Yadanbon University
Yadanbon University
Yadanbon University
Project Paper
Submitted By
December 2023
Contact Metamorphism
Lecture Goals:
(B) Isograds
Figure (1)
Figure (2)
Unlike regional metamorphism, contact metamorphism is generally localized to
the immediate vicinity of the intrusion. In fact, there is a zone of metamorphism that
surrounds the intrusion like a halo or an envelope which is officially called a
metamorphic aureole (see cartoon at the top of the next page and the image to the left
from http://newterra.chemeketa.edu). Within the aureole, metamorphic grade of the
parent rock varies from high nearest the intrusion, to low someway from the contact. The
width of the metamorphic aureole (or the width of the zone of contact metamorphism)
depends on several factors such as the size and GY 111 Lecture Notes D. Haywick
(2008-09) 2 temperatures of the intrusion (dikes and sills are small and therefore induce
“thin” aureoles whereas large bodies like plutons and batholiths induce “thick” aureoles),
the amount of time the parent rocks were in contact with the intrusion and the type of
parent rock. Some rocks conduct heat more readily or are more susceptible to heat than
Figure (3)
Contact metamorphism is relatively easy to understand because it is heat only
driven. However, the rocks that are produced via this process are not so easy to identify.
Because there is no pressure involved in this type of metamorphism, no foliation can
develop, even in rocks that initially contained a lot of clays and platy minerals like the
micas. Instead, the rocks just get “cooked”. A slightly cooked shale or a slightly cooked
sandstone look pretty much the same as their uncooked equivalents, but if the
temperature was high enough (say equivalent to med-high grade metamorphism), then
metamorphic minerals like chlorite, muscovite, biotite and even garnet might form in the
metamorphic aureole. They just will not develop a foliation. There are a couple of things
that we must address at this point. The first is how do we classify (or name) non-foliated
“cooked” rocks. Fortunately, you do not need to remember a separate name for a cooked
sandstone or a cooked shale or a cooked anything. Instead, we will group them all
together and refer to them collectively as hornfels. It is obvious that the highest
metamorphic grade occurs nearest the intrusion and that the lowest metamorphic grade
occurs away from the intrusion. Doesn’t it stand to reason that the minerals that form
under the highest-grade conditions will grow nearest the intrusion and that the minerals
that form under the lowest grade conditions will grow well away from the contact? If you
predict that there will be zones of different minerals within the metamorphic aureole, pat
yourself on the back. There are and they are called isograds.
Figure (4)
(B) Isograds
Figure (5)
(C) Index Minerals and Metamorphic Grade
Okay, we are just about done for today’s lecture. All that is left is relate
minerals to metamorphic grade. By now you should understand that there are some
minerals like chlorite that only form under minimal metamorphism (i.e., low grade) and
some minerals like garnet that only form during high grade metamorphism. Geologists
use this knowledge to map out the extent of metamorphism around intrusions (contact
metamorphism), across faults (catacaustic metamorphism) and throughout mountain belts
(regional metamorphism). There are many different index minerals that indicate the grade
of metamorphism that parent rocks have experienced. The figure below that comes from
the GY 111 lab manual relates those index minerals to metamorphic grade and
metamorphic rock types. It is important for you to remember that the minerals that form
during metamorphism are dependent on the starting composition of the rock. The
diagram below shows the index minerals that form from a shale or a felsic igneous rock
like rhyolite. You get a substantially different set of index minerals if you metamorphose
a mafic igneous rock like basalt.
Figure (6)
Reference – 111-32.pdf