Quantum Starseeds PDF
Quantum Starseeds PDF
Quantum Starseeds PDF
Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Introduction… 2
Quantum Existence: Balance through change… 3
Life Beyond the Matrix… 6
Being a Starseed: Achieving Harmony Through Conflict… 8
This is How We Fuck the System…10
The Magick of Nighttime and Insomnia Sessions…13
Awakening the Voice in Your Head: Sanity vs. Madness...15
Magick is not a Secret and They Know About it…18
Initiation, Process and Rise…22
The World Needs Your Perspective…25
Collective DNA: Order & Chaos…27
True Awakening vs. Social Programming…30
A Quantum Fictional Metaphor…33
The Magick of Acceptance and Love…35
Mundane Reality is a Hoax…37
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
A compilation of published content by Creative Collective
Synergy (CCS). A spiritual and revolutionary society.
We are nobody, from nowhere, doing nothing but being.
We are because we exist. and have a collective name that is
creative in synergy. We are a society that doesn’t fit in normal
society because we belong to the universe, among the nothingness
of everything from everyone, everywhere.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Quantum Existence: Balance
Through Change
Existence is the most insane scientific fact.
Energy Dynamics. By BPSM.
As the world’s frequencies continue to be raised, your purpose becomes
the priority theme determining your actions. You begin to cleanse your
life, as you order your mind and selfexplore. What are you currently
trying to let go of? What are you trying to accomplish? Your actions are
not meaningless. Why do you exist?
Change comes through the process of simply breathing. We change every
second, and this often pushes us to make decisions and act on the
fulfilment of plans. This is why spending time surrounded by nature on a
regular basis can truly make a huge difference in your life. It is resetting
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
your vibrational field and aligning it with the pure energy of the planet. It
helps you become grounded and enjoy the moment. It opens your mind to
new information and sparks your genius.
Curiosity is a nonviolent act. Questioning all that you know about reality
is often a sign of evolution and emotional independence in today’s world;
even if the media and governments refuse to acknowledge it. The more
questions you ask, the more doors you will open. Society needs become
free from social conditioning and achieve a state of integral individuality.
To know oneself is to know the world.
To change oneself is to change the world.
To save oneself is to save the world.
Too much chaos leads to confusion.
Too much order leads to boredom.
Both, confusion and boredom inspire you.
Balance is a juxtaposed experience
The journey never ends, the game expands. You will continue to encounter
challenges that make you grow and learn. The difference is that you can
become in tune with your mental cycles and be always one step ahead,
prepared for the upcoming shifts. It feels peaceful when you take charge of
your destiny and consciously stir your directions. Letting go is
decluttering, and equally, decluttering is letting go. The more change you
incorporate into your daily life, the more epiphanies you will experience.
It is beautiful,
the way minds can add order to the accumulated chaos,
and achieve harmony through conflict.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Detach from all to contemplate all from a centred perspective. Use your
own experiences and that of others to avoid repeating mistakes. Feel the
deep connection you have with the rest of the world, and notice that we are
all connected. Become everyone. Become no one.
Become YOU.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Life Beyond The Matrix
Once we program ourselves to be as open minded as a newborn,
life can become magical as your brain adapts to the everincreasing levels of
synchronicity occurring in the quantum field.
Life Beyond The Matrix, by BPSM.
We are born believing in magic. It is culture and society that
slowly kill the dreamer in children.
The awakening process can feel like a rebirth, like a Halloween of the
spirit. We go through experiences that free us from all rules, knowledge
and culture. Our identity expands into a universal spectrum. It is a state of
pure curiosity. It is simply knowing nothing, whilst breaking the repetitive
pattern of existence by altering our perception. It is forgetting all,
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
rewinding and getting to know the world from 0, as if we had just arrived.
It is the embodiment of our souls in our vessels, taking full control of our
lives and amplifying our free will.
Waking up can feel a bit like lucid dreaming, as we realize that thought
forms matter, and that we create our own realities. And indeed, our minds
become boundless; therefore, magical occurrences are easier to register,
process and store by our brains. Moreover, we become in tune with the
dynamics of the planet, and see beyond the lies, the corruption and the
failure of the system.
The system needs to go. It is primitive, closeminded and politically
dogmatic. It needs an upgrade on educational curriculums and it needs to
stop manipulative, psychological conditioning of the masses. For instance,
the evolution of society is imminent; it is present, increasing in both:
speed and intensity. Everyone is talking about it; yet, the system refuses to
acknowledge it, the media ignores it; delaying the global awakening as
much as they can… However, at this point, they can’t do much.
