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G.Usirg utale diagan qlain ueng dledho-tmagno ov prid

Megnetic field



3 genoh ooades n e riniple Toodan3 lans_urwning_ducoi novin

isoh a ragndi held.
3s o dades thod en a ndudd ros skhuuah a nreie od,a vwage i8
indudido e undde.
3heanauntindued votage is rionediona) do e shoneh h e roanoie old
and e seed e moiny undude, Th e wg elodhormeundie Hos Jao?

Bi and dere onS reheend hahadeisies.

ww e aui a n iianonv indeoes ie deviaion e eadisle }hon

a pa imu. Tn dhoh Lods_ousoy 18 te dorenos ith tdh de
eodo'g h on inugrnort oeodes Re ue vnlues resaed dpanditiu.
engidbnvidyi 8 e io d rugidude heodpu aai Ueyoue) So te
anitude isu lauard leiry neasued).
Page No. Date

bt: i s deired ay e iabionodpu d a gen inud used doe o

chasye in de enyjiiiky d e inunent due to wdoin indaleting
inquts ike ayoladue dharys, e r instablles, ode.
eulin: is dekned o te srallest hange in te inud ierod that uill tause a
s0adalke danag in te odrut 6 te AL
Oeshdd: e minium oel innud to taule chunae in easuhenert 9n

.pain weng redatnris ysdon uth auitalke dvaatasn:

Erwiroe Measurement amd Comunicoliop P Output signal Potter
aduahen module nodule
conditiomns9 Display
module Pudio/vijual
Actuators Signad condi Soning Protessor |Ae/DAC
Sensors Tnter focna Softvare |-Arplitier
us comnuntcodion Control algorithm

Feed bock
Neasuorerd ord aduain noduo: i seies jaros om dosa enainrent ond
eedbadr vgral.
e eaded ond uveandisq igrals oe gennoded.
CPU CP jh a phoekh o RBy onhe rolng e logjiual and osthde
qoaios a te apal hedeed, cPv den gerekoks udalhe uandhl siao.
Oudpus igrd udianing obule:us dADC/DaC's, onpios o dhe late
osdiolviuol inddd, &plauy, d.
Seebtnck rodile: hs ndude qunohoes rholidae sgral to e adud aiqrol utidh is
n to te roawonent ond aduovion odul.

Page No. : Date

6. cploin inpeiane DAQ Lten in rehaberies ith Buiake dias:

Transou cer Signal Cooditoper Pnalog
Oata Display
7 Rrinter
Tran ducer
Siqna Condibioner|

Multiplerer A/d duplay

Trams du cer (MVa) konverter
Sianal conditioner|
Transducer Signal condi
- tioner
A OAQi a mudeised susen ad udeds dda kem e Cotrputer
seqhed bosiny n t oane ar hesentodion omudes.

OAQ ed do net dada ino a usek o.

DA e euin kepuded uolualadions erde siorals bunied in e

DAQ rd4qpliadin inoiheolt uarbl son,

DAQ i d in eoöul ron enodion
DA 8 kd in indu)ai rhaus ters
Page No. Date

aus Suidake los dat ond aplin ng4-bib SAR e ADC.


Clear all bis

Start at MSB|

Set bit
1s DAC outpur s Clear bit

V back to 0o

Cro to No Have all

next lower bits been

Canversion finisded
Oumber in register

A age g rnoaed a a dak eidding a seuah geqonee rulaes oeh ae
Lounded in a inay sosMe) ord ihe s2uhing_linoh uod unded isdo an analg
wdage b_o DAC. g vwtaue is in deys ord ibpoked uiah e analay
inu wduge on he eno en e do ywhoded vadae raes be nnud
noloy vtMaug, e puyes ham e dodR oe Sered hon beiy anbadby a aoke

he voae.
Page No. Date

6Abit R-28 trg OnC i8 uanbed vH 2,56 Vv oc olehenue ndentio oive

dh a t wnseteh, e Jl Mae adpud is ton al 4 ibs ode o ,ie. vdon

Ve 2.4 Vls.
LS0 Vef
Page No. Date

apoin doed leon ored an lep gbn uwith lok daqa.

Desired Controller Rroces
PXOces Cormroller froceys
-Rrocess oPEN LoP 5YSTEM
response inpu
*knih doesn't have ony edlare loys umeded to s taed o
Gren lon Aeoaback ses

|o doda ia iorshoved ade do he qun lap erg.

6led loon tom:

Lnput ref.
value Ouhput cortroled
Corrol Correcion Process
element elenent

Error Sigoal

Feedback Measure nent


Comparison elenent
A sen in uhih inqu i3 deyendond on e akpt ie vabiadion he ndud
inthoecs e inpu b re pehnb thoAing n te iu ualled
a desed loon unthd Jem

3eeadock sytan ros e adpus do be aed Ldh So sokere inut

pe arhi oe uidliry odian. on le ackeed.
Page No. Date

ploirn on adomne apliuodion urdd denin dolo.

Artlad Gakry Jen CABS)

he Hau ejh unomerds a yrial ABS an oke



Vohes in e bake line alles, Hork ard sekose ykee a e bakes huing
3 ard rdiirs.
unpd ae Md uih ydsaudli_uid od apr a e n e lboke duss cd
cadipe on dorand.
SRe ECU (ddlev) s e hain e RBS ard uwes doda hom he kndoi3 o

ABS s oeaing ard on e-applin te beokg o andrago thadl wh

daly in eagy akng gutins, darus an sah a) oe eddo ddd loing_
ard sos o id. Athoueh nd all ABS lass ae te zane uisne anl
rteventirg hes on e nde o lotrs up.en alcep ddeded, DeS
rury the bokes l00'sime3 in aund. ha dars te uheel kun idiny
an Aebre ho0y he dive in nel e hide.
Page No. Date

G. in ad wo's ard poeu

e anueh hndion
so pdynonials.
gonual wjon G6) un le qheped s a io
CoWs) udo ndyretial honsen hundion.
dnerinden pdynoial o ane fandin
e pes d te am 6) ae delired o she hootte
dnna ie. e valuas d ich D):0

zoo e yplen Gts) ae delired os e Aoo e rureato pdyrerio,

i.e. e valueg 4 s h N)-0
Se rda ard was a den male seal

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