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Group A
Time and space analysis of algorithms-Order notation. 04
Linear Data Structures-Sequential representations: Arrays and lists, stacks, queues and dequeues, 06
strings and their applications.
Linked representations: Linear linked list, circular linked list, doubly linked list and their applications. 10
Recursion-Design of recursive algorithms. Tail recursion, when not to use recursion, removal of 10

Group B
Nonlinear data structures: Trees, binary trees, traversals and threads, binary search trees, insertion and 10
deletion algorithms, height-balanced and weight-balanced trees, B-trees, B+trees, application of trees.
Graph representation. Breadth first search, depth first search. Hashing, hashing functions, collision 12
resolving techniques. Sorting and searching algorithms bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick
sort, merge sort, heapsort, radix sort.
File structures: Sequential and direct access, relative files, indexed files—B+tree as index, multiindexed 08
files, inverted files, hashed files.

Recommended Books
1. E Horowitz and S Sahni. Fundamentals of Data Structures. Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
2. A Aho, J Hopcroft and J Ullman. Data Structures and Algorithms. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York.
3. D E Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming-Vol.I. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.

Group A
Principles of high-level language programming, file structure and file handling, block structured 05
languages, design principles, abstractions, control and data structures, binding, parameter passing
LISP. Overviews of LISP, functions, conditionals, arithmetic, recursion, iteration, application of LISP in 10
artificial intelligence problems.
C language: Fundamentals of C, types, operators and expressions, control flow, C-functions, recursion, 15
pointers and arrays, structures, common line arguments, unions, Bitwise operators, file handling in C.

Group B
C++. Overview of C++, class and objects, arrays of objects, operator overloading, concepts of 15
inheritance, base class, derived class, multilevel inheritance, nesting of classes, file concepts, library
functions, streams, templates.
Java. Features of Java, Java arrays, two-dimensional array, multidimensional arrays, Java files, file I/O 15
and streams, event-driven programming, events and applets, passing parameters to Applets. Examples.

Recommended Books
1. T W Pratt and Zelkowitz. Programming Languages: Design and Implementation. Prentice Hall of India (P)
Ltd., New Delhi.
2. B W Kernighan and D M Eritchie. The C Programming Language. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
3. A Narayan and N E Sharkey. An Introduction to LISP. East-West Press (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
4. E Balaguruswamy. Programming with JAVA. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. K Poonambalam. A C++ Primer for Engineers. An Object-oriented Approach Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

Group A
Combinational Logic
Boolean algebra: Introduction, postulates of Boolean algebra, fundamental theorems, uniqueness 05
properties, laws of Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s theorem, the (inclusion) implication relation, bounds of
Boolean algebra, duality in Boolean algebra, Boolean constants, variables and functions, two-valued
Boolean algebra-switching algebra, electronic gates and mechanical contacts.
Boolean functions and logic operations: Introduction, the normal form, the canonical form, fundamental 03
products and sums, disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms, binary, octal and hexadecimal,
designations, self-dual functions, logical operations, NAND and NOR operations, EXCLUSIVE-OR
operation, functionally complete sets.
Minimization of switching functions: The Karnaugh map-introduction, cubes and the Karnaugh map, 04
prime cubes, maximum sum of products, minimum product of sums, don't care forms, five and six
variable maps, multiple output minimization.
Tabular methods of minimization: Introduction, Quine-McCluskey algorithm, the dominance relation 05
cyclic functions, the degree of adjacency and essential prime cubes.
Logic synthesis of switching functions: Introduction, AND, OR and inverter networks, NAND and NOR 06
networks, EXCLUSIVE-OR networks, multiplexers, read only memories, programmable logic arrays
(PLA), PLA minimization, essential prime cube theorems, PLA folding.
Reliable design and fault detection tests: Introduction, fault classes and models, fault diagnosis and 07
testing, test generation, fault table method, path sensitization method, Boolean difference method,
reliability through redundancy, hazards and hazard-free designs, quaded logic.

