Mkt3017 STD TCT Ewo

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Faculty of Business and Law

MODULE NAME: Principles of Marketing Management

Module Code Level Credit Value Module Leader

MKT3017 6 20 EWO Module Tutor

Assessment Brief
TCT – Multiple Choice Test
Assessment title:

Please see NILE


Weighting: 40%

Please see NILE

Feedback and
Grades due:

Please see NILE

Resit Date:

Please read this assessment brief in its entirety before starting work on it.

The Assessment Task

The purpose of this assignment is to complete a time constrained test based on your knowledge

from topics from the module.

There will be 50 questions to be complete in 60 minutes. The test will take place in your workshop

and will be online.

Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes that are being assessed in this assessment are:

Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application

a. Define the key marketing planning tools, models and concepts

b. Apply marketing concepts in practice and demonstrate the necessity of focusing on the
customer and the marketplace

Your grade will depend on the extent to which you meet these learning outcomes in the way
relevant for this assessment. Please see the grading rubric at the end of this assessment brief
for further details of the criteria against which you will be assessed.

Time Limits (where appropriate)

The maximum time limit for this test will be 60 minutes

Assessment Support

An online revision test will be made available for you to practise some test questions

Generic Grading Criteria

You will find the generic grading criteria for achievement at University Grading Criteria. Also
explained here are the meanings of the various G grades at the bottom of the grading scale.

Assessment Submission

You will be notified on NILE when to present yourself in your workshop for this online test.
You will need to bring a laptop or tablet to the time constrained test. If you do not have your
own laptop/tablet, then you can borrow one from the library. Advice on how to do this will be
given in class.

This is an individual assessment, so if collusion is suspected or you open forbidden electronic

material to assist you in this test you will be stopped from completing the test and referred to
the academic integrity officer.

You will be given a link and a password to access the online test during the workshop when
the tests have been scheduled.

Or the test will be opened for a defined period of time, where you will be given access to
complete the test in your own location. Once started the test cannot be paused. The test will
still be time constrained.

Late submission of work

If you are late to your workshop you will be given the remaining time available to complete
the test.

If you are not able to attend the test due to unforeseen circumstances, you will need to apply
for mitigating circumstances to be able to complete the resit test, to be given full grade.

If you do not present yourself for the test, you will receive a G grade, and will be given one
more opportunity to pass the test during the resit test.

Mitigating Circumstances
For guidance on Mitigating circumstances please go to Mitigating Circumstances where you
will find detailed guidance on the policy as well as guidance and the form for making an

Please note, however, that an application to defer an assessment on the grounds of mitigating
circumstances should normally be made in advance of the submission deadline or
examination date.

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

Unless this is a group assessment, the work you produce must be your own with work taken
from any other source properly referenced and attributed. The University of Northampton
policy will apply in all cases of copying, plagiarism or any other methods by which students
have obtained (or attempted to obtain) an unfair advantage.

If you are in any doubt about what constitutes plagiarism or any other infringement of
academic integrity, please read the University’s Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy. For
help with understanding academic integrity go to UNPAC and follow the Top Tips for Good
Academic Practice on the student hub.

Please note that the penalties for copying work from another source are severe and
can include failing the assessment, failing the module and expulsion from the

Feedback and Grades

These can be accessed through clicking on the Feedback and Grades tab on NILE. Feedback
will be provided once you have submitted the online list.

Test Score to Grade Table

Correct Answer Score out of 50 Questions Grade

40+ A+
38-39 A
35-37 A-
34 B+
32-33 B
30-31 B-
29 C+
27-28 C
25-26 C-
24 D+
22-23 D
20-21 D-
18-19 F+
10-17 F
9 or less F-
Non submission G

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