Sampling and Aliasing
Sampling and Aliasing
Sampling and Aliasing
x(nTs) x(t)
T=Sampling Interval
x (t)=Analog input signal
•Sampling theorem gives the criteria for minimum number
of samples that should be taken.
•Sampling criteria:-”Sampling frequency must be
twice of the highest frequency”
fs=sampling frequency
w=higher frequency content
2w also known as Nyquist rate
In fact, Shannon’s Sampling Theorem shows that the minimum
sampling (Oppenheim and Schafer 1996; Oppenheim, Schafer,
and Buck 1999) rate required to reconstruct a signal from its
instantaneous samples must be at least twice the highest
fs ≥ 2fmax.
The maximum frequency in a signal is known as the Nyquist
frequency and
The inverse of the minimum sampling frequency rs = 1/fs is
known as the Nyquist rate.
The minimum rate at which a signal can be sampled
without introducing errors, which is twice the highest
frequency present in the signal- Nyquist frequency
•Nyquist rate is defined as the minimum sampling rate for the
perfect reconstruction of the continuous time signals from
•Nyquist rate=2*highest frequency component
•So sampling rate must be greater than or equal to nyquist
•There are two parts,
representation of x(t) in its samples
reconstruction of x(t)
Representation of x(t) in its samples
1.Define x∂(t)
2. Take fourier transform of x∂(t))
(i.e) x∂(f)
3. Relation between x(f) and x∂(f)
4. Relation between x(t) and
Reconstruction of x(t)
1. Take inverse fourier transform of x∂(f)
2.Show that x(t) is obtained back with the help of
interpolation function
•While providing sampling theorem we considered fs=2W
•Consider the case that fs < 2W
.“Signals that travel in disguise as
other frequencies are called aliased
Effects of Aliasing,
1. Distortion.
2. The data is lost and it cannot be recovered.
To avoid Aliasing,
1. sampling rate must be fs>=2W.
point spread function (PSF) describes the response of an imaging
system to a point source or point object. A more general term for the
PSF is a system's impulse response, the PSF being the impulse
response of a focused optical system.
α- blending ratio
Gamma correction
g(x)=[f(x)]1/γ ,
where a gamma value of γ ≈ 2.2 is a
reasonable fit for most digital cameras.