M.Tech Syllabus-Manipal
M.Tech Syllabus-Manipal
M.Tech Syllabus-Manipal
Contract And Specification : Types Of Contracts With Merits And Demerits And Contract
Documents. Meaning And Importance Of Specification, Types, Sources Of Information For
Specification. (04)
Network Analysis :
A) Pert Network
Definition And Related Problems Of Determining The Critical Path, Probability Of Completion
Time For A Project. (05)
B) Cpm Network
Definition, Calculation Of Float And To Locate Critical Path. (05)
C) Precedence Network (A-O-N Network)
Logic Of Precedence Diagrams, Advantages. Drawing A-O-N Network From A-O-A Network
And Related Problems. (05)
Time Cost Relationship: Direct And Indirect Cost, Step In Optimisation Of Cost, Related
Problem Of Determining Optimum Time And Minimum Cost. (05)
Reference Books:
1. Tenah Kwaku A., Gvevara Jose M., ‘Fundamentals Of Construction Management And
Organization,’ Rertan Publishing Coinc., 1985.
2. Dr. Raina V. K., ‘Construction Management Practice’, Tata - Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
3. Roy Pilcher, ‘Principles Of Construction Management ’, Mcgraw - Hill Companies.
4. Sengupta B., ‘Construction Management And Planning’, Tata Mcgraw Hill Companies.
5. Dr. Punmia B.C., Khandelwal K.K., Project Planning And Control With Pert And Cpm Laxmi
Publication, Iii Edn., 1989.
6. Walker Antony, ‘Project Management In Construction’, Collins Professional And Technical
Books, 1984.
7. Dr. Seetharam S., ‘Construction Engg. And Management ’, Umesh Publication, Delhi.
Decision Theory : Decision Strategies - Decision Under Certainity, Risk And Uncertainity -
Formulation - Decision Criteria And Decision Under Competitive Situations-Decision Trees.
Game Theory : Classification Of Games - Two Person Zero Sum Games - Formulation Of
Pay-Off Matrix - Saddle Points - Games With Pure And Mixed Strategies - Value Of The Game.
Linear Programming : Formulation, General And Standard Forms Of Lpp, Dual Of Lpps.
Solution Methods - Simplex Techniques, Big M Method And Two Phase Methods.(10)
Waiting Line Models : Poisson - Exponential Single Server Model - Infinite And Finite
Population, Poisson - Exponential Multiple Server Model - Infinite Population. (05)
1. Ang, Tang, “Probability Concepts In Engineering Planning And Design”, Vol. I And Ii, Wiley
International, 1975.
2. Kottegoda N.T., Rosso Renzo, “Statistics, Probability And Reliability For Civil And
Environmental Engineers”, Mcgraw Hill International, 1998.
3. Richar A Johnson, “Probability And Statistics For Engineers”, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1999.
4. Hines William W., Mantogomery Dougles C., “Probability And Statistics In Engineering And
Management Sciences”, John Wiley And Sons.
5. Shenoy G. V., Pant Madan, “Statistical Methods In Business And Social Sciences”, Macmillan
India Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
Relational Model. Dbms Basedon Relational Model. Spread Sheet Based And Forms Based
Database Interfaces. (Should Be Dealt In Detail)
User Dialogue, Managing Data Base, Integrity, Auditability And Security.
Selected Data Base Languages And Systems : Uds, Ibm Filing Assistant, Deltag,
Everyman, Dbase Iii, Rbase 5000 Etc. Brief Survey Of Oracle.
1. Prakash Naveen, “ Introduction To Database Management”, Tata - Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi,
2. Shaman Geiff, “Introduction To Database On Micro Computers”, Addison - Wesley Publishing
Company, England, 1989.
3. Vossen Gottfried, “Data Models, Database Languages And Data Base Management
Systems”, Addison - Wesley, England, 1990.
4. Uliman Jeffrey D. “Principles Of Database Systems”, Golgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 1989.
5. Martin James, “Principles Of Data Base Management ”, Phi, New Delhi, 1992.
6. Elmasari Navathi, “Fundamentals Of Data Base Systems”, Addison - Wesly, 1997.
Introduction To C++ Programming Language: Input And Output Statements, Logical Statements,
Iterative Loops. Simple Examples. Functions And Classes, Examples. (12)
1. Balaguruswamy E., ‘Object-Oriented Programming With C++’, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Ang And Tang, “Probability Concepts In Engineering Planning And Design”, Vol. I And Ii,
Wiley International, 1975.
3. Kottegoda N.T., Rosso Renzo, “Statistics, Probability And Reliability For Civil And
Environmental Engineers”, Mcgraw Hill International, 1998.
