Signals & Systems Unit III
Signals & Systems Unit III
Signals & Systems Unit III
• (a)
• (b)
(a) x(n)={1 2 0 0 0 2}
• Thus N=6
• Apply analysis relation and orthogonality property ...
• X(k)={5, 3, -1, -3, -1, 3} /6
• (b) x(n)={0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 -1 } & N=15.
• Frequency is 2pi/15
• DTFS is determined by
• Answer:
x(n)={…2,0,-1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,-1,0, 2,0, -1,1,1,0,0..}
N=12. Fundamental Frequency=2pi/12.
Determine DTFS…
DTFS examples
• Use the definition of the DTFS to determine the
time domain signals represented by the following
DTFS coefficients: (determine inverse DTFS
without using that relation directly)
• (a)
• (b)
DTFS examples
• Answer.. (a)
• Magnitude X(k)={0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0}
– Or magnitude X(k)={1 at k=3, 4, 10, 11}
• N=14. Fundamental frequency = 2pi/14=pi/7
• Phase X(k): = {-0.5pi at k= 4, 10 and 0.5pi at k= 3, 11}
DTFS examples
• (b)contd…OR
• Magnitude X(k)={0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0}
• Compute x(n)
Fourier representation example
• Consider two ECG
• One is normal ECG and
the other is with
Ventricular tachycardia
• Normal ECG
– Impulse type
– heart rate of approximately
72 beats per minute.
– complexes less than 110 ms
– The period N = 305
• Both signals
– nearly periodic
– only slight variations in the
– and length of each period.
DTFS example
• Magnitude
spectrum DTFS
of one period of
each ECG is
• First 60 DTFS
coefficients is
depicted in Figs.
(c) and (d).
– The higher
coefficients are
very small and
thus are not
• The DTFS coefficients of
the normal ECG
DTFS example
– Approximately
– Gradual decrease in
amplitude as the
frequency increases.
– A fairly small
magnitude, since there
is relatively little power
in the impulsive signal.
With as FS coefficients
(k =-infinity to infinity)
Continuous-time periodic signals: FS
• Determine FS of the following signal.
• Answer:
• Fundamental frequency is given = pi. Substituting X(k), in
• Further simplify…
Discrete Time Nonperiodic Signals:
The Discrete Time Fourier Transform
• The DTFT : Represents a
discrete-time nonperiodic
Synthesis or signal x(n) as a
Inverse DTFT: superposition of complex
IDTFT sinusoids.
– Nonperiodic signal x(n)
Analysis or ranges from –infinity to
Frequency domain infinity
representation – It can even have only
finite number of
of x[n]: samples.
DTFT – It is not periodic
– Thus variable of sum ‘n’
is –infinity to infinity
in analysis relation.
Discrete Time Nonperiodic Signals:
The Discrete Time Fourier Transform
• Frequency component
is continuous variable.
Synthesis or – Thus, there is
Inverse DTFT: integration in synthesis
IDTFT relation
Analysis or • Frequencies are in the
Frequency domain interval -pi to pi or 0 to
representation 2pi radians
of x[n]: – Thus, the variable of
DTFT integration in
synthesis relation is
from -pi to pi
Discrete Time Nonperiodic Signals:
The Discrete Time Fourier Transform
• The DTFT : Represents a discrete-time nonperiodic signal x(n)
as a superposition of complex sinusoids.
– Nonperiodic signal x(n) ranges from –infinity to infinity
– It can even have only finite number of samples.
– It is not periodic
– Thus variable of sum ‘n’ is in analysis relation
• Answer: (a)
The Discrete Time Fourier Transform
• Use the defining equation for the DTFT to evaluate the
frequency-domain representations of the following
• Answer:
The Discrete Time Fourier Transform
• Determine the time-domain signals corresponding to
the following DTFTs: (IDTFT...)
• (a)
• (b)
• Answer: (a)
The Discrete Time Fourier Transform
• (a) contd…
• (b)
The Discrete Time Fourier Transform
• Contd (b)
CT Nonperiodic Signals: Fourier Transform
• The continuous time domain signal is nonperiodic.
• Represented as superposition of infinite number
of complex sinusoids.
• This analog frequency range from
radians /sec
inverse FT , IFT or
synthesis relation
FT or analysis relation
CT Nonperiodic Signals: Fourier Transform
• The continuous time domain signal is nonperiodic.
• The Fourier Transform describes the signal x(t) as
a function of frequency and is termed the
frequency domain representation of x(t).
• The inverse FT maps the frequency domain
representation back into the time domain.
• Verify the following:
CT Nonperiodic Signals: Fourier Transform
• Determine FT of the following signals
• Answer:
CT Nonperiodic Signals: Fourier Transform
• Answer:
Unit III ends here