Group B
Sequential Circuits
Introduction to synchronous sequential circuits, the finite-state model-basic definitions, the memory 06
elements and their excitation functions-S-R flip-flop, J-K flip-flop, D flip-flop, T flip-flop, synthesis of
synchronous sequential circuits.
Capabilities, minimization and transformation of sequential machines, the finite-state model-further 10
definitions, capabilities and limitations of finite-state machines, state equivalence and machine
minimization, simplification of incompletely specified machines-compatible states, the non-uniqueness of
minimal machines, closed set of compatibles. The compatible graph and the merger table.
Asynchronous sequential circuits. Fundamental mode circuits, synthesis, state assignments in 07
asynchronous sequential circuits, pulse mode circuits.
Finite state recognisers: Deterministic recognisers, transition graphs, converting non-deterministic into 07
deterministic graphs, regular expressions, transition graphs recognising regular sets, regular sets
corresponding to transition graphs.

Recommended Books
1. N N Biswas. Logic Design Theory. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Z Kohavi. Switching and Finite Automata Theory. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd., New Delhi.

Group A
Introduction to basic structure and operational concepts, instruction formats instruction execution 04
process, addressing modes, stacks and subroutine handling, instruction sets and organisational features
of some representative machines.
Control unit: Hardware control unit design, microprogramming and microprogrammed control unit 10
design, microsequencer and bit sliced microprocessor (AMD 2900) based microprogram control unit
design, horizontal and vertical microprogramming, nanoprogramming, emulation.
Main memory organisation: Memory hierarchy, virtual memory, cache memory, interleaved memory and 10
linear addressing techniques.
I/O organisation: Addressing of I/O devices, memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O, data transfer 06
techniques-programmed, interrupt driven, DMA, I/O channels programming, data transfer over
synchronous and asynchronous buses, some standard interface bus like VME/IEEE-488.

Group B
Introduction to RISC and CISC architecture and their comparison. 02
Pipelining: Classification, scalar and vector pipelining, instruction pipelining and execution pipelining, 08
control strategy for pipeline scheduling and performance analysis.
Associative memory and its implementation with example algorithms to run on associative memory 10
Flynn’s classification of multiprocessor machines, SISD, SIMD, MIMD (both loosely coupled and tightly 03
Introduction to some interconnection network (mesh, cube, cycle, hypercubes, pyramid and omega). 07

Recommended Books
1. J P Hayes. Computer Architecture and Organisation. McGraw Hill International.
2. M Mano. Computer Systems Architecture. Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
3. K Hwang and F A Briggs. Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing. McGraw Hill International.

Group A
Systems Development Life Cycle, Classic life cycle. 04
Prototyping. 03
Feasibility study: Cost estimation, cost-benefit analysis. 04
Physical and logical data flow diagrams. 03
Requirement analysis: Entity-relationship diagrams, decision tables, CASE tools. 10
Systems design: Refinement, software architecture, program design fundamentals. 06

Group B
Structured programming modularity-cohesion and coupling. 03
Design documentation. 03
System implementation: System simulation, planning for coding and testing, verification and validation. 04
Project review and walkthrough. 06
Input-output design, forms design, dialogue design. 04
File design, security and control. 05
Management Information System. 05

Recommended Books
1. NCC:Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design. Vol I and 2, Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
2. I Hawryszkiewycz. Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design. Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
3. J Whitten. Systems Analysis and Design Methods, Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi.

Group A
Graphs and digraphs, subgraphs, degree, walk path, cycle, trees, spanning trees, distance, connectivity, 12
reactivity and reachabillity, adjacency matrix.
Eularian paths and circuits in graphs and diagraphs. 04
Hamiltonian paths and circuits in graphs and tournaments. 04
Matching, perfect matching, 4-colour theorem, vertex colouring, chromatic polynomial edge colouring. 10

Group B
Planer and non-planer graphs, Euler’s formula, Kuratowgki’s theorem. 15
Network, Max flow-Min cut theorem.
Graph enumeration-Polya’s counting theorem.
Graph algorithms-shortest path, minimal spanning tree, etc.
Basic combinatorial numbers, recurrence, generating functions, multinomials. Counting principles. 15
Polya’s theorem, inclusion and exclusion principles. Block design and error correcting codes. Hadamard
matrix. Finite geometries.

