Master of Science-Computer Science-Syllabus
Master of Science-Computer Science-Syllabus
Master of Science-Computer Science-Syllabus
CSE 602 CSE 604 CSE 606 CSE 608 CSE 610 CSE 612
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Detailed Syllabus MS in Computer Science Semester I CSE 601 Object Oriented Systems Credits: 3
Total No of Hrs: 36
Introduction: Overview of OOL; Object Classes; Meta Types, Object Oriented Methodologies; The Unified Approach Modeling; Why Modeling; Static and Dynamic Models; Functional Models. Object Modeling: Object. Links. Association. Multiplicity, Aggregation, Composition, Constraints, Inheritance. Grouping Constructs; Problems on Object Modeling. Advantages of Object Modeling.
Analysis: Problem Analysis, Problem Domain Classes. Identify Classes and Objects of Real World problems. Using Use Case Analysis; Recording Analysis. Sequence Diagram: Modeling Scenarios. Mapping Events to Object. Interfaces. Discovering Attributes. Modeling Simple Collaboration Modeling. Logical Database Schema. Activity Diagram. Modeling Workflow.
Class Diagram: Class, attributes, methods, visibility, Inter-relationship Design: Architectural Design. Refining the Model. Refactoring. Coupling and Cohesion. Who should own the Attribute? Who should own the Operations? Process and Threads.
Design Classes: Classes Visibility, Entity class, boundary class, control class User Interface. Subsystem Interface Component Diagram: Modeling Source Codes. Physical Databases Deployment Diagram: Modeling in a Distributed System and Embedded Systems.
1. Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML: James Rumbaugh and Michael Blaha 2. Object Oriented system analysis and Design using UML : Simon Benntt, Steve McRobb, Ray Farmer.
3. Visual Modelling with Rational Rose 2002 and UML ,Terry Quatrani,Pearson Pub. 4. The unifies Modeling Language User Guide ,Grady Booch,Ivar Jacobson,James Rumbaugh 5. Applying UML & Patterns: An Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and Design,Craig Larman 6. Object Oriented analysis and Design with Application,Grady Booch.
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Learning Objectives: Learner should be able to understand the concept, design and implementation of following data structures Stack, Queues, Lists, Trees. Learner will understand operations on Hash tables, an introduction to Amortized complexity of algorithms. Binary tree and operations on it. UNIT I 06 hrs Stack : Definition, implementation. Applications - infix to postfix conversion, Postfix evaluation. Recursion properties and examples. Queue: Linear queue, Circular queue, Double ended queue, Priority queue - Definition, implementation. Lists :Dynamic memory allocation. Linear singly linked list, Circular singly linked list, Doubly linked list. basic definition and implementation of different operations. UNIT II 09 hrs Trees: Definition, basic terminology, types of trees, implicit array representation, linked list representation, implementation of binary tree and traversals. Search trees - Binary search tree (BST), Static and Dynamic weighted BST Hashing Open hashing closed hashing, Collision resolution strategies linear probing, Quadratic probing, and double hashing. Choosing a good hash function, rehashing. Dictionaries, Data structures for disjoint sets and linked list representations of disjoint sets. UNIT III Introduction to Amortized complexity External sorting and tournament trees ( winner and looser trees) Optimal merge patterns ( Huffman trees) Double ended priority queues Leftist trees, Binomial heaps and Fibonacci heaps 06 hrs
UNIT IV 09 hrs Balanced binary search AVL-trees, 2-3 and 2-3-4 trees, Red-black trees, B-trees, B+ trees and splay trees. Skips lists UNIT V 06 hrs Definition and examples of the following concepts: Tries and Digital Search Trees, Suffix trees, Bloom filters, Segment trees, Priority search trees, k-d trees, quad and oct trees. References (UNIT-I) 1. Yedidyah, Augenstein and Tenenbaum, Data Structures Using C and C++ Second Edition, PHI- India
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(UNIT-II to V) 2. Data structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++ , Sartaj Sahni 3. Data Structures and Algorithm analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss. 4. Introduction to Algorithms ,Thomas M.Corman,Charles E.Leiserson,Ronald L.Rivest,PHI
Credits: 3
Total No of Hours: 36
Learning objective of the subject: Learner should be able to understand software management issues. Learner should be able to Handle practical issues in managing a software projects. Learner should be able to understand tools and techniques in project management. Learner should be able understand structured management ideas and industrial practices. Unit 1: Software Development Life cycle 3 hours Analysis, design, implementation, testing, maintenance and enhancement of software systems. Deliverables and reviews Unit 2: Life cycle Models 3 hours All kinds of models like Build and Fix model, waterfall model, Spiral, Iterative, Prototype etc. Later general discussion on Agile model also Unit 3: Project process groups and Project Initiation 3 hours Process groups (Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitor and Control, Closing), Initiation activities, Development of project charter and Preliminary Project Scope Statement Unit 4: Work breakdown structure and Time management 3 hours Activity List, Milestone list, Project Schedule network diagrams, Activity resource requirements, Resource breakdown structure, Activity duration estimates, Project Schedule, Schedule model data Unit 5: Cost management 3 hours Activity