Life beyond the “matrix”, as many call the quantum world, is seeing past
the illusion, and surrendering yourself to consciousness; being aware of
the changes, the glitches, the science and the logic behind it all. It is
evolving and helping others evolve, as the world realizes that we are all
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Being a Starseed: Achieving
Harmony Through Conflict
Every person is a dimension, a planet, a universe.
Dual metamorphosis. Vintage. By BPSM.
Every mind is a room, a box, a scroll. Every body is the centre of the
active perspective. Every soul is a different flavour in the global, universal
whole. When we awaken, each of us goes through a unique process of
transformative renewal. The journey hands you new sets of beliefs, and a
new purpose. You begin to align with your true frequencies and therefore,
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
you meet amazing people as you become more and more… who you are
meant to be, yourself.
Learning the concept of having no fixed identity; that is, to be
everchanging in a continuous way. Setting your mind to be all allowing,
letting each moment, thought and experience, be present, and letting go of
each moment, thought and experience, all the same. To be like a river, ever
flowing… Being a witness of a powerful stream of data that crosses our
minds. Coping with the temptation of letting a thought spoil your peace.
Connecting to your everflowing, natural humanity.
Exploring the functional duality occurring in your head, aware of the
wholeness and the division. Learning to be light and dark, yin and yang…
simultaneously. Embracing a sense of nonjudgement towards self, where
no shame or fear is felt. To be in control whilst also letting natural flow
unfold freely. To find comfort in the logical mechanisms behind the
experiences that could be perceived as illogical. Learning to recognise
patterns, and noticing when there are exceptions. To experience life
outside conventional principles of social order. Listening to our intuition,
as much as we listen to our own logic. Trusting the random, and being
open to the impossible.
Being no one.
Being one person.
Being everyone.
Evolving and helping others evolve.
Your conscious and subconscious merge. Your actions become an
expression of life force. Your mind opens the gates to universal ideas and
values. Your brain starts to conduct heavy rationalisation as your mind
expands and achieves a point of convergence that leads to balance.
Harmony through conflict.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
This is How We Fuck The
We all feel the anger, the frustration.
The system needs to go. NOW.
Starseed Anarchy
Has life been throwing a lot of hell at you? Have you found yourself a bit
caught up in dreams that die soon after dreamt? Do you feel like all is a bit
too much to take? You are not alone.
We are going through a collective rising. People from all over the world
are ready to fight the system that has wronged us again and again. We
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
don’t want to take anymore excuses. No more corrupt legislations. No
more bullshit from the media and politicians. We are fed up with this
dance. It’s time to change the music scene. By now, you have probably
already awakened to many new truths. You are probably a little bit
confused as to how to proceed. Well, I can only give you a few tips on how
I personally have dealt with so much, and used each hit to grow stronger,
wiser and above all, unfuckwithable.
● Use your art as your weapon: Create the outcomes you want to see
in your life. If you are a writer, write. If you are a painter, paint.
Anything you are, be it with the conscious intention of rising up. Of
standing up. Of speaking up and screaming with your creations
● Learn about witchcraft and alchemy: You probably have noticed
the magic and have probably questioned your own sanity. Keep
learning. We are a spiritual tribe.
● Express your thoughts always: The world changes all the time.
Change is inevitable. It is a constant. Speak your mind. Let people
know where you stand. Don’t stop believing in yourself. Let go of
what doesn’t serve you and shine as the starseed you and I both
know, you are.
● Use the Internet to spread new ideas and plant seeds: This is how
the collective consciousness works. We speak our minds at risk of
sounding insane. 34 months later, we begin to make sense as more
and more people start to awaken to new experiences. As the
quantum path emerges in their perspective and synchronicity invades
their times and spaces.
● Educate yourself regarding the law, your rights, and the REAL
fuckery that is taking place in governments around the world: We all
know they are hiding stuff from us. Many of us are already in
watchlists. Gather evidence. Take pictures of those who follow you.
Keep a record of those who hack you or disturb you. This world is
sick with cognitive dissonance… Hence, why we’ve been blessed
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
with intelligence. We must become empirical, strategic and
● Remember we are on each other’s teams: Do not let paranoia turn
you against your brothers and sisters. Be aware of your own
emotional spectrum. Realise we are all victims to the same
oppressors. They want to divide us. We want to rise up united to
defeat them.