Recommended Books
1. N Deo. Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science. Prentice-Hall of India (P)
Ltd., New Delhi.
2. J A Bandy and U S R Murty. Graph Theory with Applications. Macmillan International.
3. V Krishnamurthy. Combinatorics: Theory and Applications. Affiliated East-West Press (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

Group A
Introduction: Goals and applications of networks, WAN, MAN and LAN, computer networks and 05
distributed computers.
Network architecture: ISO/OSI model, topology, connectivity analysis, queuing theory and delay 10
Physical layer: Theoretical basis of data communication, modems, FDM and TDM, X21, communication 15
satellites, message and packet switching, terminal handling polling, multiplexing and concentration,
error detection and correction techniques. Hamming codes and polynomial codes.

Group B
Data link layer and network layer: Framing techniques, network protocols—stop and wait protocol and 10
its performance, sliding window protocol.
LANs: Ethernet and token ring. CCITT recommendation of X.25. 05
Introduction and overview of internet, TCP/IP, internet address. Introduction to web, web design and 07
search engine. Mapping of internet address to physical address ARP.
Routing, flow control and congestion analysis. 08

Recommended Books
1. A S Tanenbaum. Computer Networks. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
2. V P Ahuja. Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Network. McGraw-Hill International.
3. D W Davies. Computer Networks and Their Protocols. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Group A
Functions and features of OS. Different types of OS viz., single user, batch processing, 02
multiprogramming, time sharing.
Single user system: Basic I/O system, ROM resident and disk based I/O system. 02
Command interpreter with reference to any available operating systems (like MSDOS). 03
File management and directory structures. 05
Memory management, partitioned, paging, segmentation and thrashing. 07
Processor management and different scheduling techniques. 03
Resource management, disk allocation and scheduling. 04
Deadlock detection, recovery, prevention and avoidance. 04

Group B
Concurrent processor issues—functionality, mutual exclusion, synchronization, interprocess 04
Primitives like semaphores and their implementation using machine primitives. 05
Concept of conditional critical region and monitors. 05
Interrupt handlers, device drivers and controllers, device independent I/O and piping. 04
Design issue of multi user operating systems (with reference to UNIX). 07
Advanced concepts of program and data security and protection. 02
Distributed systems concepts and few basic results. 03

Recommended Books
1. A Silberschatz and P B Galvin. Operating System Concepts. Addison Wesley Publishing Co., New York.
2. A S Tanenbaum. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New
3. H M Deitel. Operating Systems. Addison Wesley Publishing Co., New York.

Group A
Introduction. Cognitive science and perception problems. Problem solving paradigm, introduction to 10
search techniques, problem representations through heuristics, search spaces and/or graphs.
Basic heuristic search procedures, specialized search techniques, decomposable search strategies. 10
Knowledge representation through propositional and predicate logic, fuzzy logic and some applications. 10
Solutions of artificial intelligence problems by PROLOG.

Group B
Rule based deduction and expert systems with an example of MYCIN. 08
Knowledge engineering, inference engines and expert system shells. 10
Computer vision and natural language processing. 06
Concept of neural network. 06

Recommended Books
1. E Charnaik and D McDarmott. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Addison Wesley Publishing Co., New
2. Rich. Artificial Intelligence. McGraw-Hill International.
3. N J Nilson. Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

Group A
Introduction. Database concepts, architecture, physical data organization, entity relationship, data 10
models—network, hierarchical and relational.
Relational model. Storage organization, relational algebra, relational calculus, query languages, 20
functional dependencies, decomposition of relational schemes, query optimisation.