Cost Estimates, earned value analysis, Cost budgeting, Cost control Unit 6: Quality management 3 hours Quality Assurance. Reviews and inspections, metrics, standards, tests and Certification. Total Quality Management. Costs and benefits Unit 7: Configuration management 3 hours Configuration items. Status accounting. Derivation and traceability. Change control and releases. Standards. Unit 8: Software Testing 3 hours Testing objectives, methods, test planning, test case design. Validation and verification. Integration testing, systems and acceptance testing. Alpha and beta site testing. Reliability. Performance evaluation Unit 9: Project closing activities 3 hours Acceptance deliverables, Final product, Close Contract Unit 10: Project activities in various process groups, Risk etc. All 5 Process groups and activities in all groups, Risk management Unit 11: Leadership and Communication management Communication management, Leadership management Unit 12: Risk management, Practices problems in the industry, Best Practices 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours
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Reference Books: 1. Software Project Management, Royce Walker, Pearson 2. Software Project Management Concept to Development, Conway Kieron,Dreamtech Press. Many good materials are available on web which are related to PMI. These are to the point and exam oriented also.
CSE 607 Design and analysis of algorithms Credits 3 No of Hrs: 36 Learning Objectives : i) Learn a mathematical model to analyze efficiency of algorithms. ii) Learn different types of algorithms and their efficiency classes. Compare and contrast different algorithms solving the same problem. Algorithms-definitions (1.1 [ANL)) correctness, time and space complexity, Average and worst case analysis, (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 [ANL] and [CLR]) Algorithmic languages and data structures, set representation and components of a graph, (1.4 [ANL)) Searching (Linear and binary search [ANL)), sorting (Merge sort, Quick sort, and heap sort [ANL)), merging sorted lists, Numerical, non-numerical, combinational and graph algorithms (Solving systems of linear equations Forward and backward substitution, Gaussian elimination, DFS, BFS, topological order, Minimum spanning tree Kruskals algorithm, Prims algorithm [ANL) and [CLR]) String matching and data compression algorithms (Horspool , Boyer-Moore [ANL), Robin-Karp and KMP [CLR]), Algorithms for linear, non-linear, integer and dynamic programming problems Shortest path problems (Simplex method to solve linear programs, Duality, Bellman Ford algorithm [CLR], Computing Binomial Co-efficient, Warshalls and Floyds algorithm, Dijkstras algorithm [ANL)), polynomial, matrix and vector manipulations (definition of Polynomial, polynomial representations, Fast multiplication of polynomials in co-efficient form, Properties of matrices, Strassens matrix multiplication - [CLR] ), decision trees (Decision tree for maximum of three elements, selection sort, insertion sort, lower bound argument for comparison sort [ANL)) game trees, branch and bound algorithms (Two player zero sum game, tic-tac-toe problem, solving Traveling sales person problem using branch and bound [ANL)),
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Optimality, P and NP complete problems (Definitions feasible solution, optimal solution, P, NP, NP Complete problems, problem reducibility, Circuit satisfiability, formula satisfiability and clique problem [CLR]). Parallel algorithms and distributed processing (Pointer Jumping, Finding the roots in a forest of binary trees, CRCW algorithm to find maximum of n-array elements [CLR])
REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 [CLR] Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas M.Corman,Charles E.Leiserson, Ronald L.Rivest, PHI [ANL] Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Levitin Anamy, Pearson [AUH] Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Aho,Ulmann and Hopcraft. [GDH] Introduction to the design and Analysis of Algorithms, Goodman S and Hedetniemi .S ,McGraw Hill
Credits: 3
No of hours: 36
UNIT I (3 Hours): INTRODUCTION: What is an Operating Systems?, Mainframe Systems, Desktop Systems, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems, Handheld Systems, Feature Migration, Computing Environments. COMPUTER-SYSTEM STRUCTURES: Computer-System Operation, I/O Structure, Storage Structure, Hardware protection, Network Structure. (Chapters 1, 2) UNIT II (3 Hours): OPERATING SYSTEM STRUCTURE: System Components, Operating System Services, System Calls, System Programs, System Structure, Virtual Machines, System Design and Implementation. PROCESSES: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Cooperating Processes, Inter process Communication, communication in Client-Server Systems. (Chapters 3, 4) U N I T III (3 Hours): THREADS: Multithreading Models threads, Solaris 2 threads, Window 2000 threads, Linux Threads, Java Threads. CPU SCHEDULING: Basic concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, MultipleProcessor Scheduling, Real-Time Scheduling, Process Scheduling Models. (Chapters 5, 6) U N I T IV (3 Hours): PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION: Background, The Critical-Section Problem, synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Critical Regions, Monitors, OS Synchronization. DEADLOCKS: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection.(Chapters 7, 8) U N I T V (4 Hours) : MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Background, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, Segmentation.