● Become public: Keeping all this knowledge private can be
expensive as many start to feel alienated and lonely. We are in this
together. And we will conquer as long as we stick together. We are a
majority. The elitists are in trouble.
● Rebel. Resist. Fuck the system: Do not let anyone tell you who you
are or what you are. Only you know. It is your journey, your path
and a collective battle. Stand up. Be authentic. Be humble, but take
no shit.
Tomorrow we shall make sense of today’s events.
Our power lays in union and synergy.
We are starseeds.
We are anarchists.
We are legion.
We know what to do.
And we will crush this system…
Into stardust.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
The Magick of Nighttime &
Insomnia Sessions
Some of us prefer the night, yet we gotta live in the daytime.
Many artists, especially… feel more inspired in the silence of the night;
when everyone is asleep and there are less distractions.
There is magick in the air.
Night Eyes by Betshy.
Shops close at specific times. Posts are only delivered in working hours
and most jobs do not support night shifts. Not everyone is “rise and shine”.
Some are “dusk to ignite”. What are we reinforcing as a whole? What are
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
we conforming to? All these questions, philosophies, perceptions and
passions, become clear. Change comes through revolution, and every
revolutionary act, even if just a thought, counts. Night owls tend to revolt
against something, even if that very something is simply… daytime.
I personally find it easier to practice magick during the evening. I love
working alchemy formulas and conducting experiments in my solitary
confinements. Indeed, I am always trying new things, and maybe that’s
why I am always discovering new things. I keep what works, discard what
doesn’t and aim to continuously try as many perspectives as possible. This
keeps my mind open, fresh and adaptable.
Another aspect of my humanity I find enhanced at nighttime is my extra
perception. I seem to gather data much more smoothly whilst having no
noise to distract me. I mentally visualise as I drop the whole environment
around me in my mind, and position myself as a point of light in infinite
darkness. Boom.
Once you take control of your meditative visualisations, you can alter and
program the way your brain perceives reality, and what’s more… You can
alter your reality, even if your brain doesn’t notice to begin with. If you
are reading this article, chances are, you’ve been through it and are
searching for answers.
I have a question for you: What are you good at? Whatever
it is, do that, often.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Awakening The Voice In Your
Head: Sanity vs. Madness
How is your relationship with yourself?
Is your mind your friend or your enemy?
Have you been questioning your sanity?
You are not alone.
All those thoughts. All that channeled knowledge. All those coincidences… And all that
received guidance. Are you crazy or are you enlightened?
One of the main perks of awakening is“the voice in the head”. Somewhere
deep inside you, after being lost for so long, your mind begins to interact
with you, in a divine way. As to what triggers this? I’d say: Willingness to
change and achieve congruence. Voices are often a perk of those who
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
practice spiritualism, shamanism, breatharianism, witchcraft and even
religion. Being able to hear voices is considered a gift in many cultures
and ancestral doctrines.
When you merge your spiritual journey with the extrasensory experiences
you go through, these traits that are often seen as symptoms, become
assets of growth and selfawareness. One can feel as if angels or ascended
masters were communicating important messages. In contrast, from a
psychological perspective, it can be seen as talking with yourself…
Nothing wrong with that.
So why is there so much taboo regarding the topic?
Sadly, we live in a system that keeps us blind and ignorant. However, if
you were to speak to a psychologist, they would tell you this: Hearing
voices is more common than you think.According to the HVN organisation,
which was established as early as 1988 in the UK:
“Statistics vary, but it’s generally accepted that between 3 and 10% of the
population hear voices that other people don’t. If you include one off
experiences… this figure goes up to 75%… A number of famous and
important people (past and present) have experience of hearing or seeing
things that other people don’t. Without these people, the world would be a
very different place. This list of famous people who have talked or written
about hearing voices includes: Gandhi, Socrates, Joan of Arc, Freud,
Anthony Hopkins, Philip K Dick, John Frusciante, Carlos Santana, Robert
Schumann, John Forbes Nash, Zoe Wannamaker and Charles Dickens.”
