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Unit Topic Proposed
I Data Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Data Warehousing 08
Components, Building a Data Warehouse, Warehouse Database, Mapping
the Data Warehouse to a Multiprocessor Architecture, Difference between
Database System and Data Warehouse, Multi Dimensional Data Model,
Data Cubes, Stars, Snow Flakes, Fact Constellations, Concept.
II Data Warehouse Process and Technology: Warehousing Strategy, 08
Warehouse /management and Support Processes, Warehouse Planning and
Implementation, Hardware and Operating Systems for Data Warehousing,
Client/Server Computing Model & Data Warehousing. Parallel Processors
& Cluster Systems, Distributed DBMS implementations, Warehousing
Software, Warehouse Schema Design
III Data Mining: Overview, Motivation, Definition & Functionalities, Data 08
Processing, Form of Data Pre-processing, Data Cleaning: Missing Values,
Noisy Data, (Binning, Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human
inspection), Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and Transformation. Data
Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation, Dimensionality reduction, Data
Compression, Numerosity Reduction, Discretization and Concept
hierarchy generation, Decision Tree
IV Classification: Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical 08
Characterization, Analysis of attribute relevance, Mining Class
comparisons, Statistical measures in large Databases, Statistical-Based
Algorithms, Distance-Based Algorithms, Decision Tree-Based
Clustering: Introduction, Similarity and Distance Measures, Hierarchical
and Partitional Algorithms. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and
Chameleon. Density Based Methods DBSCAN, OPTICS. Grid Based
Methods- STING, CLIQUE. Model Based Method – Statistical Approach,
Association rules: Introduction, Large Item sets, Basic Algorithms,
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Neural Network approach.
V Data Visualization and Overall Perspective: Aggregation, Historical 08
information, Query Facility, OLAP function and Tools. OLAP Servers,
ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP, Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and
Recovery, Tuning Data Warehouse, Testing Data Warehouse.
Warehousing applications and Recent Trends: Types of Warehousing
Applications, Web Mining, Spatial Mining and Temporal Mining.

Suggested Readings:
1. Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith “Data Warehousing, Data-Mining & OLAP”, McGrawHil.
2. Mark Humphries, Michael W. Hawkins, Michelle C. Dy, “Data Warehousing: Architecture and
Implementation”, Pearson Education..
3. I. Singh, “Data Mining and Warehousing”, Khanna Publishing House.
4. Margaret H. Dunham, S. Sridhar,”Data Mining:Introductory and Advanced Topics” Pearson

Open Elective List (VIII Semester) 2021-22 Page 18


Unit Topics Lectures

I Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship: need, scope , Entrepreneurial competencies 8

& traits, Factors affecting entrepreneurial development, Entrepreneurial motivation
(Mc Clellend’s Achievement motivation theory), conceptual model of
entrepreneurship , entrepreneur vs. intrapreneur; Classification of entrepreneurs;
Entrepreneurial Development Programmes
II Entrepreneurial Idea and Innovation: Introduction to Innovation, 8
Entrepreneurial Idea Generation and Identifying Business Opportunities,
Management skills for Entrepreneurs and managing for Value Creation, Creating
and Sustaining Enterprising Model & Organizational Effectiveness
III Project Management: Project management: meaning, scope & importance, role of 8
project manager; project life-cycle Project appraisal: Preparation of a real time
project feasibility report containing Technical appraisal,; Environmental appraisal,
Market appraisal (including market survey for forecasting future demand and sales)
and Managerial appraisal.
IV Project Financing: Project cost estimation & working capital requirements, 8
sources of funds, capital budgeting, Risk & uncertainty in project evaluation ,
preparation of projected financial statements viz. Projected balance sheet, projected
income statement, projected funds & cash flow statements, Preparation of detailed
project report, Project finance.
V Social Entrepreneurship: Social Sector Perspectives and Social Entrepreneurship, 8
Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities and Successful Models, Social Innovations
and Sustainability, Marketing Management for Social Ventures, Risk Management
in Social Enterprises, Legal Framework for Social Ventures.
Text Book:
1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Drucker, P.F.; Harper and Row
2. Business, Entrepreneurship and Management: Rao, V.S.P. ;Vikas
3. Entrepreneurship: Roy Rajeev; OUP.
4. Text Book of Project Management: Gopalkrishnan, P. and Ramamoorthy, V.E.; McMillan
5. Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology: Nicholas, J.M., and Steyn, H.;
6. Project Management: The Managerial Process: Gray, C.F., Larson, E.W. and Desai, G.V.;

HSMC & Open Elective List II (VII Semester )2021-22 Page 4

Unit Topic Proposed
I Quality Concepts: Evolution of Quality Control, concept change, TQM 08
Modern concept, Quality concept in design, Review of design, Evolution
of proto type. Control on Purchased Product: Procurement of various
products, evaluation of supplies, capacity verification, Development of
sources, procurement procedure. Manufacturing Quality: Methods
and techniques for manufacture, inspection and control of product,
quality in sales and services, guarantee, analysis of claims.
II Quality Management: Organization structure and design, quality 08
function, decentralization, designing and fitting, organization for
different type products and company, economics of quality value and
contribution, quality cost, optimizing quality cost, seduction program.
Human Factor in quality Attitude of top management, cooperation of
groups, operators attitude, responsibility, causes of apparatus error and
corrective methods.
III Control Charts, Theory of control charts, measurement range, 08
construction and analysis of R charts, process capability study, use of
control charts. Attributes of Control Chart, Defects, construction and
analysis of charts, improvement by control chart, variable sample
size, construction and analysis of C charts
IV Defects diagnosis and prevention defect study, identification and 08
analysis of defects, correcting measure, factors affecting reliability,
MTTF, calculation of reliability, building reliability in the product,
evaluation of reliability, interpretation of test results, reliability
control, maintainability, zero defects, quality circle.
V ISO-9000 and its concept of Quality Management, ISO 9000 series, 08
Taguchi method, JIT in some details.

Text Books:

1. Lt. Gen. H. Lal, “Total Quality Management”, Eastern Limited, .

2. Greg Bounds, “Beyond Total Quality Management”,McGraw Hill

3. Menon, H.G, “TQM in New Product manufacturing”,McGraw Hill

Open Elective List (VIII Semester) 2021-22 Page 9

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