Group B
Database Management System (DBMS): Typical DBMS based on relational model, DDL, creating, 07
editing, searching, sorting, relational operations, formatted report, etc.
Features of a commercially available RDBMS as case study (ORACLE). 15
Data administration. Processing system life cycle, security and integrity, office automation system. 08

Recommended Books
1. C J Date. An Introduction to Database Systems— Vol.I & II. Addison Wesley International.
2. H Korth and A Silbershatz. Database System Concepts. McGraw-Hill International.

Group A
Introducing to parallel processing, architectural classification and techniques. 04
Arithmetic and instruction pipelines, pipelining hazards and scheduling theory. 10
Super scalar architectures, asynchronous pipelines. 06
Interconnection networks—Hyper cubes, Shuffle exchange, Tree, Mesh and Butterfly networks. 10

Group B
Parallel algorithm for linear algebra, sorting, Fourier transform, systolic arrays, etc. 10
Vector processors, shared memory multiprocessor systems. 06
Data flow architectures—merits and demerits. 04
Operating systems for parallel processors. 05
Some case studies, namely, IBM 370, Cray X-MP, Crey1, Cray2, Cyber 205. 05

Recommended Books
1. K Hwang and F A Briggs. Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing. McGraw-Hill International.
2. J Robert Baron and Higbie Lee. Computer Architecture. Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
3. S G Akl. Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms. Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
4. S Lakshmivarahan and S K Dhall. Analysis and Design of Parallel Algorithms. McGraw-Hill International.

Group A
Various graphic display devices and interactive devices. 05
Line and curve drawing algorithms. 10
Area filling-Scan line algorithm, seed fill algorithm, halftoning. 10
Two-dimensional transformation-translation, sealing, rotation. 05

Group B
Windowing and clipping techniques. 07
Three-dimensional graphics and transformations, reflections and viewing projections. 08
Hidden line and hidden surfaces removal algorithms. 07
Animation techniques. 08

Recommended Books
1. S Harrington. Computer Graphics: A Programming Approach. McGraw-Hill International.
2. W M Newman and Robert F Sproull. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics. McGraw-Hill International.
3. W K Giloi. Interactive Computer Graphics. Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd, New Delhi.

Group A
Microprocessor architecture and microcomputer systems, memory systems, input and output devices. 04
Number systems-binary, hexadecimal and BCD numbers, 2s complement and arithmetic operations.
8085 microprocessor architecture. Memory interfacing-address decoding techniques, memory read and 08
write operations. Memory map. Interfacing I/O devices-Memory-mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O.
Polled and interrupt modes of data transfer. 8085 interrupts, direct memory access.
Introduction to 16-bit microprocessor using 8086 as an example. Concept of debugger and MASM/TASM
for PC assembly language programming.
Peripheral devices. 8255 programmable peripheral interface, 8253 programmable counter timer, serial 06
communication with SID and SOD, 8251 programmable communication interface, 8259 programmable
interrupt controller, keyboard and display devices.
8085 assembly language programming: 8085 instructions-addressing modes. Stack and subroutines. 08
8085 programmer’s model-CPU registers. Addition, subtraction and multiplication routines. Software
delay and counting routines. Logical operations. Analog and digital I/O interface routines-ADC and DAC.
Software development systems: Assemblers and cross-assemblers. Microprocessor applications. 04
Microprocessor-based system design aids and trouble-shooting techniques.