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VIRTUAL MEMORY: Background, Demand Paging, Process Creation, Page Replacement, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing.( Chapters 9,10) U N I T VI (4 Hours): FILE SYSTEM INTERFACE: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, File-System Mounting, File Sharing. FILE-SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: File-System Structure, File-system Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery. (Chapters 11, 12) U N I T VII (4 Hours): I/O SYSTEMS: I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O to Hardware Operations, STREAMS. MASS-STORAGE STRUCTURE: Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap- Space Management, RAID Structure, Disk Attachment, Stable-Storage Implementation. (Chapters 13, 14) UNIT VIII (4 Hours): PROTECTION: Goals of Protection, Domain of Protection, Access Matrix, Implementation of access Matrix, Revocation of Access Rights, Capability-Based Systems. SECURITY: The Security Problem, User Authentication, Program Threats, System Threats, Securing Systems and Facilities, Cryptography. (Chapters 18 , 19) UNIT IX (4 Hours): DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEMS: Background, Naming and Transparency, remote file access, Stateful versus Stateless service, File replication, AFS. DISTRIBUTED COORDINATION: Event ordering, mutual exclusion, Atomicity, Concurrency control, Deadlock handling, Election Algorithm, reaching agreement.(Chapters 16,17) UNIT X (4 Hours): Case Studies THE LINUX SYSTEM: History, Design Principles, Kernel Modules, Process management, Scheduling, Memory management, File systems, Input and output, Inter process Communication, Network Structure, and Security. WINDOWS XP: History, Design Principles, System components, Environmental subsystems, File systems, Networking, Programmer Interface. (Chapters 20,21) TEXT BOOK: 1. Operating system concepts with JAVA (6th edition) by - Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne Jhon- Wiley & Sons Inc. (2002) REFERENCT BOOKS: 1. Operating Systems (IV Edition) By - William Stallings PHI(2002) 2. Operating Systems By - Gary Nutt (Pearson Education) 3. Operating Systems By - Charles Crowley TMH (2000) 4. Modern Operating Systems By - A.S. Tanenbaum (PHI) (2002) 5. Operating Systems By Dm Dhamdhere (TMH) 6. Under Standing Operating Systems By Im Flynn, Am Mchocs (Thomson Press) 7. Operating Systems Dietel (Pearson)
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database and also to Transaction processing and concurrency management aspect of DBMS. The learner will learn to judiciously utilize different types of files for different parts of database storage. UNIT I (3 hours) Introduction to Database Systems: File Systems v/s DBMS, Advantages of DBMS, Types of Data Models, Three layer schema architecture/ abstraction in DBMS, Structure of DBMS, Users of DBMS, Overview of Database Design (Six steps), Requirement Analysis Case Study UNIT II (3 hours) Conceptual Database Design : Entity Relationship Model: Entities and its types, Attributes and its types, Entity Sets, Relationship: Degree of relationship, Cardinality, Participation, Additional features of E-R Model: Generalization and Aggregation, E-R Diagrams - Case Studies. UNIT III (3 hours) Logical Database Design: Introduction to Relational Model: Relational Model Constraints: Entity Integrity constraints, Referential Integrity constraints, key constraints, Guidelines for converting ER Diagrams to Relational Model. UNIT IV (3 hours) Relational Algebra: Introduction to Operations in Relational algebra- Unary operators, Set operators, Joins, group and aggregate functions. UNIT V (3 hours) Informal guidelines for good database design, Functional Dependencies: Amstrong Axioms, Attribute closure, Minimal cover, Finding the candidate key, Normalizations and Normal Forms Case Study UNIT VI (3 hours) SQL (Structured Query Language): Data Definition Language (DDL): Create, Alter and Drop commands, Data Manipulation Language (DML): Select, Insert, Update, and Delete commands, Basic SQL queries, Integrity constraints on tables, Data Control Language Commands(DCL): Grant and Revoke UNIT VII (3 hours) SQL Functions, SQL Joins, SQL Aggregate functions and GROUP BY, Nested queries and sub queries, Correlated sub queries, Advanced SQL: Indexes, Sequence, Clusters, Views, Cursors and Triggers, Embedded SQL UNIT VIII (4 hours) Transaction Management: Acid Properties, State diagram, Transactions and Schedules, Concurrent execution of transactions, Serializability: Conflict serializability, view serializability, Concurrency management: Lock Management, Two-Phase locking protocols, Dead locks. UNIT IX ( 4 hours) File Organizations and Indexes: Cost Model, Comparison of 3 file organizations, B+ Trees, Extendible Hashing, Linear Hashing UNIT X (4 hours) Introduction to Data Warehousing: Data warehouse architecture, OLTP vs. OLAP, Conceptual Modeling of Data Warehouses, Data warehouse implementation, Introduction to Client/server Database Environment, Introduction to Internet Database Environment. UNIT XI (3 hours) Introduction to Distributed Databases, Object Oriented Databases, Object- Relational databases. Suggested Readings Database Management Systems Raghu Ramakrishna / Johannes Gehrke
