Starseed Akashic Records

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Group Consciousness

Star Family*Advanced Races*Akashic records

Starseed to be starseed have come from a realm of Group

The akasha was also called the Aether, and the aether atom is
the same shape as the new view of the DNA Molecule
(Krystal Gene), physcists call the Aether/akasha the ‘Fabric of
Spacetime’, and are proving the shape of this ‘fabric’ is the
same as the ancients Aether atom.
Most Starseed came from and operate from within a group
consciousness. This means that their shared identity with their
species or group is more important to them than any sense of
personal identity or personality that they may have. This is
natural for a group of higher consciousness beings. A group
consciousness is a COLLECTIVE AWARENESS,
system. Individuals within the group consciousness are aware
of what the group experience is. They are a part of the group
because they want to be and not because they are in any way
forced to be a part of it. To be a part of a group consciousness
a being needs to have transcended any strong tendencies to
PERSONALITY. The attraction of a group consciousness is
so great that beings let go of the need to operate from the level
of personal preferences in favour of the group consciousness.
One very common element thats appeared over the decades
via channelled sources is - when the channel asks for the
name of the source , the reply is they don't have a name - the
channel more or less makes one up - advanced Races don't use
or need personal names..Source / God is a group
consciousness and all beings through the process of evolution
are ultimately returning back to this state of being in the
deepest way that they can. It is the destiny of humanity to
construct their own style of group consciousness. .Starseed
often attempt to connect to their Star Family and their akashic
records as an individuality/personality. However we cannot
have a human style of relationship with a group consciousness
and it may feel as if it is lacking of personality. As such to a
human a group consciousness may feel a little detached and
impersonal. If we can get over the normal human tendency to
want to have human relationships with Star Family then we
can begin to appreciate and communicate more directly with
these group consciousness and have a deeper understanding of
what akashic records entails.

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