[visit page]
I believe the rates are higher now that many people are awakening to their
“extrasenses”.Moreover, in some cases, these voices are constructive and
can be used as a tool of personal development. According to the Intervoice
online organisation:
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
“Hearing voices in itself is not a symptom of an illness, but is apparent in
2 – 4 % of the population, some research gives higher estimates and even
more people (about 8%) have so called “peculiar personal convictions”,
that are sometimes called “delusions”, and do so without being ill. Many
people who hear voices find them helpful or benevolent.” [visit page]
Under the same token, the website Psychology Today, supports the above
statement by saying:
“Despite their association with mental illness, auditory hallucinations
don’t always torment those who hear them. In fact, only one out of every
three socalled “voice hearers” requires psychiatric help. The other two
don’t experience difficulties and may even consider their voices supportive
or inspiring.” [visit page]
As with everything… All is a matter of perspective. You can choose what
to make out of your awakening. The point is: You are not alone and more
and more people begin to join the collective synergy.
“One reason is that understanding typical inner experience may be the key
to understanding more unusual inner experiences. For example,
psychologists have argued that hearing voices (“auditory verbal
hallucinations”) might simply be a form of inner speech that has not been
recognised as selfproduced (although there are also important competing
theories). Neuroscientists have found some evidence in favour of this
theory. When they scanned the brains of people who reported hearing
voices, they discovered that many of the same areas of the brain are active
during both auditory hallucinations and inner speech. Broca’s area, for
example, is often active in people when they’re hearing voices.” – The
Guardian. [visit page]
So next time you are questioning your sanity, remember: The answer is up to you.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Magick is Not a Secret & They
Know About it
Mind creates reality. Mind is source of reality.
There are hallucinations, and there are mass hallucinations.
The power of the indigo collective lays in the second one.
How far can you use your imagination? Have you felt the electrics? Have you noticed the
glitches? Are you wondering about what you should do with all this “newly acquired
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Bodies have something called “invisible radiation”. These are energetic
rays emitted from blood, fingertips, eyes and even the mind. To become
aware of one’s energetic field, allows the direct interaction between mind
and matter. Those who are already familiar with witchcraft, paganism and
breatharianism, already know this, as it’s not secret knowledge. As my
favourite book (Oversoul Seven) says: “Magic is nature unimpeded”.
The problem is the system that wants to keep us blind and ignorant to
these basic human perks.
Thoughts travel through every existent atom. This is why particular objects
can serve as powerful channels for information. Environments have
distinct energetic signatures of parameters and configurations of
frequency; moreover, there are infinite numbers of gateways through
which Akashic knowledge can be accessed. Likewise, flesh memory has a
collection of emotional signatures that can often be triggered, recreated or
healed in various ways. This is how traumas and posttraumatic stress
disorder work. The trick is to learn to recognise such patterns and work to
program the brain to tap into the vibrational field we want to align with.
This is why going to a natural environment is so healthy. Surrounded by
trees, we are able to align with the natural frequency emitted by the planet.
This is clean energy, neutral, pure. No negativity can be found there. It
serves as a general reboot to one’s body and mind. Moreover, when one
lives outside the system, life tends to be more real in a magical sense.
There is no brainwashing or conditioning going on. Furthermore, if we add
selfsufficiency to the equation, then we can say that there would be no
poisoning going on, as there is in the foods we buy at the supermarket.
Chemical burns, from our governments. Most of us are aware of
Monsanto’s dirty tricks at this point.
Your brain is your body’s harddrive and processor. It stores the data you
give it. To be in control of the input and output of such data, is to be in
control of your thoughts and to be the programmer of your own mind. You
see, the governments invest a lot of money in psychological conditioning,
programming and controlling of the masses. In Social Science, we call it
“Behaviourist Economics”. It is a disgusting career, which purpose is to
manipulate people to consume. So, instead of feeding the data they give
you, feed what makes you feel great; but most importantly, what makes
you free.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Anyone who has heard about the Bohemian Grove, or anyone who has
followed the spiritual activities of politicians and elitists… Will have
noticed that they do invest time and space into spirituality. As a matter of
fact, they secretly use it to keep in power, whilst hiding such knowledge
from us. Why? Because they don’t want to share the world. They want to
rule it, possess it and own it.
Bohemian Grove ritual. Hilary in Jerusalem, 2005. By David Silverman.
Google it.
Have you ever wondered why they do these types of things? because they
worship money and power. They do what it takes to keep such positions.
Even the religious establishments of the world idealise money. Take a look
at this picture:
Why is the pope kissing the Rothschild’s hand?
Does having money make you divine?
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
So in these times of transitioning… Daring to try the impossible is the new
Art your visions. Write down your ideas so you don’t forget them.
