Starseeds Guide Caitlin Dianna
Starseeds Guide Caitlin Dianna
Starseeds Guide Caitlin Dianna
by Caitlin Dianna
because you aren’t where you think you should be. You aren’t alone. And
what you’re doing already is a fantastic first step!
Some of these Starseed truths may challenge your currently held beliefs.
But I'll leave you with this thought, if what you currently believe to be true
hasn't healed you or set you free, then is it actually true?
Alright, let’s go!
If we take a step back and really slightly different matrix because each
think about all the souls on our source point holds a different vantage
species, and all the beings that evolve form, that doesn’t mean we each came
within it: these souls will all have a similar from the same source point, holding the
mission story. same mission, viewpoints, or purpose. If
we did, there would be no point to Earth,
When you compare two source points, you
because we would all be made up of the
will notice that they have different
same stuff!
frequencies, beings, light coding, and a
look around and try to find what type of Starseed we are, we are
led to pretty much the same five or so collectives. But if none of
these collective traits you’ve come across 100% land for you, you
may start to wonder, “Am I even a Starseed?”
Not all
Collectives are
created equal or
drive off the
It's just
perspective same emotions or
Just because there are some consciousness.
collectives that may operate in a
Each collective has a nature to them. Some
way that doesn't resonate with you
natures will resonate with what you view as
or you deem as "bad," doesn't mean
"low consciousness", whereas others might
they are bad. That is simply how
operate from what you view as a "higher
they operate.
consciousness." They each have a different
We don't have to agree with it, but perspective and operating system, which is
it is our job to recognize and why we may not always understand why a
understand our differences and being does certain things: it's simply because
Our perception of emotions of what is high vs. low vibration is a lower consciousness field
that is constructed in the limbic system of the brain, and is a 3rd and 4th Density reality for
humans, but will not be the experience of most non-human collectives.
This doesn’t mean that other beings don’t have an emotional expression to them, it just isn’t
triggered in the same way as for us as human beings. Majority of collectives use their own
expression of frequency dimensions and fields that vary based on where they are from.
For example, If you see something that upsets you, you may feel sad, angry, or mad and
then run with thoughts that further exacerbate those emotions. Whereas many collectives
are more observational in nature. They might not descend into that level of frequency of
sadness that a human might. The same can be said for love. While it vibrates at a faster
frequency than sadness, it still falls within the 4th density of frequency waves, and
therefore is not the highest frequency there is. Sound and light, for instance, vibrate faster
than any emotion, including love.
Your emotions aren't proof or
validation. They are a biochemical
signal letting you know what your
current perceptions are.
Our consciousness operating system, which And because emotions are created in the
is what our Soul uses to inspire us to follow limbic system, which is an unconscious
our mission and the life path we designed for processor based on external events, what
ourselves before arriving in this human body, made you happy at one point isn’t going to
exists above the level of vibrational make you happy forever. The same goes for
frequency that emotions exist on. It doesn’t any emotion you may feel.
matter what emotion you’re talking about or
The reason so many people get bored of
experiencing, they are always a lower
their hobbies is because their body has been
frequency than your Soul’s plan.
programmed to know that after repeating an
Emotions happen in an unconscious event so many times it's now normal and
fashion based on stimulus we receive you don't need to have an elevated response
6 Avoiding darkness or
negative emotions is a form
of spiritual bypassing.
Many people are really afraid of looking at the dark and heavy
emotions and events they’ve experienced because they fear that
they will re-experience it.
That the emotions are going to take over and they’ll get so overwhelmed that they won’t be
able to pull themselves out of it because of how painful or traumatic it was the first time.
Or they might have lapses in their memories where they can’t even see it at all because part
of their body is guarding that information to protect them in their forward momentum.
And then there is another level that comes when we’ve been making progress with our
healing and clearing work, where the moment we sense a trigger or uncomfortable feeling,
instead of taking the time to sit with it, we immediately “clear it” without fully feeling it and
using our intuition to follow the trail to ensure we’ve unearthed all of it first. And then we
are left wondering why next week we are still feeling that way or experiencing the same
frustrations. It's because we went straight to the tools without the full tracking.
With many beings residing in future or past timelines or being too far away in space and time to
physically share information with one another, an idea was formed: to create a planet where all
beings could incarnate in the same form, share information and data, and send it back to their
source point to help all beings in the Universe evolve and grow.
Because we are simply not all the same. When we interact with others, we expand our
understanding, learn, collaborate and co-create in the way Earth was intended to be.
Cutting off connections with all beings, belief systems, and ideologies that
are different from your current point of view denies the very essence of
consciousness itself.
