EWM Questionnaire English

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Healthy Lifestyle

Please fill out this form. Filling out this form will help Every Woman Matters (EWM)
and the Nebraska Colon Cancer Screening Program (NCP) determine what services are
best for you.

Even if you are not able to get services, you can still get health education.


• Please answer ALL questions. If you don’t we will call you or send the form back
to you and this could delay important health screenings.

• Please PRINT clearly. Use a black or blue ink pen. Do not use pencil.

• This is NOT your screening card. Please do not make an appointment

with your health care provider until you get a Screening Card.

Thank you for taking time for your health!

Version: February 2016

Version: February 2016
Informed Consent and Release of Medical Information
 You must read pages 2 and 3 to be a part of the Every Woman Matters Program and/or the Nebraska Colon Cancer
Screening Program.
 You are NOT able to enroll until all pages are filled out.

• I want to be a part of the Every Woman Matters • I want to be a part of the Nebraska Colon Cancer
(EWM) Program. I know: Screening Program (NCP). I know:
• I must be between 40 and 74 years of age to • I must be between 50 and 74 years of age to
receive services receive services (there are no exceptions)
• I cannot be over income guidelines • I cannot be over income guidelines
• If I have insurance, EWM will only pay after my • If I have insurance, NCP will only pay after my
insurance pays insurance pays
• I must be a female (per Federal Guidelines) • I must re-enroll in NCP every year
• I will notify EWM if I do not wish to be a part of • I must have a primary care doctor listed
this program anymore • I will notify NCP if I do not wish to be a part of this
program anymore
• I know that if I am 40-74 years of age, I may be • I must be a Nebraska resident
eligible for full screening services which may include:
breast and cervical cancer screening, screenings for • If I am eligible to participate, I understand that NCP
blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity will look at my health history and tell me what colon
based upon US Preventive Services Task Force and cancer screening test I am eligible for.
Program Guidelines. I have talked with my health
care provider about the screening test(s) and • Based upon my health history and what type of test I
understand possible side effects or discomforts. am eligible for, I know that NCP may provide me with
a Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) kit and/or assist me
• I understand that I may be asked to increase my in scheduling a colonoscopy. If I am enrolled in the
level of physical activity and make changes to my program and receive an FOBT from the program and
diet as part of the health education offered to have a positive test, it will be followed up with a
me. I understand that before I make these activity colonoscopy.
and/or diet changes I am encouraged to talk to my l If I receive a colonoscopy through NCP I
health care provider about any related concerns or understand that I may be asked to pay 10% of the
questions. cost.
l I understand that my payments will help others
• I have talked with the clinic about how I am going with colonoscopy costs through NCP.
to pay for any tests or services that are not paid by
EWM. • I will talk with my health care provider about the
screening test(s) for colon cancer and understand
possible side effects or discomforts.

• I will talk with my health care provider about how I

am going to pay for any tests or services that are not
paid by NCP.

• I understand that NCP does not pay for treatment if I

am diagnosed with colon cancer. NCP staff will assist
me in finding treatment resources.

2 Continue Reading on Page 3 ~ You MUST Sign and Date Page 3 4

Version: February 2016
Informed Consent and Release of Medical Information
I know that:
t I may be given information to learn how to change my diet, increase activity, and/or stop smoking. EWM/NCP
may remind me when it is time for me to schedule my screening exams and send me mail to help me learn more
about my health.

t Based on my personal and health history, I may receive screening and/or health education materials. I know
that if I move without giving my mailing address to EWM/NCP, I may not get reminders about screening and
education. I accept responsibility for following through on any advice my health care provider may give me.

t My health care provider, laboratory, clinic, radiology unit, and/or hospital can give results of my breast and
cervical cancer screening, heart disease and diabetes screening, follow up exams, colorectal screening,
diagnostic tests and/or treatment to EWM/NCP.

t To assist me in making the best health care decisions, EWM/NCP may share clinical and other health care
information including lab results and health history with my health care providers.

t My name, address, email, social security number and/or other personal information will be used only by
EWM/NCP. It may be used to let me know if I need follow up exams. This information may be shared with
other organizations as required to receive treatment resources.

t Other information may be used for studies approved by EWM/NCP and/or The Centers for Disease Prevention
and Control (CDC) for use by outside researchers to learn more about women’s and men’s health. These studies
will not use my name or other personal information.