Speak to others about your experiences. Feed your own brain.
Become bulletproofed.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Initiation, Process & Rise
Have you ever felt like you are being tested? As if for some type of reason, your life
simply… Stopped making sense?
Is synchronicity normal for you? Are you filled with constant shock?
Image from the spiritual, antipolitical video: “Timed Money Game”.
I used to think I was drowning in my mind, under so many problems and
confusion. I learnt to visualise myself breathing underwater. My thought
was: “If it is my imagination, I better get creative about it”. Indeed, if you
are going to dream, you better dream bright; because thought is a powerful
force and source of reality. This is why sometimes it is healthy to forget
everything that we know, everything that exists and simply connect to that
pure essence we naturally are in soul.
More and more people begin to tune into these frequencies. More and
more acquaintances begin opening their eyes and suddenly realise that we
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
are not as crazy as they thought we were. Oh, because we are worst than
that. We actually believe our madness alters the world around us. And who
can blame us for that? After all, Einstein himself believed spacetime could
be curved. No one has a right to diminish your visions.
I believe you. I know what is like to be a pioneer. A Starseed. It can be
frustrating as often, we are misunderstood. The experiences we go through
are a bit ahead in time. We usually have to wait months until others align
with the new frequencies. Remember: We did not come to this world to fit
in. We came shapeless, impossible to box. If they try to condition us, they
end up damaging their own box, for we see beyond the structure.
This is because we have adopted our everchanging identity. Formless.
Always open to unlearn and relearn. To create and to discover. Of course,
there are always two sides to the equation. Love and fear.
I know some of you have begun experimenting with your artistic
capacities. Your metafiction abilities. Your faith and conviction. In my
intuitive cave, I see you wondering big questions, such as: “Am I really
capable of that?” or “Why me, out of all these people?”. Well, all I can
tell you is: Keep speaking up. Keep asking questions. Keep expressing
your truth. See that you have no obligation to conform to anything. Be
aware that no one is testing you, but yourself. Be a creator, instead of a
slave. All is perceived through the current mindstate. Feed yourself light,
and find rest in the dark. Because, ain’t we all yin yang?
If it helps, I will say it: You are not crazy. You are not alone. There are
hundreds and now thousands of people going through such shamanic
initiation. It will challenge the core aspects of your being. It will force you
to rethink reality, timespace, mental health and even your very existence.
But I promise you this, when you have finally embraced your purpose,
you’ll see how every invested second, provides rewards. And how every
moment in your life has led you here. To this moment. Capture it.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
This is your opportunity to shine. Let your talents flow. And
why not? Try absolutely everything.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
The World Needs Your
There comes a point in which you can no longer afford to be silent with your experience,
because after having so much conviction and having spread ideas around, seeds begin to
grow and suddenly, your experience is not yours alone anymore.
Image from video “Raw Apocalypse”.
You are a starseed.
There are people who are now confused and going through the awakening.
They need your perspective. You, who has gone through hell and came out
alive, knowing now a bit too much about good and evil. You, who
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
overthinks life and who observes details in the mundane structure.
Someone is looking for you, as a friend, as a teacher, as a soul doctor. The
world needs you. Your existence is purposeful and relevant. We are here at
this particular timespace to alter reality as we know it. To end the system
as we know it. To upgrade our living standards as a human family.
The best way to help others is by being ourselves. You never know what
might inspire, motivate or heal another person. Synergies simply occur
naturally. Knowledge enters as the curiosity gate opens the mind to receive
new information.
Have you ever wondered why the sound of Hindu mantras have such
powerful, positive effect on the person who listens to it?OM, the name of
God, in numerology, equals to 64, which simplified equals to 10. This is
the number of harmony. Also the numbers used in binary language. Some
people spell it “AUM”, which in numerology equals to 134. Simplified,
equals to 8, the number of infinity. But then again, that is just a calculation
with meaning.
Many speak of end times nowadays. I believe end times occur all the time,
as well as beginnings. Each cycle is born and each cycle expires. The way
I see it, the cycle for the monetary system is about to face apocalypse. We
are rising up as a collective, whether the media chooses to ignore it or not,
it is happening. Do not underestimate your place in this revolution. After
all, you know more than you say.
This is a biogenesis of souls.
An era where relativity is explored.
Medicine for the pain of the world.
Interpretation and mediation between ascended beings.
Energy ripples capable of moving mountains.
