Baefitb: Ans-Crd - (Omputer Aidao! Debign Ino/Ue Enecbr9 Compy Typical

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ROLL N0. 191340 1D 4 0 15 YEre 4tK ,7sem

uhet is CAD 8 CAM Baefitb ef CAD?
7 Wite
Ans-CRD- (omputer Aidao! debign ino/ue» eNecbr9 Compy
madel oleined by geormetsialPanameten thee made
typical afpaai on
COmpuer moni tOT a a 3
alere) by
efeernahon oa pant uhich can edily
Cangirg paamelers
velova nd

CAM- Computer Aideol manyacturinq uses geOTRetsl=

design olata to CoTta automa la macki virg
d t e ane aAso calec whi th comPUkr nume)
CAM sy
lisect numerica) contol CDNc) Ays ten
Contro l (cwc) o>

Beni te CAD:-
D Increase Proodue ti vity easi en to- ea
Hig he Guali ty design Aimplified sarair9.
Deniginlg Prysleal obret in a v/tual wovRPace
2 h a t i» exckage CADI CAM oata?
dn CADI CAm lata excka nge is a mocla lity olata
exckage use to trcnslae alata blo diorent coPs te
ajded dejgn authoxing CAD,& ot doub teretr
usys tem blw
cAX tem Many Compainos use difb-wrert CAD
dystem thital Ja phic exchage CAD olata uwiH
uPplied CUskemen ano ubcontrector
3Explain TGES data Reporesentation 2
Anas IGES initial
gnophi c exchange dpeificaion
Tt wes
ignay odevelo ped taa ex ch age o dselit
olata like 2D 13D wIe fam moole , exk
dimenbioniy olat-a etc
An IGES ile Conlst+ c Six ubeeton dlge ane,
9to bay
lo bal, Diaectoyfntay, pammeen alata Tenminake
4 Ex Plain STEP ahitec huxe wr Ait imp
tko Paoduct modeD
STEP Cstondand has excRege
15o b3a3)
olaba) is a h e c înte natiana btanlanl l

don ep ersen tafion tte echa giro Pochct ma inpomotbn

T incDuoles an lavoa ed l a t a
p ecijication danguage EXPRE Ss, dexib e e
1-pn ebenta Gon g Data
Eplain OxF
Ans- Dx Da ta exckange Jan mat) Cra ginaky
oleveep by Autoclesk s the Ven dlas q Ptr Ca a0
imPlement-a tion Auto CAD aCEpt Ms dar mat
and a e able to onvent ft 4o convent iE to
ardanom thels intand Jepues cntation Tko
Dx Vension uP poot wivelame. yace and
ba lid dePre entabion A Dxf ite Canst d Joua
wecton Hecder, Table , b lock&Ent ity ection.
6 wae are the Baste too s e CAD ICAM 2
Ana Aome basie o ols are. -

A uto CAD solic E DGE

Hypon me sh CAtIA

whaE CAE ICAD? what t tintey ated CACICAM

CHD i Knouwnn as
Compu A1deo Deskgn, Klk
ie ob to i ng a COmpuen to- vibayizea
Prodo Ct dea
CAE known as ComPu en Alded
Is th
Eng ine irg hirk
nely /s
clesig n
v/av alization
Tn intege ti ee CAD CAM bytan
medel Po vicles ne

duPpeatirg botR olagn menufaturirg dunctin
kav îng vai
data translationl dile oa ma to bunero
canvoslon and elitboren CAO
and CAM maded.

what are t
applicati on cd CAD and 1E
Tmpo tance ?

s APPlicaion
daDicl mocd elli n9
ufa ce madellino
As embly.

DnafHng Detallir9
A eveuse enginenin.

Getten Desingn Guali ly.
E nhance He Daignes Ponad vcb vify
Autonaticaly rebaw t2 Degn
Cost Optimization
avi ng odata Drato-irg ha tuaNE:
3ten visalizaton

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