L A M P I R A N: Sumber: Batuan - HTML
L A M P I R A N: Sumber: Batuan - HTML
L A M P I R A N: Sumber: Batuan - HTML
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Metamorphic rocks (metamorphic)
Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have undergone changes both physically and
chemically sehinnga be different from its parent rock. Factors - factors that affect the
process of change is temperature tinngi rock, strong pressure, and a long time.
1) due to high temperature, high temperature derived from the magma, because the
rocks close to the magma chamber. called metamorphosis metamorphosis in contact,
for example: marble limestone, anthracite coal from Batui.
2) because the air pressures, high pressures can be derived from sediment - thick
andapan once thereon.
3) due to pressure and high temperatures, occur when there are folding and shearing
time of the formation of mountains, called metamorphosis metamorphosis in dynamo.
eg slate, schist and shale.
Metamor rocks can be differentiated into three, namely metamor contact (thermal
metamorphic), metamor dynamo (metamorphic kinetic), and metamorphic contact
1) Metamorf Contact (Thermal metamorphic)
Contact metamorphic rock is rock that changed because of the influence of high
temperature, the temperature is very tinngi proximity to magma, among others around
betuan intrusion. example: Batholit, stock, Lakolit, and the dike. Wide zone around
Batholit metamorphosis can reach tens of square kilometers, around stock to
thousands of square meters, but around the sill and dike zone is tidal so obvious
At metamorphosis zone encountered many minerals - minerals excavated material
that is located away from the relatively orderly according to the intrusive rocks. The
farther from the intrusion of diminishing degrees of metamorphosis due to the lower
temperature. Minerals - mineral minerals that occur through metamorphosis include:
tin, iron, copper, zinc (zinc) is derived from limestone and calcareous shale rock.
2) Metamorf Dinamo (Metamorf Kinetic)
Metamorphic rock is rock dynamos changed because of the influence of very high
pressure, and the sangatta weaktu long, and is derived from the process of the
formation of the earth's crust by endogenous power. Pressure from the opposite
direction causes the grain - mineral grains become flattened and there were
crystallized back. for example: stone Lumpur (mudstone) into slate (slate).
Quartz feldspathic Rock
is a metamorphic rock derived from rocks rich in quartz and feldspar elements.
Example: Gneiss
Granoblastik polygonal
c) Stone Structure
In general the structure of metamorphic rocks consisting of:
1. foliasi
Parallel structures caused by minerals - mineral flattened as a result of the process of
metamorphosis. Can be shown to be minerals - minerals prismatic showing the
orientation - specific orientation. Produced by the process of regional metamorphism,
2. Non-foliasi
Structure formed by mineral equidimensional consisting of grains of granular grains.
Produced by the process of contact metamorphism.
Structure - a structure commonly known in the metamorphic rocks are:
a) Slaty cleavage: a planar structure foliasi encountered as bibang - field sides of the
b) granulosa / hornfelsik: structures that do not show cleavage, is bmozaik consisting
of mineral equidimensional, the results of thermal metamorphosis
c) Filitik: recrystallization looks more rugged than Slaty cleavage, has already begun
granular mineral separation (segregation) but not perfect, more sheen than the slate.
d) schistose: mineral repetition lamellar structure due to equigranular mineral,
mineral orientation flat unbroken - broken.
e) Gneistose: mineral repetition lamellar structure due to equigranular mineral,
mineral orientation flat disconnected - dropping by mineral granules.
f) Milonitik: fine-grained, showing scours - scouring granulation strong result.
g) Filonitik: milonitik similar symptoms and appearance, but it has happened
recrystallization and showing silky luster.
Sedimentary rocks
1. Definition Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rock is rock that is most exposed at the Earth's surface, approximately
75% of the surface area of the earth, while igneous and metamorphic
tersingkapsekitar only 25% of the surface area of the earth. Therefore, sedimentary
rock has a particular significance, since most human activities are on the earth's
surface. Fossils can also be found in sediments and mempunyaiarti Batua important
in determining the age of rocks and depositional environment. Sedimentary rock is
rock formed by a process diagnesis of rocky material that has experienced
sedimentation. This includes the process of sedimentation weathering, erosion,
transportation and deposition. The weathering process that occurs can be either
physical or chemical weathering. Erosidan process carried out by the media transport
of water and wind. Deposition process can occur if the energy transport is not capable
of carrying particles.
2. Sedimentary rocks Formation Process
Sedimentary rock formed from rocks that have been there before the forces are
weathering the forces of water, erosion-abrasion angina angina and process litifikasi,
diagnesis, and transportation, the rock is deposited in places that are relatively low-
lying , for example: at sea, ocean, or lakes. At first sediment rocks are soft, but karean
diagnosi process so soft rocks was going to be hard.
Diagnesis process is a process that causes changes in the sediment during
terpendamkan and terlitifikasikan, while litifikasi is a material change in the process
of sediment into rock sediments compact. Diagnesis process of compaction that can
be a compaction pressure of layers above or sedimentation process, namely gluing
loose materials had to be rock hard by chemical solvents eg lime solution or silicon.
Most of sedimentary rocks formed in the ocean. And keeping this substance settles
directly by chemical reactions for example salt (CaSO4.nH2O). those that
precipitated with the help of the corpses, both plants and animals.
