
a).Recommended Text & Reference Books and Websites:
(Should consider library availability of specified number of books)

S. Text Books: Author Edition Publication


1. Let us C, 6th Edition Yashwant Kanitkar th PBP Publication
6 Edition
2. The C programming Language Richie and 2004 BPB Publication,

3. Programming in ANSI C E.Balagurusamy Programmin

3rdEdition, 2005 g in ANSI C
3 Edition,
Reference Book
1. The C programming Language Richie and Kenninghan PBP Publication,2004
2. Programming in ANSI C 3rd Edition, 2005 Balaguruswmy Tata McGraw Hill

Online Resources

1. https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/examples

2. https://www.w3resource.com/c-programming-exercises

b). Journals & Handbooks: - To give information about different Journals & Handbooks available in library
related to the course and branch.
c). Associations and Institutions: -To give information about different Associations and Institutions related to
the course and branch.
d). Relevance to competitive exams wherever applicable.

6). Examination Systems:
Component Wise Marks Distribution

Max Marks
Units Max Marks Max Marks
S No. Exam Component
Covered (Theory) (Practical) Discp& TEP

Internal Evaluation (IE) ---- 40 60 50

1. CIE – I (Class Test) I & II 12 20 N/A

2. Mid Semester Examination (Theory) /

A. III & IV 12 20 N/A
Mid Semester Evaluation (Practical)

3. CIE – II (Assignment) V 6 10 N/A

4. Attendance ---- 10 10 N/A

B. End Semester Exam (ESE) All 5 Units 60 40 N/A

TOTAL 100 100 50

Guidelines for Marks Distribution of Attendance Component

S No. Total Course Attendance (TCA) range in Marks allotted

(out of 10)

1 95% ≤ TCA 10

2 90% ≤ TCA < 95% 9

3 85% ≤ TCA < 90% 8

4 80% ≤ TCA < 85% 7

5 70% ≤ TCA < 80% 6

6 60% ≤ TCA < 70% 5

7 50% ≤ TCA < 60% 4

8 40% ≤ TCA < 50% 3

9 30% ≤ TCA < 40% 2

10 20% ≤ TCA < 30% 1

11 TCA < 20% 0

Minimum Passing Percentage in all exam components for all Programs running in the University

Minimum passing percentage in

S No. Program IE ESE
Total Component
Component Component

1 Course Work for Ph.D. Registration ----- ------ 50%

2 BArch. (All) and BDes (Till 2020 Batch) ----- 45% 50%

3 MBA, MTech, M Plan and MDes. ----- 40% 40%

All other programs of study not covered under

4 ----- 35% 40%
S.No.1, 2 & 3 and B Des (2021 Batch Onwards)

*CIE –I question paper should have one section for Unit I and another for Unit II with 100 internal
choice;MSE question paper should have one section for Unit III and another for Unit IV with 100 internal
choice; ESE question paper should have five sections (one for each unit) with 100 internal choice.

7). Any Other Important Point:

Poornima University

Place & Date: Name of Faculty with Designation

Session: 2023-24 - ( Ist Sem.)

Faculty of: Computer Engineering Program: Class/Section:Ist Sem-

Name of Faculty:

Zero Lecture (Interaction Mode)

Sample questions for interaction are given below. Faculty may prepare the questions/ points for interaction so
that the content of zero lectures can be revised in total.

Q.1. What is the relevance of this course to branch?

Q.2. What is the relevance of this course to society?

Q.3.Why we study this course?

Q.4.Where we can use this course knowledge in our daily life?

Q.5. Write the course name with its code.

Q.6. Write two references as well as text books name for this course.

Q.7.Which course and laboratory is related to this course?

Q.8. Explain the course outcome of the course. How the CO’s are useful for you after completion of your BCA

Course related quiz by respective faculty. (Min. 10 questions should be there in quiz):

Faculty of : …………..…. Program: ………..……... Class/Section: ………………………….… Date: ……………………

Name of Faculty: …………………………………... Name of Course: ………………………… Code: …………………


Assessment Plan for the Course needs to be analyzed as per below table:

Unit CO Lectures Category Preparedness for “A” Assessment Assessment

Required topics Type Mode
A – Tough

B – Med (PPT, NPTEL/Video
Lectures, Class Test,
C – Easy Quiz, OBT etc.)


The marks for Attendance / Assignments component of the internal evaluation shall be awarded as per the
following matrix.

Marks Marks Marks Marks

=10 from 9 to 7 From 6 to 4 Below 4

Is Fairly consistent
Has attended more than Maintains
with attendance Attendance is less
Frequency 90% of the scheduled attendance between
between 80% – than 60%
classes 60 – 80%

The assignments
The assignments bring a Assignments are The content looks
are completed
new thought to the submitted in time, copied with the
within the time
Quality discussion with an effort but they are reference to the
frame, but doesn’t
to raise thoughtful disorganized or not given context
discusses any new
questions formatted properly missing

Completes and
Completes and Submits
Submits on time, Irregular
all the Assignments on Never submits any
but the core submission if
Completeness time with fulfilling all assignment within
purpose of the assignments with
the requirements of the the deadline given
assignment is not incomplete sections


The evaluation for internal & external examinations (CIEs, Mid Sem & End Sem) shall reflect the following
status of achievement of the objectives by individual students.

95% - 85% 85% - 70% 70% - 45%

Criterion <45% Marks
Marks Marks Marks

Exhibits a fair
Exhibits complete Displays basic No understanding
command over the
command over the understanding of of the basic
Conceptual concept, but the
concept and the concept, but concept with faulty
Understanding logical reasoning
explains with cannot explain with reasoning
of the same is not
logical reasoning logical reasoning application

Deconstructs the Answers all the

Answers majority Incomplete answer
problem in a sections of the
Deconstructs the of the sections of with no connection
logical manner to question with
Problem the question, but among the sections
reach the interconnect
connect is missing of the question
conclusion exhibited properly

Step by step Step by step

presentation of presentation of Lacks proper
Presents the solution with small solution is missing presentation of
solution / answer in explanation. and lacks proper solution and steps
Working &
a step by step explanation. are missed.
Presentation of
structure with no No major
calculation calculation Few calculation Many calculation
mistakes mistakes resulting mistakes, adversely mistakes resulting
in no adverse impacting the in wrong solution
impact on solution solution

Writing is Writing is
demonstrates a Writing lacks
accomplished in unfocused,
sophisticated clarity or
clarity and rambling, or
clarity, conciseness and
conciseness and contains serious
Writing of conciseness, and contains numerous
contains only a few errors; poorly
Answers correctness; errors; lacks
errors; well- organized; report is
extremely well- organization; many
organized; few filled with
organized; zero spellings or
spellings or spellings or
spellings or grammatical errors
grammatical errors grammatical errors
grammatical errors


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