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References Fundamentals of Databases Elmasri and Navathe SQL, PL/SQL Programming in Oracle Ivan Bayross
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Semester II
CSE 602 Graph theory Credits:3 Total no of hours:36 Graphs and Sub-graphs, walks, paths and connectedness, distance as a metric, degrees, regular graphs, cubic graphs, bipartite graphs, self complementary graphs, operations on graphs, External graphs, degree and sequence, applications of the theorems due to (a) Havel and Hakimi, (b) Erdos and Gallai. Cut points, bridges and blocks, block graphs and cut point graphs. Trees and their characterizations, centre and Centriods, block cut points trees, spanning trees, independent cycles and Cocycles, connectivity and line connectivity, Whitneys theorem. Traversibility Eulerian, Hamiltonian, line graphs and total graphs. Traversibility, coverings and independence, theorem of Gullai, critical points and lines. Planarity, genus, thickness, crossing number. Colorability, chromatic number and its bounds, Nordhaus Gaddem theorems, the four and five colour theorems, The chromatic polynomial. Matrix Representation of graphs Incident matrix, Adjacency matrix, cycle matrix, cutset matrix, path matrix, Digraphs D, Matrix - tree theorem on number of spanning trees. Tournament. Graph Theoretic Algorithms Computer representation of graphs Input and output, Algorithms for connectedness, Spanning Tree, Fundamental Circuits, Directed Circuits and Shortest paths.
1. 2. 3. Graph Theory ,Narsingh Deo,PHI Graph Theory,Gibbons,Cambridge University Press Graph Theory, Frank Harary,Narosa Pub
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Total no of hours:36
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND PREREQUISITES: This course involves an intense examination of Computer Networks and Network securities with its supported protocols. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. To acquire an understanding of network security and its changing character 2. To understand how network security is conceptualized and carried out 3. To examine the historical evolution of network security 4. To analyze both early and contemporary threats to network security 5. To articulate informed opinion about issues related to network security 6. To identify and investigate threats to network security 7. To appreciate the challenges of network security CONTENT OUTLINE: UNIT 1: Introduction to Networks OSI, TCP/IP and other Networks Model, Examples of Networks (Novell Networks, Arpanet, Internet), Network Topologies (WAN, LAN, MAN) UNIT 2: Introduction to Protocols Introduction, Low Level Protocols (IP, ARP, RARP, ICMP), IP Routing Protocols (RIP, BGP, OSPF, CIDR), User Datagram Protocol, Broadcast , Multicasting and IGMP. UNIT 3 : Introduction to TCP TCP States Events Transitions Sliding windows Congestion Data Flow Performance measures of TCP. Link Layer and Ethernet Applications: TELNET Introduction, Operation, Features. FTP - Introduction, Operation, Feature, Advantage and Disadvantage SMTP - Introduction, Operation, Feature, Advantage and Disadvantage SNMP - Introduction, Operation, Feature, Advantage and Disadvantage UNIT 4: Network Security Introduction The need for security Security approaches Principles of security Plain Text and Cipher Text Substitution and Transposition Techniques Encryption and Decryption Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography Algorithms Symmetric Key Cryptographic Algorithms Overview DES IDEA Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithms Overview RSA Digital Signatures Public Key Interface Introduction Key Management (Overview, Operations) Internet Security Protocols Basic Concepts SSL SET UNIT 5 Firewalls (Introduction, Types, Methods), Malicious Software (Introduction, Types), TEXT BOOKS 1.Computer Networks Andrew S Tanenbaum, 4th edition, PHI 2. Internetworking with TCP/IP,Douglas Comer,PHI 3. Data and Computer Communications 7th edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2004
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References 1. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networks S.Keshav, 2nd edition, Pearson Education.