When we recognize that no one person possesses all the answers, but together we hold all the
keys to unlock new possibilities and navigate what comes next, that's when we truly awaken
and change the world.
Each person, regardless of their stance, has the potential to contribute something valuable to
our lives. By confining ourselves to a specific group or mindset, we limit our own progress.
Some of my biggest breakthroughs came from the people I least expected. They held the
precise knowledge and understanding necessary for me to advance in both my business and
personal practice. If I had closed myself off from those whom I deemed "incompatible", I would
This doesn’t mean blindly accepting everything as truth. We must always discern what
resonates with us and leave behind what doesn’t.
By remaining open-minded, we can extract valuable keys and elements of truth from all
sources. Our consciousness expands, and our journey towards self-discovery deepens as we
weave together a tapestry of diverse insights.
purpose—to become more authentically and realms that exist beyond five senses,
accessible dimensions and skills available to wisdom, and higher states of awareness.
you and embracing the full spectrum of your Becoming more human does not mean
human potential. denying or disregarding your spiritual
As a human being, you have so many nature or connection to the cosmos. What
discovered and developed. Your journey is experience with your spiritual essence.
It's about expanding your consciousness physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and
Being or Collective
operating or descending
from another space or time.
Your human aspect isn’t physically part of the extension that created you from
that other collective. You aren't an Arcturian in a human body. It's a similar
concept to having a baby. The baby becomes its own vessel with its own soul
spark, but there is always that connection back to “home” or its parental
This can happen over and over again. Many of us will have multiple extensions
running as many different beings on other planets and in other dimensions, and it
becomes this web connecting all of us through space and time.
are that other extension of you, because you have that close connection. But you
aren’t your extension, you are YOU. You just carry information and data to and from
each other that allows you to connect in a deeper way, when you're open to it.
throughout our bodies. This makes it harder for us to the time they go "home", they
should each have new pieces of
feel all the different types of frequencies around us,
data from each other to take back
or to understand what’s going on in a higher
and translate so we can share, care,
consciousness plane. Which means we need to be
and be a friend!
fully rooted in our 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensional
lenses, not leaving them behind.
Data forms the foundation of these grids, representing the raw information accumulated
through scientific discoveries, cultural traditions, and personal insights. This data,
however, is layered with perception, the lens through which we interpret and make sense
of the information at hand. Our unique perspectives, influenced by our upbringing, beliefs,
and experiences, shape how we perceive and interact with the grids.
"Plugging in" to these information grids allows us to tap into the vast pool of collective
knowledge, wisdom, and experiences. We can gain insights, learn, and participate in the
co-creation of our world much faster through the use of grid systems.
However, if we don’t unplug from a grid, it could start to construct and shape our reality
in ways we don’t necessarily want. Grids create limitations in our field and start to alter
our perception and beliefs, leading to limitations and a lack of freedom. Like with
anything, it is important to tap in, take what feels relevant, leave what doesn’t, unplug,
and integrate that new information into our field to start operating in a new way.
Your only limits are
your attachments to 4th
density programming.
The 4D houses all of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs,
hierarchies, and stories, which are shaped by our societal
You tap into the boundless potential that exists beyond the
limitations of societal conditioning, allowing you to explore
In the human experience there is a lot of And while we may find inspiration and
focus on hierarchy. Many have followed a truth in one channel, mentor, or teacher for
particular mentor or guru, seeing them as a a time, we were never meant to be a
"chosen one" who is divinely connected to "follower" of anyone. A channel may have
all that is and uniquely given the ability to a piece for you right now, but you are
share with us all the mysteries of the always free to move on.
Universe including who we really are and
what we should be doing with our lives. We also don't need to toss out the entire
stream of consciousness from another
All that is, is a 4D disempowerment grid. being simply because one part doesn't
While some individuals have written match our own perspective or work for us.
channel, influencer or have a large taking what resonates and leaving and
connector, or observer. We all have Being able to take the keys and codes,
different capacities and gifts that we staying open, and learning from
programmed in to help aid in our missions, different beliefs and people is where
and those will vary from person to person. the magic happens.
When it comes to the communication between you and your guides or star family, it's important
to note that it likely isn't going to happen on a daily basis forever.
Your guides and star family are beings from all different realms, operating on different
frequencies and dimensions, and ultimately, they are living their own lives.
Communication occurs when there is a strong intent or purpose to connect. This could be during
times of significant life events, moments of decision-making, or when you consciously seek their
guidance and support.
They are here to support you by providing love, insight, wisdom, and perspective, just like a friend
would! And like a friend, you consciously and intentionally need to make time for them.
