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This study aims to determine how the influence of population, wage level and
education level on labor supply. The data used are time series data for the period of 2012
to 2018. This study uses quantitative descriptive analysis with multiple linear regression
using the SPSS 24.0 computer statistical program.. The results of this study were
obtained by the number of population, education level and wage level together
influencing the labor supply in Riau Province with a significant value of 0.016 and the t-
count value (20.757) is greater than the f-table (6.65). artially the population growth
variable has no effect on labor supply in Riau Province with a regression coefficient of
0.371 and the t-value of population growth is 0.933 smaller than t-table (2.36), wage
rates have no effect on labor supply with the regression coefficient is 0.420 and the t-test
value (0.777) is smaller than the t-table (2.36), and the level of education has an effect on
labor supply with the regression coefficient of 0.012 and the t-value of the education level
(5.492) greater than t-table (2.36). In the determination test (R2) obtained 0.908 which
means that 90.80% of the independent variable (population growth / X1, wage level / X2,
and education level / X3) can explain the dependent variable namely labor supply in Riau
Province while the rest is influenced by other labor supply factors in Riau Province.
Keywords : labor supply, population growth, minimum wage level and education level