4. Aicte Continuing Education Programme, “Quantitative Methods In Construction Management”.
Safety Remedies For Common Hazards - Dust, Vibration, Lead Poisioning, Noise,
Movement, Material, Lighting. (02)
Safety In Nuclear Power Operation And Safety In Construction Of Thermal Power Plant.(03)
Isi Standards For Safety For Building And Civil Engineering Projects. (02)
1. Vaid K.N., “Construction Safety Management”, National Institute Of Construction
Management, Mumbai.
2. Krishna N.V., “An Introduction To Safety Engineering And Management”, Ops Publishers
Limited 14, Hare Street, Calcutta, First Edition.
3. David Goldsmith “Safety Management In Construction And Industry”, Mcgraw Hill Book
Company, - 1987.
4. “Proceedings Of The National Seminar On Safety In Construction Industry (21-11-75)”,
Bombay Central Labour Institute, Bombay, 1976.
5. Fullman J.B., “Construction Safety, Security And Loss Prevention”, New York.
Concepts And Theories Of Value - Cost, Price And Value - Purpose Of Valuation - Different
Forms Of Values. (03)
Outgoings : Municipal And Government Taxes - Annual Repairs And Maintenance, Insurance,
Loss Of Rent, Management And Collection Charges, Sinking Fund. (03)
Deferred Land Value, Year’s Purchase, Capitalized Value, Annuity, Good Will Value,
Obsolescence, Ammortization, P.V. Of Re. 1/- For Different Cases. (03)
Methods Of Valuation: Open Land Valuation - Factors Affecting The Intrinsic Values Of Land,
Comparative Method, Abstractive Method, Belting Method. (05)
Definition Of Rent, Different Forms Of Rent - Standard Rent, Head Rent, Statutory Rent,
Ground Rent, Improved Rent, Gross Rent And Net Rent. (03)
Cost Of Structure, Bis Rules For Measurement Of Plinth Area And Cubical Contents. (02)
Valuation Of Land With Buildings: Rental Method, Land And Building Method, Valuation On
Profit Basis, Direct Comparison Of Capital Value, Residual Or Development Method.(08)
Rights And Liabilities Of Lessor And Lessee, Leasehold Properties, Freehold Properties.(03)
1. Banerjee D.N., “Principles And Practice Of Valuation”.
2. Roshan H. Nanavathi, “Professional Practice”.
3. Rao Gopintha C.H. “Valuation Practices Of Immovable Properties”.
4. Shah N.A. “Quantity Surveying And Valuation”
5. Mitra A.K., “Theory And Practice Of Valuation”
6. Back Volumes Of Institution Of Valuers, India.
Financial Accounting - Meaning - Importance - Journal - Ledger - Trial Balance And Bank
Reconciliation Statement.
Preparation Of Financial Statements – Profit And Loss A/C - Balance Sheet. Nature Of
Financial Statements - Importance Of Financial Statements And Its – Interpretation.
Business Finance - Source Of Finance - Short Term And Long Term. Working Capital -
Meaning, Nature, Importance And Sources.
1. Nanda Dhaneja, Sastry, “Financial Accounting”.
2. Manmohan Singh Goyal, “Management Accounting”.
3. Pandey I.M., “Financial Management ”.
4. Prassanna Chandra, “Financial Management ”.
5. Khan And Jain, “Financial Management ”.
1. Aswathappa A., “Organizational Behaviour : Texts And Cases”, Himalaya Publishing House,
2. Hersey Paul, Kenneth Blanchard H., “Management Of Organizational Behaviour: Utilising
Human Resources”, Prentice Hall India Ltd., 5th Edition, New Delhi.
3. Davis Keith, “Human Behaviour At Work : Organizational Behaviour”, Tata-Mcgraw Hill, New
4. Gupta N.S., “Organization: Theory And Behaviour”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
5. Pareek Uday, Rao T.V., Pestonji D.M., “Behavioral Process In Organisations”, Oxford-Ibh
Publishing Company.
6. Tyagi Archana, “Organisational Behaviour”, Excel Books, New Delhi.
7. Gordon Judith K., “A Diagnostic Approach To Organisational Behaviour”, Allyn & Bacon
Inc., New Delhi.
8. Luthans Fred, “Organisational Behaviour”, Mcgraw Hill International, New York.
9. Tosi Henry L., Rizzo John R., Carrol Stephan J., “Organisational Behaviour: A Comprehensive
Manual ”, Beacon Books, New Delhi.
Cie 622.3/Cie 624.3 Applied Social Psychology [4 0 0 4]
Time-Motion Study: Individual Differences, Howthrone Study, Psychological Tests And Their
Attitudes, Industrial Moral And Job Satisfaction.
Industrial Conflict And Fatigue. Monotony And Boredom.