CSE 606 Advanced computer architecture and algorithms Credits:3 Total no of hours:36 Function- and data-level parallelism, performance figures and speedup laws. Pipeline instruction processing and instruction dependencies. Typical CPU architecture (DLX). FP unit. Eliminating instruction dependencies. Loop-level parallelism, branch prediction. Superscalar CPU. Dynamic instruction scheduling, register renaming, ROB, speculation. Relaxed models of memory consistency. VLIW processors, software pipelining, predication. Thread-level parallelism, support in hardware. Multithreaded processors. Shared memory architectures. Bus scalability, memory organization, cache coherence. MSI and MESI cache coherence protocols. Synchronization of events in multiprocessors. Interconnection and switching networks. Features and specs, routing, control, group communications. Distributed shared memory architectures, shared virtual memory. Message passing architectures. Hardware support for communication, overlapping communication and computation. Data-level parallelism, vector processors and instructions. SIMD machines and SIMD-like processing. Systolic structures. Accelerators and specific architectures for ANN, architectures of future CPUs. Algorithm Analysis, Algorithm design techniques, Parallel processing, terminology and sieve of Eratosthenes, Elementary parallel algorithms, Matrix multiplication, The Fast Fourier transform, Sorting
1. Kaihwang and Faye A. Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing McGraw Hill Series. 2. Kaihwang, Advanced Computer Architecture Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability. 3. Michael J. Quinn, Parallel Computing Theory and Practice McGraw Hill Publication.
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4. Mark Allen WeissData Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C Benjamin/Cummings Publication. 5. Computer Organization and Design, 3rd edition - David Patterson and John Hennessy 6. "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach," Third Edition, David Patterson and John Hennessy CSE 608 Digital Image Processing And Application Credits:3 Introduction What is an image? What are computer graphics, image processing, and computer vision? How do they relate to one another? Image capture. Image display. Human vision. Resolution and quantisation. Colour and colour spaces. Storage of images in memory, and double buffering. Display devices: the inner workings of CRTs, LCDs, and printers. Convolution and Correlation. Two dimensional Fourier transforms, Discrete fourier transform, fast fourier transforms, Hadamard transform, Discrete cosine transforms, wavelet transforms, applications of image transforms Image operations Introduction to visual perception, spatial and frequency representations, image premier, multi-scale features, line detection, edge detection, contour tracing, texture analysis, image filtering, image matching, segmentation, scene labelling, shape from shading, shape representation, pattern clustering, trainable pattern classifiers, encoding, transform coding and sub-band coding, multimedia, JPEG and MPEG, image processing and compression in multimedia systems, stereo vision and computational models of human vision, epi-polar geometry, matching and stereo disparity, depth acquisition, surface interpolation, Image Analysis Morphological operations, Histogram based operations, Mathematics-based Operations, Convolution-based Operations, Smoothing Operations, Derivativebased Operations, Dilation and Erosion, Boolean Convolution, Opening and Closing, hit and Miss operation Image Segmentation Thresholding, edge based segmentation, region growing segmentation, Advanced optimal border and surface detection approaches, Matching, Edge image thresholding, Edge relaxation, Border tracing, Edge following as graph searching, Edge following as dynamic programming, ,Hough transforms, Border detection using border location information, Region construction from border Total no of hours:36
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Image Data Compression Real Time Image Processing, Image data properties, discrete image transforms in image data compression, Predictive compression methods, Vector quantization, Hierarchical and progressive compression methods, Comparison of compression methods, Coding, JPEG & JPEG-2000 and MPEG-2/4 image compression
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Computer Graphics,Zhigang Xiang and Roy Plastock,Shaums Outline Series Introduction to Real Time Imaging, Edward R,Dougherty,Philip A Laplante. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Anil K. Jain ,PHI, 1995. Digital Image Processing, R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods ,Addison Wesley, 1993. Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision, R.J. Schalkoff, John Wiley, 1989. CSE 610 Elective I:
CSE610.1 Distributed Systems
Total no of hours:36
UNIT - I Introduction to Distributed Systems: Definition, Goals, Hardware and software concepts, and client / server model. Processes: Threads, Clients, Servers, Code Migration, Software agents. UNIT- II Communication : RPC , ROBJ invocations ,Naming: Entities: DNS, X. 500. UNIT - III Synchronization: clock, logical clock, Global state, Eelection algorithms, Mutual exclusion, distributed Transaction. UNIT - IV Consistency and Replication: Data-centric, Client-Centric Consistency Models, Distribution and Consistency protocols UNIT - V Fault Tolerance: Introduction, Process resilience, Reliable client-server and Group communication, UNIT - VI Distributed Object based Systems: CORBA, D-COM, GLOBE , comparisions UNIT VII Distributed file systems , Case studies: SUN NFS, CODA. UNIT VIII Distributed shared memory: Implementation algorithms, memory coherence, and Design issues. Distributed Scheduling: Load distributed algorithms. UNIT IX Security: Secure Channels, Access Control, Security Management, Kerboros, Electronic Payment Systems. UNIT X Distributed operating systems- Architecture, Issues , communication networks, primitives Suggested Reading:
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1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Van Steen Distributed Systems 2002, Pearson Education Inc/PHI 2. Singhal M, Shivaratri N.G: Advanced concepts in operating systems. Mc-Graw-HiIIlntl.,1994.