A time of equilibrium and symmetry in the minds.
Scientific divinity.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Collective DNA: Order & Chaos
To be a yin yang human, is to be, naturally… Order and chaos.
To observe the patterns conceived in awareness and consciousness. Being
in tune with each chakra, attentive to the subchaos of the self, the rooting
taking place in the body, the thinking going on in the mind, which then
translates it to the brain. The expression coming forward from the throat,
and our intuition, concealed in our gut. To know one’s ego and to
experience the wide spectrum of emotions. One could say that nowadays,
it is appropriate to see a synesthete (A person with enhanced, extrasenses)
as a living proof of human evolution.
Chaos and order, both exist at all times. Every person tends to have a
natural inclination towards one of these sides. This is in part, due to the
fact that the society we were raised in has always taught us to divide things
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
in order to understand them. This bad habit has of course, made it harder
for some to be able to see themselves as integral, whole individuals; rather
than as a label, box or a sociallyestablished identity, such as a career title
(lawyer, doctor).
To achieve harmony between chaos and order, it is important to work on
both sides equally. For instance, if your life feels slightly too ordered at the
moment, subchaos will be introduced by natural law. To be wise is to
introduce the subchaos consciously whenever possible. Under the same
token, if your life feels slightly too chaotic, suborder will be introduced.
To be wise is to let the suborder carry itself out.
This is where the universal forces complement and collide in what can be
perceived as a bit of an irony. Chaos is wild and entropic; yet, it is best
when tamed. Order is easy to control and direct, yet, it is best when left
untamed. This way, harmony arrives as ordered chaos and entropic order,
It is a powerful combination and requires much practice and
experimentation. However, it is incredibly rewarding. After all, we are
infinite beings by thinking analysis. We have an infinite capacity to think.
Simply put, we never stop thinking until we die. So, having taken into
account this infinity element I have just mentioned, let us also remember
that we are everchanging. In our subconsciousness we cannot attach to an
identity, for we change everyday. We are infinitely everchanging,
individual beings, transitioning between times and spaces, sharing a
collective experience.
To think of oneself as separated from the whole, is to live in denial of the
existent subconsciousness that is far bigger, higher and wider than the
average consciousness. We are bodies, spirits and souls. There are
different sets of quantum fields regarding each of the mentioned
dimensions. Each person is different. Yet, there are so many studies and
empirical results nowadays about telepathy, that I wonder why I even have
to be explaining this at this point in 2016 where there is an obvious, clear
awakening going on. A mass reaction to revolution and enlightenment.
Well, the reason is that… There is a whole media blackout regarding this
situation. The governments are acting as if it wasn’t happening. As if it
wasn’t effecting great change. As if… They still had as much power as
they claim to have.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Truth is… Their game is over; and they are having hard time admitting
such imminent fact.
Hundreds of thousands of people are talking about DNA transmutation,
activation and about hacking reality. More and more begin to see beyond
the fake structure of time. More and more are playing with their talents
and bringing forth, powerful ripples of change.
We are the untamable chaos to their corrupt social
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
True Awakening Vs. Social
Are you being educated or are you being conditioned?
Are you following the hype or are you connecting to your inner wisdom?
In today’s world, it is hard to know with certainty what resources are
beneficial for the soul. We are surrounded by news, TV shows, laws and
books that are a direct result of the growing market.
Many people think that enlightening comes from educating oneself with
the knowledge that is given to us by media, schools, modern “free
yourself” books and celebrities. I mean, yes, one can learn from others and
truly benefit from new perspectives; nevertheless, the truth lays hidden in
the sacral of each body. There is no need to search for it, as much as there
is a need to channel it. Moreover, freedom is free of charge. If you are
somehow paying for it, you are being scammed, but most importantly, you
are fooling yourself.
Truth presents itself to you through intuition, through synchronicity,
through genuine connections. Are we giving power to those who
financially benefit from educational resources? Who are the top families
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
sponsoring every single aspect of the market? Yes, the same ones who
own the banks. Indeed, the revolution of today’s world starts the moment a
person thinks for themselves. Forgetting all learned, then relearning, and
recreating their knowledge base.
Children should be encouraged to be themselves, share their ideas and
seek their own dreams, goals and passions. Parents who condition their
own kids are doing it wrong, because children are naturally closer to
source. Their truth is a lot more pure and unconditional. If anything, we
should all start learning from kids, more so than teaching them. As parents,
we should strive to guide them, protect them and support them… Not
brainwash them into the robotic repetition of the system’s pattern.