In order to be eligible for EWM/NCP you must be a U.S. Citizen or a qualified alien under the Federal
Immigration and Nationality Act. Please check which box applies to you.
 For the purpose of complying with Neb. Rev. Stat. §§4-108 through 4-114, I attest as follows:

m I am a citizen of the United States.
m I am a qualified alien under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act. I am attaching a front and back
copy of my USCIS documentation. (example: permanent resident card)

I hereby attest that my response and the information provided on this form and any related application for
public benefits are true, complete, and accurate and I understand that this information may be used to verify
my lawful presence in the United States.

Please Print Your Name (first, middle, last) Your Signature

month / day / year month / day / year

Date of Your Signature Your Date of Birth

Be Sure to Print Your Name, Sign and Date This Page 4 3

Client Information & Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire
INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer each question and PRINT clearly!
Version: February 2016

First Name: _________________________ Middle Initial: ______ Last Name: ________________________________

Maiden Name: ______________________ Marital Status: mSingle mMarried mDivorced

month day year Gender: mFemale mMale Social Security #: _______-_______-_______

Birthdate: _______/_______/_______

Address: ___________________________________________________________________ Apt. # _________________

City: __________________________________ County: ______________________ State: _______ Zip: ___________

Preferred way of contact?: mHome mWork mCell

Home Phone: (______)______________ Work Phone: (______)______________ Cell Phone: (______)______________

Yes I want to receive program information by email. Email: __________________________________________________

In case we can’t reach you: mSpouse mFamily/Friend
Contact person: _____________________________________________ Relationship: mOther__________________________

Phone: (_________)________________________________ mHome mWork mCell

Address: _______________________________________ City: _____________________ State:______ Zip:__________

Are you of Hispanic/Latina(o) origin? mYes mNo mUnknown Country of origin: __________________________________________

What is your primary language spoken in your home? mEnglish mSpanish mVietnamese mOther_______________________

What race or ethnicity are you? mAmerican Indian/Alaska Native Tribe_________________________

(check all boxes that apply) mBlack/African American
mMexican American
mPacific Islander/Native Hawaiian

Are you a Refugee? mYes mNo mDK* If yes, where from: ______________________________________________

Highest level of education completed: m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12

m13 m14 m15 m16 m16+ mGED mDon’t Know mDon’t Want to Answer

How did you hear about the program: mDoctor/Clinic mFamily/Friend mAgency
mNewspaper/Radio/TV mI am a Current/Previous Client mCommunity Health Worker
mOther ____________________________________________

I will be required to show proof that my income is within the program income guidelines when I am contacted by program staff.
If I am found to be over income guidelines, I will be responsible for my bills for services received.

What is your household income before taxes? mWeekly mMonthly mYearly Income: $ ______________________
Please Note: Self employed are to use net income after taxes.

How many people live on this income? m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12

Do you have insurance? mYes mNone/No Coverage

If yes, is it: mMedicare (for people 65 and over)
mPart A and B
mPart A only
mMedicaid (full coverage for self)
mPrivate Insurance with or without Medicaid Supplement
(please list)____________________________________
4 You’re On a Roll.....Continue to Page 5 4
Client Information & Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire
INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer each question and PRINT clearly!
Version: February 2016

**ONLY women need to answer the questions in this box

1. Have you ever had any of the following tests?:
Pap test mYes mNo mDK* Most Recent Date____/____/____ The result: mNormal mAbnormal mDK*

Mammogram (breast x-ray) mYes mNo mDK* Most Recent Date____/____/____ The result: mNormal mAbnormal mDK*
2. Have you ever had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)? mNo mYes mDK*

2a. Was your hysterectomy to treat cervical cancer? mNo mYes mDK*

3. Has your mother, sister or daughter ever had breast cancer? mNo mYes mDK*

4. Have you ever had breast cancer? mNo mYes mDK* When: _____/_____/_____
5. Have you ever had cervical cancer? mNo mYes mDK* When: _____/_____/_____
*DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure

1. How many 1st degree relatives, excluding yourself, (parents, brothers, sisters, children) have been m0 m1 m2 m3+ mDK*
told they have colon cancer or rectal cancer?
2. How many of those family members with colon cancer were under the age of 60? m0 m1 m2 m3+ mDK*

3. How many 1st degree relatives, excluding yourself, (parents, brothers, sisters, children) have been m0 m1 m2 m3+ mDK*
told they have polyps in the colon?

4. How many of those family members with polyps were under the age of 50? m0 m1 m2 m3+ mDK*

5. How many 1st degree relatives, excluding yourself, (parents, brothers, sisters, children) have been m0 m1 m2 m3+ mDK*
told they have other types of cancer?