CSE 610.2 Neural networks Credits:3 Total no of hours:36 Basic concepts of neurocomputing: o Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and their biological roots and motivations. ANNs as numerical data/signal/image processing devices. Encoding (training phase) and decoding (active phase).Taxonomy of neural networks: feedforward and recurrent networks with supervised and unsupervised learning laws. Static and dynamic processing systems. Basic data structures: mapping of vector spaces, clusters, principal components. Basic terminology related to an artificial neuron: o a summing dendrite, synapses and their weights, pre- and post-synaptic signals, activation potential and activation function. Excitatory and inhibitory synapses. The biasing input. Types of activating functions. The Perceptron o The Perceptron and its learning law. Classification of linearly separable patterns. Linear Networks. o Adaline --- the adaptive linear element. Linear regression. The Wiener-Hopf equation. The Least-Mean-Square (Widrow-Hoff) learning algorithm. Method of steepest descent. Adaline as a linear adaptive filter. A sequential regression algorithm. Multi-Layer Feedforward Neural Networks: o aka Multi-Layer Perceptrons. Supervised Learning. Approximation and interpolation of functions. Back-Propagation Learning law. Fast training algorithms. Applications of multilayer perceptrons: Image coding, Paint-quality inspection, Nettalk. Self-Organising systems. o Unsupervised Learning. Local learning laws. Generalised Hebbian Algorithm. The Oja's and Sanger's rules. Principal component analysis --- Karhunen-Loeve transform. Competitive Learning: o MinNet and MaxNet networks. Clustering. Learning Vector Quantisation. Codebooks. Application in data compression. Self-Organising Feature Maps
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o Kohonen networks. Radial-Basis function networks o Radial-Basis function (RBF) networks and their application in function interpolation, approximation and modelling probability distributions. Recurrent networks o Hopfield networks.
1. Introduction to artificial Neural Network Jacek M.Zurada,Jaico. 2. Artificial Neural networks, Yegnanarayana.B,PHI. 3. Neural Networks,Simon Haykins,Prentice Hall ,2001 CSE 610.3 Pattern recognition and scene analysis Credits:3 Total no of hours:36 Pattern recognition, Feature extraction and classification stages, Different approaches to pattern recognition Linear classifiers, parametric and nonparametric classification techniques. Supervised learning, unsupervised learning and clustering, Digitization of images, Introduction to image analysis problems, Segmentation, edge detection and region growing techniques, contour description, Elements of texture description and classification.
1 2 3 Pattern recognition, Mike James, Wiley Pub. Handbook of Pattern recognition and Image Processing, Young T.Y,Sun Fu Pattern Recognition Image Analysis, Earl Gose ,Prentice Hall CSE 612 Elective II:
CSE612.1 Mobile Computing
Total no of hours:36
Introduction: Definitions of Mobile Communication and Mobile computing, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, architecture, applications and limitations of Mobile computing, Wireless Transmission, Modulation and Spread Spectrum, Cellular System.[4L] Medium Access Control : Motivation for a specialized MAC (Hidden and exposed terminals, Near and far terminals), SDMA, FDMA, TDMA and CDMA.[5L]
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GSM : Mobile services, System architecture, Radio interface, Protocols, Localization and calling, Handover, Security and Services[4L] Wireless LAN : IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth,: architecture , physical layer, MAC layer, networking, and security .[3L] Mobile Network Layer : Mobile IP (Goals, assumptions, entities and terminology, IP packet delivery, Dynamic host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).[3L] Mobile Transport Layer : Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast retransmit/fast recovery, Transmission /time-out freezing, Selective retransmission, Transaction oriented TCP.[4L] Data Broadcasting: Communications asymmetry, Cyclic repetition of data, Digital audio broadcasting and Digital video broadcasting.[4L] Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs): Overview, Properties, application and security of MANET, Routing algorithms : Proactive (Destination Sequence Distance Vector), Reactive(Dynamic Source Routing) and Hybrid(Zone Routing Protocol).