Those who are currently going through the process of DNA activation and
evolution, have began to notice that to repeat knowledge is to reinforce the
hallucinatory pattern of the world. At the end of the day, some know that
matter does not even exist. To repeat someone’s marketed truth, is to
reinforce the very system that provides it whilst limiting oneself, because
it is the soul that has unadulterated wisdom. If everyone thought for
themselves, the world that we know of, wouldn’t exist. Because as a
matter of fact, it doesn’t. All there is, is knowledge and molded beliefs
passed down through generations of conditioning and social programming,
carried out and spread through educational/laboral systems and media.
Who said every person’s reality needs to be the same? Why are we
collectively conforming to such notion? Everything changes every second.
Every person changes with every breath they take. So instead of searching
for society’s justifications about experiences, why not forget it all and
teach yourself the basics of your own personal reality? I have seen how
powerful a group of people who are boundless and free can be. When there
is total acceptance to differences and total “allowing” in the state of mind
towards new experiences… Life’s always magical and effective. The main
two problems of the modern world are: Capitalism and cognitive
Are we giving unnecessary attention and existential power to politicians?
What would they do if we all stopped following their every action? What
are politicians without the people? They are individuals. So, in my humble
opinion, instead of giving them attention, we should ignore them. Because
truly, they feed from our attention, whether it is positive or negative.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Without it, they would be no different than we are. What’s more… Why
are we going at each other’s throats about politics, when we perfectly
know that regardless of who wins, politicians are the definition of
“bullshit”? The best people who’ve changed the world in history have
been either insane and genius, or/and highly spiritual.
So, are you sure that what you are learning isn’t something that
“mainstream” trends want you to learn? Social programming goes as far
as to build collective beliefs that reinforce the consumer society we live in
from pretty much every perspective there is, including the spiritual one.
For example, now we have spiritual leaders teaching people about how to
use the law of attraction to make money. Excuse me? Really? Sure, the
awakening has become“cool” and great for business. Yet, are the beliefs
YOU are building yours, or someone else’s? Money has, does and will
continue to build divisions. There is no changing the system for the better,
without changing the capitalist attitude and taking power away from the
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
A Quantum Fictional Metaphor
Dream is destiny, I once heard.
What if everything we perceive is created by our brains in that very
moment? What if freedom is achieved by dropping everything, absolutely
everything we know and adapting our brain to the everchanging
space/time structure?
What if we are dreaming? What if just like in dream, when we become
lucid… We can do everything, anything?
Why does it go from 0 to 1 in the Fibonacci sequence? 0+0=0. Does that
mean that 1 is the beginning of the great hallucination? Do we wake up
every day with new objects, yet our brain thinks they were there all along?
Are we tangible? What if the planet already exploded? What if some of us
come from the future, where multidimensional time travel already exists?
Is Earth a planet or a direction? Maybe Earth is simply… East. Maybe the
south is beautiful. Maybe the North is wise. Maybe the west is desirable.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Timeless, spaceless. Can we really wake up from the hallucination?
Poverty would be impossible in world where matter can be altered and
manifested any time.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
The Magick of Acceptance &
Some of us are complex, too complex to even understand ourselves. We go through life
dancing, looking for validation and acceptance from those who we love, something that in
my opinion, is a natural human action.
Many of us, like some animals do, find comfort and warmth of heart in
being understood and loved. There are many different types of animals in
the planet. Some walk alone, some walk in groups. Humans, we are
complex because we simply know nothing, and our intellect has a way of
getting in the way when it comes to connections.
Many aspects define human behaviour. Some are nature, and others; often,
are nurture. It is understandable that people who have had a rough
background tend to either need extra support or reject it allthesame. We
tend to build shields around our hearts and mind in order to protect
ourselves from recreating past trauma. This is a valid survival method;
however, just as a shield serves to protect, it can serve to isolate.