5a. What kind of cancer did they have?______________________________________________________________________
6. Have you ever been told that you have had polyps in the colon? mYes mNo mDK*

6a. What type of polyps did you have? _____________________ How many polyps did you have?___________________
7. Have you ever had any of the following tests? (Dates and results need to be marked):
Fecal Occult Blood Test mYes mNo mDK* Most Recent Date____/____/____ The result: mNormal mAbnormal

Sigmoidoscopy mYes mNo mDK* Most Recent Date____/____/____ The result: mNormal mAbnormal
Were polyps removed? mYes mNo mDK*

Colonoscopy mYes mNo mDK* Most Recent Date____/____/____ The result: mNormal mAbnormal
Were polyps removed? mYes mNo mDK*

Double Contrast Barium
Enema (DCBE) mYes mNo mDK* Most Recent Date____/____/____ The result: mNormal mAbnormal
8. Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have had:
Crohns Disease mYes mNo mDK*
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) mYes mNo mDK*
Hereditary Non Polyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) mYes mNo mDK*
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) mYes mNo mDK*
Ulcerative Colitis mYes mNo mDK*

9. Are you currently under a doctor’s care for any of the above conditions? mYes mNo mDK*
10. Within the last 30 days have you had bleeding from the rectum? mYes mNo mDK*

10a. What did your doctor say about your rectal bleeding? _______________________________________________________
11. Have you ever been told that you have had colon or rectal cancer? mYes mNo mDK*

11a. If yes, when were you diagnosed? ______/______/______
12. My Every Woman Matters or Primary doctor is: (please print) _______________________________________________________
Name of Clinic_________________________________________ City___________________ Phone____________________________
*DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure

First Name: ____________ Last Name: ____________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Keep Moving for Your Health! 4 5
Client Information & Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire
INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer each question and PRINT clearly!
Version: February 2016
1. How much fruit do you eat in an average day? (1 cup equals 1 large banana or 1 medium apple) _______ Cups mDK* mDW*

2. How many vegetables do you eat in an average day? (1 cup equals 12 baby carrots or 1 ear corn) _______ Cups mDK* mDW*


3. Do you eat 2 servings or more of fish weekly? (1 serving equals 7 ounce can tuna or 1 filet pollock) mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

4. Do you eat 3 ounces or more of whole grains daily? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*
(1 ounce equals 1 serving, a serving equals 1 slice whole wheat bread, 3 cups popped popcorn)

5. Do you drink less than 36 ounces of beverages with added sugars weekly? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*
(3 (12 ounce) cans regular soda, juice, alcohol, specialty drinks)

6. Are you currently watching or reducing your sodium or salt intake? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

7. How much moderate physical activity do you get in a week? ______ Minutes mDK* mDW*
(walking, water aerobics, general gardening, able to talk/hold conversation)

8. How much vigorous physical activity do you get in a week? ______ Minutes mDK* mDW*
(running, race-walking, aerobic dancing, bicycling, not able to talk/hold conversation) *DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure *DW - Don’t Want to Answer

1. Do you have high cholesterol? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

If no, skip to the next set of questions below (BLOOD PRESSURE)
2. Did your doctor prescribe medication to help lower your cholesterol? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

If no, skip to the next set of questions below (BLOOD PRESSURE)

3. During the past 7 days, how many days (including today) did you take your medication _______ Days
as prescribed?
4. On days you did not take your medication as prescribed, please tell us why. mCost mForgot to take
mSide Effects mNeed Refill
mDon’t Want to Take Meds
*DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure *DW - Don’t Want to Answer

1. Do you have high blood pressure? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

If no, skip to the next set of questions below (DIABETES)
2. Did your doctor prescribe medication to help lower your blood pressure? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*
If no, skip to the next set of questions below (DIABETES)

3. During the past 7 days, how many days (including today) did you take your medication _______Days
as prescribed?
4. On days you did not take your medication as prescribed, please tell us why. mCost mForgot to take
mSide Effects mNeed Refill
mDon’t Want to Take Meds
5. Do you measure your blood pressure at home or using another calibrated source
(like a pharmacy)? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*
5a. If no, provide reason: mNo, Never told to measure mNo, Don’t know how to measure mNo, Don’t have equipment to measure
5b. How often do you measure your blood pressure at home or using other
calibrated sources (like a pharmacy)? mMultiple times per day mDaily mWeekly
mA few times per week mMonthly mDK* mDW*
5c. Do you regularly share your blood pressure readings with a health care
provider for feedback? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*
*DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure *DW - Don’t Want to Answer

1. Do you have Diabetes? (Either Type 1 or Type 2) mYes mNo mDK* mDW*
If no, skip to the next set of questions on Page 7 (HEART)
2. Did your doctor prescribe medication to help lower your blood sugar (for diabetes)? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