Scientific Management, Selection And Placement, Employee-Employer
Relationships, Incentives.
1. Katz Daniel, Kohn Robert L., “The Social Psychology Of Organisations”, John Willey And
Sons, New York, 1978.
2. Mohanty Girishbal, “Textbook Of Industrial And Organisational Psychology”, Oxford And Ibh,
3. Schein Edger H., “Organisational Psychology”, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi,1973.
4. Seigel Lawrence, Lane Irwing M., “Psychology In Industrial Organisations”, D.B.
Taraporewala Sons And Co. Pvt. Ltd., Bombay, 1974.
1. Chakraborty S.K., “Management By Values: Towards Cultural Congruance”, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi,1991.
2. Chakraborty S.K., “Managerial Effectiveness And Quality Of Work Life: Indian Insights”, Tata
Mcgraw Hill,1987.
3. Monappa A., “Ethical Attitudes Of Indian Managers”, All India Management
Stores Management: Stores System, Location And Layout Of Stores, Incoming Material
Control, Stock Verification, Value Analysis, Material Handling.
Inventory Management: Different Inventory Costs, Static Risk Model, Eoq, Practical Systems – P
And Q Systems, Probability Based Inventory Control, Or Techniques In Material Management,
Computers In Material Management.
1. Gopal Krishnanan P., Sundaresan M., “ Material Management : Integrated Approach”,
Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1992.
2. Datta A.K., “Material Management And Inventory Control: Principles And Practice”, Jaico
Publishing House, Bombay, 1988.
3. Shah N.M., “Integrated Concept Of Material Management”, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1988.
4. Michael R. Leenders, Fearn, “ Purchasing And Material Management”, D.B. Tarporevale
Sons And Co., Bangalore, 1977.
5. Tersine, Richard J., “Principles Of Inventory And Material Management”, Prentice Hall
International, 1994.
6. Zipkin, Paul H., “Foundations Of Inventory Management”, Mac Grahill International, 2000.
1. Prakash V.A., “Contract Management In Civil Works Projects”, Nicmar,Mumbai,1997.
2. Betty John G., “Engineering Contracts”, Mcgraw Hill Internationals, London.
3. Collier Keith, “Managing Construction Contracts”, Reston Publishing Company
4. Clough Richard H., “Construction Contracting”, John Willey & Sons, Newyork,1986.
5. Wass Alonzo, “Understanding Construction Contracts”, Reston Publishing Company,
6. Albett Robert W., “Engineering Contracts And Specifications”, John Willey And Sons,
New York,1961.
7. Vaid K.N. (Ed.),“Global Perspective On International Construction Contracting Technology
And Project Management ”, Nicmar, Mumbai, 1998.
Cie 622.7/Cie 624.7 Total Quality Management [4 0 0 4]
1. Zairi Mohamed, “Total Quality Management For Engineers”, Aditya Books, New Delhi,
2. Goetsch David L., Davis Stanley B., “Introduction To Total Quality”, Prentice Hall International
3. Feigenbaum Armand V., “Total Quality Control ”, Mcgraw Hill Inter-National Edition,1991.
4. Dalela Suresh,Saurabh, “Iso9000 A Manual For Total Quality Management”, S. Chand,
New Delhi, 1997.
5. Logothetis N., “Managing For Total Quality”, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1997.
6. Bank John, “Essence Of Total Quality Management ”, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi,1996.
7. Berk Joseph, Susan, “Total Quality Management ”, Excel Books, Delhi,1995.
Functional Analysis.
Creative Thinking, Cost Modelling, Life-Cycle Costing, Project Work, Worksheets, Guidelines,
1. Zimmerman Larry W., Hart Glen P., “Value Engineering”, Cbs Pub-Lishers,Delhi,1988.
2. Iyer S.S., “Value Engineering”, New Age International,1996.
3. Krishnan P., Saxena K.R., “Value Engineering In Project Management ”, Oxford And
4. Vittal M.S., “Value Engineering ”, System Consultancy Service, Bangalore,1993.
5. Aicte, “Value Engineering”, New Delhi, 1990.
6. Brown, James, “Value Engineering”, Industrial Press, New York.
7. Bahadury, Bikash And Others, “Value Engineering”, Iste, Mysore.
1. Balaguruswamy E., ‘Object-Oriented Programming With C++’, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Ang And Tang, “Probability Concepts In Engineering Planning And Design”, Vol. I And Ii,
Wiley International, 1975.
3. Kottegoda N.T., Rosso Renzo, “Statistics, Probability And Reliability For Civil And
Environmental Engineers”, Mcgraw Hill International, 1998.
4. Aicte Continuing Education Programme, “Quantitative Methods In Construction Management”
5. Relevant Software Manuals.
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