In my opinion, true love in friendship, family and relationships can be
cherished when we connect to people who are capable of understanding us
reciprocally. Love at times is present, but can be destructive as we
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
accidentally push too many buttons, or let our insecurities become an
Similarly, a current problem that exists with society and many
dysfunctional families is that some individuals have a mentality of: “if I
had a bad time, you deserve it too. If I could do it, you can too.”; often
refusing to support those who are in desperate need for human connection
and understanding. Yes, no one is obliged to help anyone. It is nobody’s
responsibility to love and accept others (except for parents); nevertheless,
it can be emotionally shattering to experience these type of situations
especially with those who too, have been hurt and let down in the past by
We are all different, yet we are all human. And just like there are many
that will agree with me on the fact that the hormonal production of the
body when in a state of love and acceptance can lead towards a better
society and world, there will be those who will disagree, thinking that
perhaps the only way to live is “alone”, because that’s what they have
experienced mostly in their lives.
Furthermore, most emotional incidents of hurt occur when there is at least
one person lacking psychological understanding and/or empathy.
Sometimes, there is empathy and understanding, but there is also fear,
defense mechanisms and triggered reactions.
As humans, we are naturally complex. It is an illusion to think that
emotions are a negative trait to have, when they can actually be used as a
compass that guide us towards selffulfillment, selfunderstanding and
congruence. Psychologically speaking, we cannot truly achieve
congruence without developing some type of cognitive/spiritual awareness
about what we feel and think. There is nothing more empowering,
inspiring and magical than having close friends/family who
There is nothing more empowering, inspiring and magical than having
close friends/family who believe in you and accept you despite of your
flaws and differences. A simple gesture of true, unconditional love, can
change a life through one interaction.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Mundane “Reality” is a Hoax
There is a new quantum shift already in place, which marks the frequency entering the
planet and nonchalantly infiltrating in people’s minds, hearts and lives. Chests are
igniting in zero vibes, altering the environment, changing spacetime.
What do you believe is real? What do you believe is possible? Do you
believe in afterlife? Do you believe people can indeed die and restart
within the same vessel? Welcome to.
In this new era, madness is the new universal constant. Nowadays, there is
not much difference between fiction and reality. Time is an illusion, a
nonlinear delusion, a collectively recreated mechanism of… control.
How are you spending the precious seconds that encompass your Earthly
existence? What are you waiting for? Are you dying while you are living
through the investment of your energy in empty boxes of society? Are you
awakened to the fact that matter is transmutable? Take the moon, as
example. Doesn’t it transmute the very waves we call oceans? Doesn’t it
effect moods and complexities over the human mind?
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Do you sometimes lose objects? Do you sometimes think about someone,
and then you are in contact? Has synchronicity made you rethink the
meaning of “coincidences”? The structure of the universal pattern has been
changed, altered, modified, expanded… All by those who are unfairly
labelled as “crazy”.
What is crazy? I say those who see life like a monetary experience. Those
who forget themselves to fulfill social duties established by the hands who
profit from every drop of sweat spilt by your forehead. So, really… What
is reality?
Why did Einstein believe spacetime could be curved? Why does Stephen
Hawkings believe in aliens? Why does the Vatican use pagan symbolism?
Why do the freemasons worship the East? Do you really think you know it
all? Think twice.
Some know NOTHING. Absolute zero. Timeless. Spaceless.
Multidimensionally existing within the robotic sequence we call world.
These are the starseeds, also known as indigos, warriors of the rainbow,
chosen ones.
Why does the universe have pixels? Why can everything be understood
through binary code? Why does it go from 0 to 1 in the Fibonacci
sequence? (0+0 =0). Why does the third law of thermodynamics consist in
reaching absolute zero?
I believe that out of all there is on Earth, and out of all conspiracy
theories… Reality is the biggest hoax. The good news is that whether you
believe it or not, you can no longer escape the very fact, that at least…
Life is weird. The glitches are becoming more and more evident. The
inconsistencies in this matrix can no longer be ignored by those whose
eyes are open.
Why is it that nowadays many claim that their fictional writings are
becoming true? Why are artists convinced they are opening portals? Why
are many going through DNA activation? Why are many… already
claiming to be superhuman? Why is there a global evolution movement
with empirical results?
We are at crossroads of what was, is and can be. Time does not exist.
Matter is an illusion. This could be a beginning or an end. The moment for
starseeds to gather has arrived.
Quantum Starseeds.
by Betshy Paola Sanchez Marrugo.
Creative Collective Synergy (CCS).
August, 2016
Mission engaged.
End the bankers. End the politicians. End the monetary system. End patriarchy. End
normality. End the world as we know it.
Fictional art.
Lack of attention to oppressors.
Rebel, revolt and resist.
Believe in magic.
Believe in quantum change.
Be the starseed you came to be.
Be the change.