[6L] Support for mobility : Wireless Application Protocol-WAP. Introduction, protocol architecture, i-mode,SyncML,WAP2.0[3L] REFERENCES :: 1. Jochen Schiller,Mobile Communications, Pearson Education. second edition, 2007. ISBN 817758-263-1 2. Asoke K Talukder, Roopa R Yavagal, Mobile Computing-Technology, Applications and Service Creation, Tata Mcgraw Hill, First Edition,2008,ISBN-13: 978-0-07-058807-3 3. C.K.Toh : Ad hoc Mobile Wireless Networks Protocols and Systems : First Edition:2007: ISBN 81-317-1510-6 4. Adelstein, Frank, Gupta, Sandeep KS, Richard III, Golden , Schwiebert, Loren, Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, ISBN: 0071412379, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005. 5. Hansmann, Merk, Nicklous, Stober, Principles of Mobile Computing, Springer, second edition, 2003. CSE612.2 Data Warehousing & Data Mining:
Total no of hours:36
Chapter 1 Basic concepts of Data warehousing and Data mining reasons for their use their benefits and problems Chapter 2 Evolution of a Database into a Data Warehouse Data Warehouse vs. Relational Data Base Chapter 3 Data Warehouse Logical Design Star Schema DFM Other Schemas Materialized Views Chapter 4 Data Warehouse Physical Design Hardware & IO considerations, parallelism, indexes Data Warehousing Technologies and implementations Chapter 5 Data Warehouse - Data Extraction - Data cleaning - Data transformation - Data reduction Discretization and generating concept hierarchies - Data transportation loading & refreshing From Data Warehousing to Data mining Multidimensional data model - OLAP architecture, design and query processing - OLAP operations - SQL Extensions for OLAP Hypercube Chapter 6
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Data Mining approaches and methods concepts, classification, association rules, clustering Data Visualization Chapter 7 Data mining algorithms Association classification prediction using decision tress, neural networks, regression. Mining Complex types of data text data web data Chapter 8 Data Mining techniques in financial applications financial forecasting fraud detection case study Text Books Data Mining - Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber Data Warehousing Toolkit R.Kimball, M.Ross Wiley Reference Books Data Warehousing in the real world Anahory Sam, Dennis Murray Pearson Modern Data warehousing, mining & Visualization G.M.Marakar Prentice Hall
CSE 612.3 Formal Methods Credits:3 Formal Methods 1. Logic Syntax Models, semantics Proof theory, soundness Completeness theorem Compactness & Lowenheim-Skolem theorems Foundations of mathematics Godel's incompleteness theorems 2. ACL2 (Applied/Mechanized Logic) o The ACL2 programming language Primitive data types Functions/macros Modeling systems List processing Modeling examples from hardware, software, and security o The ACL2 logic Definitional principle The ACL2 ordinals and termination proofs Induction Hand Proofs Quantification & encapsulation
o o o o o o o
Total no of hours:36
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Mechanization of ACL2 Computation as proof Overview of the waterfall Overview of simplification Induction Theory of rewrite systems o Confluence o Termination o Completion, including Knuth-Bendix completion o Conditional rewriting Decision procedures o Propositional logic Soundness & completeness If-normatization Davis/Putnam BDDs o Linear arithmetic o Combining decision procedures Nelson-Oppen and/or Shostak Reactive systems o Transformational vs. reactive systems o Safety and liveness Topological characterization Lattice theoretic o Temporal logic Linear time Branching time Tarski-Knaster fixpoint theorem Mu-calculus Notions of correctness: Trace containment, equivalence Simulation, bisimulation Complexity/ Algorithms Model Checking o Model checking the mu-calculus o Symbolic model checking o Tablaux method for CTL Abstraction o Homomorphisms o Conservative abstractions o Abstract interpretation
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Required Textbooks
Mathematical Logic, Second Edition. H.-D. Ebbinghaus and J. Flum and W. Thomas. Springer-Verlag, 1994. Computer-Aided Reasoning: An Approach. Matt Kaufmann, Panagiotis Manolios, and J Strother Moore. Kluwer Academic Publishers, June, 2000. Term Rewriting and All That. Franz Baader and Tobias Nipkow. Cambridge University Press, 1998. Model Checking. Edmund M. Clarke, Jr., Orna Grumberg, and Doron A. Peled. MIT Press, 1999.