Sedimentary rocks that immediately formed chemically or organically have one thing
in common, namely the formation of solutions. Besides sediments above, those kind
of sedimentary rock a type of rock that contains mostly insoluble materials, such as
deposition of debris on the slopes of the mountains as a result of destruction of rocks
attacked by weathering, solar radiation, wind or abrasion. Such rocks are called
eluvium and alluvium if swept away by the water, the main properties of sedimentary
rocks are layered-lapisdan originally deposited horizontally. These layers vary in
thickness from a few centimeters to a few meters. Near the mouth of the river
sediments in general thick, were advancing towards the ocean sediments will be thin
(wedge) and finally disappear. Near the coast, deposits that are usually large grains
while towards the sea we find lagi.ternyata finer grains in the sediment layers that are
caused by different grains deposited rocks. Usually near the coast will be found
sandstones, more towards marine sandstones with mudstone is changed, and deeper
going on limestone formation (Katili and Marks).
3. Transport and Deposition
a) transport and deposition of particles by the fluid
On transport by fluid particles, the particles and the fluid will move together. The
physical properties that affect mainly the density and viscosity of water is greater than
the wind so that the water is able to transport particles carrying particles larger than
can be transported angina. Viscosity is the ability of a fluid to flow. If the viscosity is
low, the flow rate will be low and vice versa. Mewngalirnyabesar speed viscosity is
the viscosity of the frequency.
b) transport and deposition of sediment gravity flow partikeloleh
On this transport sediment particles transported directly by the influence of gravity,
the material here will move first and then the media. So here the fluid particles move
without assistance, sediment particles will move due to changes in gravitational
potential energy into kinetic energy. Included in the sediment gravity flow, among
others, debris flow, grain flow and turbid currents. Deposition of sediment by gravity
flow will produce different products with the deposition of sediments by the fluid
flow due to gravity flow transport and deposition occur very rapidly due to the
influence of gravity. Sedimentary rocks produced by this process will generally have
a poor sorting and shows the deformation structure. Various classification and
naming naming sedimentary rocks and sedimentary rocks have been discovered by
experts, both by genetic and deskrritif. Genetically concluded two groups (Pettijohn,
1975 and WTHuang, 1962).
4. Sediment can be transported in three ways:
1) Suspension: This generally occurs in sediments are very small in size (such as
clay) so that it can be transported by water flow or wind there is.
2) .bed load: This occurs in a relatively larger sediments (such as sand, gravel, gravel,
boulders) so that the force is in a moving stream of moving particles can serve a
large-particle basis. The movement of the sand begins when the flow exceeds the
strength of the force of inertia of the sand grains at rest. The sediment movements
could menggelundung, shift, or even can push each other sediment.
3) .Saltation which in Latin means to jump usually occurs in sand-sized sediment in
which the flow of fluid that is capable of exploiting and transporting sand sediments
until the end because of the gravity force that is able to restore the sand sediment to
the bottom. At the moment the power to transport the sediment is not large enough to
carry the sediments are then the sediment will fall or perhaps restrained due to the
gravitational forces that exist. After the sedimentation process can take place so as to
transform sediments into a sedimentary rock.
5. Factors To Look In Sedimentary rock Description
Color 4.1
Generally the color in sedimentary rocks will be influenced by several factors,
a) Color mineral sedimentary rock formation
For example, if a mineral formation of sedimentary rocks are dominated by quartz,
the rock is white.
b) The color of the basic mass / or color cement matrix.
c) The color of a material that envelops (coating material).
Examples of quartz sandstones are covered by glauconite is green.
d) The degree of fineness of grain constituent.
On the rocks with the same composition if the finer the grain size, the color tends to
be darker.
Rock color is also influenced by environmental conditions deposition, if the
environmental conditions, the reduction of the rocks became darker color than in an
oxidizing environment. Sedimentary rocks that contain a lot of organic material
(organic matter) has a darker color.
4.2 Texture
Texture sedimentary rock is all that concerns the appearance of the sediment grains
sepertiukuran grain, grain shape and orientation. Tewkstur sedimentary rocks have
significance because it reflects the process that has the rock dialamin especially
transport and deposition process, the texture can also be used to menginterpetasi rock
sediment depositional environments. In general, sedimentary rocks can be divided
into two, namely clastic and non clastic texture.
a) Texture clastic
Elements of the texture of clastic fragments, mass base (matrix) and cement.
• Fragment: The rocks are bigger than the sand.
• Matrix: Pellets which are smaller than the fragments and deposited together with
• Cement: smooth material which becomes binding, semen is deposited after the
fragments and the matrix. Cement generally in the form of silica, calcite, sulfate or
iron oxide.
Large crystal grains can be divided into:> 5 mm = rough
1-5 mm = moderate
<1 mm = smooth
If the crystals so fine that is indistinguishable called microcrystalline.
b) Texture nonklastik
Texture yan happens is the result of precipitation through chemical reaction.
Crystalline texture develops as a result of crystal aggregates - interlocking crystals.
Crystals - crystal can be small, medium or large -great even mix of various sizes as
well as igneous porphyritic. Crystals - showed the shape of the crystals - for example
certain forms of the same dimension, fibrous or Scaly. And it is not easy to tell which
is formed by the reaction of organic chemistry and which are in endapkan through
reactions due to organisms.