Group B
Introduction to microcontroller: Comparison of various microcontrollers. 8051 microcontroller 05
architecture. Bi-directional data ports, internal ROM and RAM, counters/timers. Oscillator and clock.
8051 registers. Memory organisations—program memory and data memory, internal RAM and bit 05
addressable memory, special functions registers, memory map.
External memory systems and I/O interface. Accessing external program memory, accessing external 06
data memory, available I/O ports during external memory access. Alternate port functions. Serial
interface. 8051 interrupts. Power down modes.
8051 assembly language programming. 8051 instruction sets, addressing modes, bit level operations. 10
Arithmetic routines, counting and timing under interrupt control, keyboard and display interface
routines, accessing lookup tables.
Software development systems. Assemblers and simulators. Microcontroller based system design and 04

Recommended Books
1. R S Gaonkar. Microprocessor Architecture. Programming and Applications with 8085. Penram International
Publishing (India), Mumbai.
2. K J Ayala. The 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming and Applications. Penram International
Publishing (India), Mumbai.
3. Tu-Cheng Liu and G A Gibson. Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family, Architecture, Programming
and Design. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
4. S Ahson. Microprocessor with Applications in Process Control. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New

Group A
Hyperplane properties and decision functions. Minimum distance pattern classification with simple and 08
multiple prototypes.
Clustering: K means and isodata algorithm, pattern classification by likelihood functions, bayes 10
classifier, learning and estimation of mean vector and covariance matrix.
Trainable pattern classifier—Gradient technique, Robbins-Monre algorithm, potential functions and least 07
mean square errors.
Feature selection by entropy minimization, Karhuner-Lucke expansion and divergence maximization. 05

Group B
Image representation, digitization, quantization, compression and coding. 10
Transform for image processing, restoration, enhancement, segmentation, thinning. 08
Description of line and shape, statistical and syntactic models of image classification. 08
Morphological methods of image analysis. 04

Recommended Books
1. R O Duda and P E Hart. Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
2. J T Tou and R C Gonzales. Pattern Recognition Principles. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York.
3. A Rosenfield and A C Kak. Digital Picture Processing: Vol. I & II, Academic Press.
4. R C Gonzales and R E Woods. Digital Image Processing. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York.

Group A
Regular sets and regular expression, deterministic and non-deterministic and finite automata, equivalent 12
finite automation of both. Minimization of states for deterministic finite automata.
Chomsky hierarchy of grammars, equivalent context-free grammars. 07
Chomsky normal form, recursiveness of context -sensitive grammar, syntax-directed translations. 06
Pushdown automata, pumping lemma for context-free languages, automata for syntax-directed 05

Group B
Turing machines and its variants, universal turing machines, recursive functions and sets. Equivalence of 15
recursive functions and computable functions.
Complexity theory. Space complexity, time complexity, simulation of RAM by TM and its complexity, NP- 15
completeness concepts and some standard NP-complete problems.

Recommended Books
1. J E Hoperoft and J D Ullman. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation. Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co., New York.
2. D Wood. Theory of Computation. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
3. J G Borrokshear. Theory of Computation, Formal Languages, Automata and Complexity. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co., New York.

Group A
Software project planning and management: Basic concepts of life cycle models, milestone, cost models, 05
successive versions model, project structure, team structure. Empirical and heuristic estimation
Requirement analysis. Specifications, algebraic axioms, regular expressions, decision tables, event 08
tables, transition tables, FS mechanism, petri nets.
Software design: Architectural and detailed design, abstraction, information hiding, modularity, 10
concurrency, etc, coupling and cohesion, data flow diagrams, structure charts, pseudo code, stepwise
refinement, top-down and bottom-up programming.
Test plan and implementation issues—structured coding, recursion, documentation. 07

Group B
Modern programming language features: Typeless, strong type and pseudo strong type checking, user 12
defined data types, data encapsulation, generic facilities, concurrency mechanism, object oriented
Program verification and validation. Unit testing, integration testing, acceptance testing, formal 06
Software maintenance: Source code metrics, Halstead’s effort equation, cyclomatic metric. 06
Reliability and software quality assurance. 03
Software cost estimation. 03

Recommended Books
1. P Jalote. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering. Springer Verlag., Germany.
2. R S Pressman. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach. McGraw-Hill International.
3. Rajib Mall. Fundamentals of Software Engineering. Prentice-Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Ian Somerville. Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York.

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