Lesson - Plan Cpar CO2
Lesson - Plan Cpar CO2
Lesson - Plan Cpar CO2
3) History - Studying the historical context of contemporary artworks from the region
and how they reflect the socio-political climate.
Review Motivation:
1) Divide the students into groups and assign each group a specific artwork. They
will research and prepare a role-play where they act as the artist and explain their
artistic skills and techniques used in creating the artwork.
2) Show a slideshow of various contemporary artworks from the region and ask the
students to choose one artwork that they find most intriguing. They will then write a
short reflection on why they are drawn to that particular artwork.
3) Invite a guest speaker who is a contemporary artist from the region to share their
experiences and creative process in applying artistic skills and techniques in their
Significance: This activity allows students to collaborate and apply their artistic skills
and techniques to create a mural that represents the culture and identity of the
1) Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific theme related
to the region.
2) Each group will brainstorm ideas and create a design for their part of the mural.
3) Provide the necessary materials and allow the groups to paint their designs on the
Assessment Questions:
1) How did you apply your artistic skills and techniques in creating your part of the
2) How did you collaborate with your group members to ensure a cohesive and
visually appealing mural?
3) What elements of the region's culture and identity did you incorporate into your
Activity 1 - The outcome of the collaborative mural activity will be assessed based on
the students' creativity, technique, and ability to work collaboratively. This activity
connects to the objective as students apply their artistic skills and techniques in the
process of creating a mural that represents the region's culture.
The objective of applying artistic skills and techniques in the process of creation
extends beyond the subject of Contemporary Arts from the Regions. It can be seen
in English Literature through the creation of poetry, in Mathematics through the
creation of geometric artworks, and in History through the analysis of artworks
reflecting the socio-political climate.
Task 1 - Visit a local art gallery or museum that showcases contemporary artworks
from the region. Observe and analyze the artistic skills and techniques used in the
artworks. Write a reflection on how these skills and techniques can be applied in
your own artistic creations.
Task 2 - Choose a regional traditional art form and create a contemporary version of
it. Apply your artistic skills and techniques to reinterpret the traditional art form in a
modern context.
Question 1: How did you apply artistic skills and techniques in the process of
creation during the collaborative mural activity?
Question 2: How did the collaborative aspect of the activity enhance or influence
your artistic skills and techniques?
Question 3: Reflecting on the guest speaker's presentation, how did their artistic
skills and techniques inspire you in your own creative process?
2) Create a digital portfolio showcasing your own artworks that demonstrate the
application of artistic skills and techniques learned in the subject. [Guiding Overview:
Create a digital portfolio showcasing your own artworks that demonstrate the
application of artistic skills and techniques learned in the subject.]