If no, skip to the next set of questions on Page 7 (HEART)

3. During the past 7 days, how many days (including today) did you take your medication _______Days
as prescribed?
4. On days you did not take your medication as prescribed, please tell us why. mCost mForgot to take
mSide Effects mNeed Refill
mDon’t Want to Take Meds
*DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure *DW - Don’t Want to Answer

6 Keep Going! You Are Almost Done! 4 First Name: ____________ Last Name: ____________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____
Client Information & Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire
INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer each question and PRINT clearly!
Version: February 2016

1. Have you been diagnosed by a healthcare provider as having any of these conditions: mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

ncoronary heart disease/chest pain ncongenital heart defects nheart failure

nstroke/transient ischemic attack (TIA) nvascular disease nheart attacK
*DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure *DW - Don’t Want to Answer

1. Do you smoke? Includes cigarettes, pipes, or cigars (smoked tobacco in any form) mCurrent Smoker
mQuit (1-12 months ago)

mQuit (More than 12 months)

mNever smoked

2. Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus? mEveryday mSome days
mNot at all mDW*

3. About how many hours a day, on average, are you in the same room or vehicle with ______ Hours mLess than one
another person who is smoking? mNone mDW*
*DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure *DW - Don’t Want to Answer

1. Thinking about your physical health, which includes physical illness and injury, ______ Days mDK* mDW*
on how many days during the past 30 days was your physical health not good?

2. Thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and ______ Days mDK* mDW*
problems with emotions, on how many days during the past 30 days was your mental
health not good?

3. During the past 30 days, on about how many days did poor physical or mental health ______ Days mDK* mDW*
keep you from doing your usual activities, such as self-care, work, or recreation?

4. Are you limited in any activities because of physical, mental or emotional problems? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

5. Do you now have any health problems that requires you to use special equipment,
such as a cane, a wheelchair, a special bed or a special telephone? mYes mNo mDK* mDW*

5a. If yes, what type of disability? mEmotional mIntellectual

mPhysical mSensory
*DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure *DW - Don’t Want to Answer

1. If you are a woman, how many days in the past year have you had 4 or more alcoholic mNever mNA*
drinks in a day? _______ Days mDK* mDW*

2. If you are a man, how many days in the past year have you had 5 or more alcoholic mNever mNA*
drinks in a day? _______ Days mDK* mDW*

3. Do you feel safe in your current relationship? mNo mYes mNA* mDW*

4. Have you been hit, kicked, punched or otherwise hurt by someone in the past year? mNo mYes mNA* mDW*

5. Is there a partner from a previous relationship who is making you feel unsafe now? mNo mYes mNA* mDW*

6. How often do you use seat belts when you drive or ride in a car? mAlways mNearly Always
mSometimes mSeldom
mNever mDW*

7. During the past 12 months, have you had a flu shot or flu mist? mNo mYes mDK* mDW*

7a. If not, please share why? __________________________________________________________________

8. Have you had a pneumonia shot? mNo mYes mDK* mDW*

9. When did you last visit a dentist or a dental clinic for any reason? mWithin past year
mWithin past 2 years
m2 or more years ago
mNever mDK* mDW*

10. When did you last have your eyes checked by a doctor or eye care provider? mWithin past year
mWithin past 2 years
m2 or more years ago
mNever mDK* mDW*
*NA - Not Applicable *DK - Don’t Know/Not Sure *DW - Don’t Want to Answer

First Name: ____________ Last Name: ____________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Great Job! You Are Done! 4 7
Find out if you are eligible today!

important health screenings!

Colon Cancer Screening Programs offer
Every Woman Matters & The Nebraska

If you have questions, please contact the Nebraska Women’s & Men’s Health Programs:

Nebraska Women’s & Men’s Health Programs

301 Centennial Mall South ~ P.O. Box 94817
Lincoln, NE 68509-4817

Toll Free: 800-532-2227

In Lincoln: 402-471-0929
Fax: 402-471-0913

Websites: www.dhhs.ne.gov/womenshealth
www.dhhs.ne.gov/crc or www.StayIntheGameNE.com

Email: [email protected] (Every Woman Matters)

[email protected] (Nebraska Colon Program)
Funds for this project were provided through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Breast and Cervical early Detection Program, Well
Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation and the Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program Cooperative Agreements Version: February 2016
with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. #5NU58DP003928-04/#5NU58DP004863-03

filling out this form!

Find out what health screening services are best for you by
Do It for YOU & Your Family!
Make Time for Your Health.

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