Original Data Collected Always Collected For A Specific Purpose Costlier Expensive

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Chapter 1:Data and Statistics

Statistics:is the art and science of collecting,organizing, presenting, analyzing, interpreting and
predicting data to assist in making more effective decision.

Data: is a raw, unorganized facts, figures and observation need to be processed (such as
measurements, gender or survey responses). It is collected, analyzed, and summariz for presentation
and interpretation.

Data set: is the data collected in a particular stud and each value in the data set is called data

A consists of the following data set. components:

1. Elements: The entities on which data are collected.
2. Variable: is a characteristic or attribute that can assume different values.
3. Observation: The set of measurements obtained for a particular element.

Structures of Data:
cross-sectional data :is collected at the Definition
same (or approximately the same) point in time.

time serics data: is collected for different time periods.

primary data: refers to the first hand data gathered by the researcher himself.

Methods of primary data collection:

1. Personal investigation
2. Collection Via Investigators
3. Questionnaires
4. Telephonic Investigation

secondary data: is the data already collected or produced by others,

Methods of secondary data collection:
1. Official publications
2. Data published
3. Articles

Difference between Primary and Secondary Data

1. Primary data is original data collected by the investigator
2. secondary data is already existing and not original.
3. Primary data is always collected for a specific purpose
4. secondary data has already been collected for some other purpose.
5. Primary is costlier or is more expensive
6. secondary data is less expensive.

Descriptive: statistics is the methods and techniques which are used for organizing, summarizing,
and A presenting data in an informative way.
Inferential: statistics is the methods used to determine something about a population based on a

Population: is the collection or act of all objects or measurements that are of interest to the

sample: is a group of data selected from a population.

size of a sample: is the number of elements in it.

Parameter: implies a summary description of the characteristics of the population.

Statistic: is a measure or characteristic that states something about a sample

Census: is the collection of informann from the whole population

Survey: is the collection of information from a sample.

Sample survey: is a survey to collect data on a sample

Qualitative: data is a data concerned with descriptions, which can be observed but cannot be

Quantitative: data is the one that focuses on humbers and mathematical calculations and can be
calculated and computed

Methods of Data collection

The main methods for collecting data are:

1) One-to-One Interviews: The interviewer or the researcher collects data directly from the
interviewee on a one-to-one basis.

• Interviews can be conducted in person or over the telephone

• Interviews be done formally (structured), semi- Interviews can structured, or informally
• Questions should be focused, clear, and encourage open-ended responses
• Interviews are mainly qualitative in nature

2) Focus Group Discussion (FGD): It is focused and interactive session with a group small The
purpose of FGD is to obtain in-depth information

3) Case studies: Case study research is a qualitative research method that is used to examine
contemporary real-life situations

4) The observation: The methods of observation are the recording

5) Open-ended survey questions: Open-ended survey questions give participants the opportunity
to express their opinions
Levels of Measurement
Nominal: Level characterized by data that consist of names, labels, or categories only. The data
cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme. of measurement (Color,Blood type,Gender,Language)|

Ordinal: level of measurement: classifies data into categories that can be ordered or ranked, but the
differences between data values either cannot be determined or not meaningful
(Course grades,Rating scale,Size)

Discrete Data: described as having a finite number of possible values (countable) or (decimals
does not "make sense").

Continuous data: is defined as data where the values of data set can take any real number in a
range of values and it is possible to have fractions or decimals. Continuous data is usually a
physical measurement.

Interval scale (no true zero value) : The values (not categories) can be ordered and have a
meaningful (difference, but doubling is not meaningful. This is because of the absence of an
"absolute zero" (TOEFL,ILETS,Gelandar years,)

Ratio scale (there is a true zero value): valu have identity, magnitude, equal intervals, and a
minimum valt of zero, so in the ratio scale the difference between two values ha meaning, and the
value of zero has special meaning. Zero means there is none of the quality you are measuring
(The expenditure of company,The Company income,The company gross sales, distance, speed,
weight, time, height, age, salary,temperature(kelvin) )


Nora Al suliman🎈

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