Computer-Aided Reasoning: ACL2 Case Studies. Matt Kaufmann, Panagiotis Manolios, and J Strother Moore (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, June, 2000. (ISBN: 0-79237849-0) For students interested in ACL2 and/or software/hardware case studies: Note:I have several copies that I can lend out for the semester. Also, a paperback version is available on the Web. This is much cheaper than the hardcover version. Handbook of Automated Reasoning. In 2 volumes /Editors Alan Robinson and Andrei Voronkov. - Amsterdam [etc.] : Elsevier ; Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press (ISBN: 0-26218223-8). For students interested in the theory of formal methods. Formal Modelling and Analysis of Security Protocols. Peter Ryan and Steve Schneider. Addison Wesley, 2001. (ISBN: 0-201-67471-8) For students interested in security. Here are some books on logic that are very good. o Joseph Robert Shoenfield. Mathematical Logic. A K Peters Limited, 2001. A reprint of the classic. o Raymond M. Smullyan. First-Order Logic. Dover Publications, Incorporated, January 1995. o Herbert B. Enderton, Second Edition. A Mathematical Introduction to Logic. Academic Press, 2000. Here are some books on set theory that I recommend. o Keith Devlin. The Joy of Sets: Fundamentals of Contemporary Set Theory, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, 1992. A excellent introduction to axiomatic set theory. o Paul R. Halmos. Naive Set Theory. Van Nostrand, 1960. A classic book on set theory that is too elementary for our purposes, but does a really good job on the topics it covers. Here are some books on computability theory (aka recursive function theory) that I recommend.
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MS CS(Syllabus)
Hartley Rogers. Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability. The classic book on the subject. o Cutland. Computability. A more elementary introduction to computability theory. Mechanized Formal Reasoning about Programs and Computing Machines, Bob Boyer and J Moore, in R. Veroff (ed.), Automated Reasoning and Its Applications: Essays in Honor of Larry Wos, MIT Press, 1996. This paper explains a formalization style that has been extremely successful in enabling mechanized reasoning about programs and machines, illustrated in ACL2. This paper presents the so-called ``small machine'' model, an extremely simple processor whose state consists of the program counter, a RAM, an execute-only program space, a control stack and a flag. The paper explains how to prove theorems about such models. Why Functional Programming Matters by John Hughes. The question of what is a functional programming language came up in class. This is a nice paper on the topic. A possible project is to examine the issues in extending ACL2 so that it has some of the features of modern functional programming languages such as Haskell. See the next item. A Short Introduction to Haskell This is available from the Haskell Web page and is related to the previous item. ACL2 Theorems about Commercial Microprocessors, Bishop Brock, Matt Kaufmann and J Moore, in M. Srivas and A. Camilleri (eds.) Proceedings of Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD'96), Springer-Verlag, pp. 275-293, 1996. The paper sketches the system and two industrial applications: the AMD5K86 floating-point division proof and the Motorola CAP DSP model. A Mechanically Checked Proof of IEEE Compliance of a Register-Transfer-Level Specification of the AMD K7 Floating Point Multiplication, Division and Square Root Instructions, David Russinoff, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., January, 1998. This paper is a tour de force in mechanical verification. The paper describes a mechanically verified proof of correctness of the floating-point multiplication, division, and square root instructions of The AMD K7 microprocessor. The instructions, which are based on Goldschmidt's Algorithm, are implemented in hardware and represented by registertransfer level specifications, the primitives of which are logical operations on bit vectors. On the other hand, the statements of correctness, derived from IEEE Standard 754, are arithmetic in nature and considerably more abstract. Therefore, the paper develops a theory of bit vectors and their role in floating-point representations and rounding, extending previous work in connection with the K5 FPU. The paper then presents the hardware model and a rigorous and detailed proof of its correctness. All of the definitions, lemmas, and theorems have been formally encoded in the ACL2 logic, and every step in the proof has been mechanically checked with the ACL2 prover. The FM9001 Microprocessor: Its Formal Specification and Mechanical Correctness Proof. Pointers to papers describing the FM9001, a microprocessor that was formally verified all the way to the netlist level, are given. The FM9001 was fabricated by LSI Logic and rigourous testing has not uncovered any errors. The FM9001 also serves as the target for the verified assembler, Piton, which in turn serves as the target of the verified Gypsy compiler. All these systems comprise the CLI Stack. References to the CLI Stack papers are given at the bottom of the Web page.
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MS CS(Syllabus)
Mechanizing Proof: Computing, Risk, and Trust (Inside Technology) by Donald A. MacKenzie. MIT Press, 2001. MacKenzie compares proof as traditionally conducted by human mathematicians, and formal, mechanized proof. He interviewed many of the key players and carefully describes the history of the subject.
Module: Dissertation/Thesis/Project The duration of this major project is one year. Students are required to undertake innovative and research oriented projects, which not only reflect their knowledge gained in the previous two semesters but also additional knowledge gained from their own effort. They must show the phase wise development of their project submitting the appropriate documents at the end of each phase.
Industry would appreciate very much if a student uses the software engineering methodology even though they may not be able to guide adequately the software process. A student must put in effort to find answers to questions about the application, which will also enhance the value of the project report. Tools Required Unix OS Windows OS Rational Rose/Magic Draw /Proseidan MS SQL Server 2000
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