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Advertisement Website ICAT 052019
Advertisement Website ICAT 052019
11 EMC Lab Sr. TA 011 Diploma. in Experience of working with basic lab
(EMC) Associate Electronics/Electrical equipments such as multimeters,
Engineering or equivalent with chambers. Also aware of lab tools such
min. 2 yrs. of experience. as wire cutter/stiffer, pliers etc. Should
have valid driving license of LCVs. Willing
to work in shifts as per requirement.
12 Engine Test Asst. 012 B.Tech/Diploma in Mechanical Having the knowlege of test standards
Lab (ETL) Manager Engg./Electronics & like TAP-115/116 and various other
Telecommunication with engine test standards as per national &
minimum 07 years/14 years international norms including update of
relevant experience upcoming regulations.- Hands on
respectively. experience on engine test cell
equipments like dynamometer,
analysers, PM measurement system, PN
counter, MSS etc.- Hands on experience
on engine /sub components.
13 Engine Test Sr. 013 B.Tech/Diploma in Mechanical Having the knowlege of test standards
Lab (ETL) Engineer Engg./Electronics & like TAP-115/116 and various other
Telecommunication with engine test standards as per national &
minimum 04 years/10 years international norms including update of
relevant experience upcoming regulations.
respectively. - Hands on experience on engine test cell
equipments like dynamometer,
analysers, PM measurement system, PN
counter, MSS etc.
- Hands on experience on engine /sub
14 Engine Test Engineer 014 B.Tech/Diploma in Mechanical Having the knowlege of test standards
Lab (ETL) Associate Engg./Electronics & like TAP-115/116 and various other
Telecommunication with engine test standards as per national &
minimum 02 years/08 years international norms
relevant experience - Hands on experience on engine test cell
respectively. equipments like dynamometer,
analysers, PM measurement system etc.
- Hands on experience on engine
15 Engine Test Sr. TA 015 Diploma in Mechanical Having the knowledge of engine setup
Lab (ETL) Associate Engineering with 03 years of inside test bed
relevant experience - Having knowledge of engine test bed
operation AVL-PUMA/iAsys-Orbit/CP-
-Hands on experience on test cell
equipments like dynamometer, CCU, ICU
FMS, FCU etc.
22 Photometr Asst. 022 B.Tech. in electrical with Electrical and photometric measurement
y Lab (PHL) Manger minimum 5 yrs. of relevant of solid-state lighting products,
Associate experience. luminaires part (1 to 5), self ballasted
LED lamps for GLS, LM measuring lumen
maintenance of LED light sources
23 Photometr Engineer 023 B.Tech. in Electrical/ Electrical & Experience on operating common
y Lab (PHL) Electronics Communication Electrical & Electronic equipments &
Engineering or equivalent with computers is desirable, testing and
1 yr. relevant experience. report preparation.
27 Infotronics Sr. 027 B.Tech in Know of Engine Tests such as WOT, Part
Lab (INL) Engineer Mechanical/Automobile/ or Load, Calibration verification. Exp in
equivalent with min. 2 yrs. of Durability, Tear Down, Part Inspection of
experience. Engine and components. Should have
strong understanding of SI/CI engine
basics. Must have worked in power train
development or validation projects.
Vehicle level testing and validation will
be additional advantage.
29 Vehicle Test Dy. 029 B.Tech. in electrical/Mechanical/ Experience of vehicle emission test,
Lab (VTL) Manger Electronics with minimum 7 yrs. calibration of emission equipment.
of relevant experience or Experience of chasis dyno operation,
diploma with 11 years of preparation of daily test report ,
experience calibration report, handling of test
30 Vehicle Test Asst. 030 B.Tech. in electrical/Mechanical/ Experience of vehicle emission test,
Lab (VTL) Manger Electronics with minimum 5 yrs. calibration of emission equipment.
of relevant experience or Experience of chasis dyno operation,
diploma with 08 years of preparation of daily test report ,
experience calibration report, handling of test
31 Vehicle Test Engineer 031 B.Tech. in Experiences of driving the vehicles 2W &
Lab (VTL) Associate Mechanical/Electrical/Electronic 4W.Exposure of
or equivalent with 1 yr. of Testing/Quality/COP/R&D in Automotive,
relevant experience making test reports. Able to make the
micro level scheduling & daily test plan
and handling the manpower. Must have
proper and valid driving license (2W &
4W) issued by statutory transport
department of any state of India.