Relationships are a two-way street! Treating them like you would a human friend is the best way
for you to open up your channels of communication.
...are not more all-knowing than you. They are "differently" knowing.
Many people will wait for their guides to deliver directions for how they need to
move forward. You may have heard someone say something like, “I need to
consult my Guides before I make any decision.”
It would be like looking at your best friend and saying, “Control my life.” Except
your best friend only has a limited perception of what's right for you, and it doesn’t
necessarily fit with your mission.
Guides are really more like friends than Guides. They have their own points of
view. This doesn’t make them better, smarter, or all knowing. They are equals.
They are there to bounce ideas off of, to throw a question to and see what new
perspectives they can share, and as always, take what fits, leave what doesn’t.
By giving them the power to “know what’s right” for you, you are not only opening
yourself up to potential hijacking or false guides stepping in who could steer you
the wrong way and use you as an energetic battery pack, you are also telling
yourself you are untrustworthy to make your own decisions and direct your life.
for protection.
Psychic attacks, in most cases, are not personal. They are aggressions that come from
energetic interactions and influences that occur on subtle levels. However, there are
instances where psychic attacks can be directed by individuals we know personally.
Psychic Attacks come out of nowhere and can cause a myriad of unpleasant symptoms and
experiences like feeling lost or like you don't belong, random digestive upset or allergy flair-
ups, your voice or throat being affected so you can't speak, lack of clarity or inability to
focus, trouble grounding or feeling like a veil is over your field, among others.
When they come from people we have a personal connection with, it can be a challenging
It is important to remember that while it can be hurtful and confusing to be on the receiving
end, understanding that it is often a reflection of their own unresolved issues can help us
maintain a sense of perspective and shake off the effects quicker.
identity invites us to explore the multifaceted
aspects of our being. We come to understand
that the ego, when balanced and aligned with our
inner truth, can be a valuable tool for self-
expression and awareness. It becomes a vehicle
for our authentic voice and a conduit for our
genuine connection with others.
You can't skip your First Mission.
Your first mission is almost always the liberation of your own birth family line: to put a stop
to the patterns that family has been cycling through that have also been enslaving
humanity. (For the rare Starseed, this isn't the case, but for 99.9% of us, it is.)
If you haven’t completed your first mission, you may feel like it is impossible to gain
momentum, or feel like you're lost, purposeless, and confused about where you belong and
how to contribute in a way that feels good and is aligned with your Soul.
You will continue to have these feelings and beliefs of being lost and confused until you
finally complete your first contract of freeing your family line from the Karmic cycles.
Once you’ve made enough progress in healing yourself, the next part
of your personal mission begins to download.
We cannot teach
others what we have
not mastered in self.
True wisdom comes from lived experience. Which
means if we're going to step out and help others,
we have to do so from our inner wisdom, not from
repeating what we picked up from someone else.
The best way to wake someone up is to not say anything at all and
instead lead by example. No one wants to follow someone without
Foundations in
Human Health
can't be
Unlike what mainstream meta says, you can’t meditate your way to health.
Our life is an interconnected web that radiates into all things. If we are still eating lots
of highly processed foods with an overabundance of toxins and sugars, and if we are
lacking daily movement and hydration, we won't be a really clear healer and channel:
because health is holistic and so is our acceleration.
leave our human body behind. You can only go as far on an energetic level
If you aren’t addressing your physical health at the same time while practicing
acceleration techniques, your health is going to deteriorate while you try to accelerate
to more light, because they will be incongruent with each other. We have to pace our
energy work and our health pretty close to the same rate.
For example, stress amplifies our 4D & 5D lenses, where we are co-regulating with
other people who are stressed. In return, this slows down our 6D, 7D, & 8D lenses,
and that's where we are receiving those intuitive messages from our team, Soul, and
other galactic beings. Not being physically healthy can stop your intuitive progress.
Illness, disease,
and disorders
are primarily rooted in the inability
to distinguish Self from non-Self.
implant Akashic records, it can cause us to get
Many of us are so busy trying to blend in and
into a big tailspin, chasing ourselves in circles,
be accepted by people that we don’t actually
getting nowhere fast because we aren’t even
spend enough time trying to figure out who
working on our own stuff.
we are, limiting our capability to discern what
is ours vs. what isn’t ours. For example, in autoimmune disorders,
people’s bodies are attacking their own cells
This creates havoc in our field because we
causing illness and disease. This can come
then start to try and heal things that aren't
down to the body assuming that the energy
even ours in the first place. When we read
current running through the body isn’t even its
someone else's emotions, fractal fields, or
own, which is why it’s attacking itself! Which
means the person afflicted could have other
people's energy or stories running so strongly
in their field it's creating an illness.
28 plants or substances to
step into different
levels of consciousness,
that means your body wasn't ready to get
there in the first place.
and sound translate through the body. This alteration in our sensory perception
can lead to a distorted lens through which we read and interpret information.
Instead of clarity, we may experience distortion and skewed information.
Plant Medicine is only medicine until
it becomes a habit. now it's a toxin.
Plant medicine can’t solve any of your issues without you being willing to
take a deeper look at and actively do the work to overcome them.
If you are using natural substances for medicinal purposes, and it is only taken for a short period of
time, they can be quite beneficial and support you in your healing work. However, after that short
time period, if you haven’t cleared out the core root of the issue of why you needed to supplement
with plant medicine in the first place and continue to use it, it will become a toxin to your body.
Your physical
health decides
the downloads you integrate
"Downloads" and messages from your higher self come to you in the
form of 6D & 7D light and sound waves, encoded with information.
To receive this information, it is vital we prioritize our physical well-being. Staying hydrated
is crucial, as water is the conduit for energy transmission! When we keep our body properly
hydrated and nourished, it allows for a clearer reception of the light and sound waves and
increases your ability to perceive and interpret the subtle energies and information being
By taking care of your physical well-being, you create a solid foundation for your spiritual
practice. This allows you to be more attuned to the energetic frequencies around you,
making it easier to receive and integrate the guidance and messages from higher realms.
Because the fastest and easiest way to get people to heal without
leaving anything behind is being able to address all layers and levels of
the body at once in a holistic healing session.
When we dive into energy work, we are tapping into all the subtle
energies around us, opening us up to higher frequencies and
expanded states of consciousness.
This can lead to rapid shifts and intense experiences that may
challenge our capacity to process the information. As healers, we
may be able to see all the things that need to be corrected in a
client’s body, but that doesn’t mean we should endeavor to fix
everything all at once.
I’ve seen the effects of a person being put into a catatonic state by
a "healer" with a God-complex, and it took me and my team five
days to help them get back to a functioning state, and they will
never be able to fully return to their “normal.”
always recommend checking your field and pushing your ego aside
when doing this work. Because it is about leaving the client feeling
and the body isn’t attuned or ready for the next stage of
“leveling up,” we can overwhelm the body and create a
cascade effect of issues.
observer, or to simply gather data to bring back "home". And that’s okay!
Many of us are going to be in these foundational changemaker roles where we have community
level pursuits, because change really happens in that ripple effect area where we affect a few
small pockets of people at a time, who then go on to affect a few more small pockets of people,
and so on. AND, this is how a majority of us are programmed! It is also tough to have a large-scale
impact when we are trying so hard to make global-level changes. So it is important that our
individual ripple effect is where we keep our focus, because the global stage can become a
distraction for us that veers us off of the path we are meant to be on.
Empathy is not a
title. it's a tool
that operates off
the 5D frequency of
coregulation. Empathy allows us to connect deeply with others,
understand their experiences, and navigate the
complexities of human emotions and physical
sensations together. It helps us to bridge the gaps
between individuals, fostering compassion,
understanding, and unity. It empowers us to step into
someone else's shoes, to listen attentively, and to offer
support and validation without judgment.
When people use telepathy, they are in an internal conversation with another being, known
or unknown. In telepathy, we are using specific dimensional lenses that help us translate all
of the sound and light coding that is coming to us in this level of communication. We then
Information that is being delivered to you through your clairs (ie: clairvoyance, clairaudience,
etc.,) is an extension of that. You have a wider ability to perceive sound and light that is not
audible to most human ears, and then you bring it out into something real. In order to use
telepathy, your 6th & 7th dimensional lenses must be activated, open, and balanced, and
you must not have to counterbalance against a really heavy 4D lens for you to be able to
Denial of the global currency of
money is a mirror for our lack of
Energy exchange systems are never meant to last forever–yet must be
mastered before being fractalized and evolving into the next form of exchange.
When we deny or resist the concept of money, we may inadvertently limit our own
receptivity to any form of abundance and the opportunities it can bring. It is through
mastering the principles of energy exchange, including money, that we can effectively
harness its potential and create positive outcomes in our lives.
Ready To
search: Caitlin Dianna
Where I help you answer even more questions on topics like, "Why Starseeds Don't
Feel At Home on Earth", "The 5 Types of Walk-ins", "How Spiritual Healing is
Changing in the New Paradigm," and so much more!
Whether you are just beginning to learn about your StarSeed lineage or have been
on your spiritual healing journey for a while, I can help. Feel free to leave me a
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