Electro 1 E11 Use of Live Line Tester

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Exercise No. 13
Document Practical Exercise # 1.11

Course Basic Electricity

Title Use of a Live Line Tester

Allocated Time for Briefing 30 Minutes

Allocated Time for Exercise Execution 120 Minutes

Allocated Time for Debriefing 30 Minutes

Total Time Allocated 3 hours

Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment
Understanding Construction and operation of electrical testing and measuring equipment
and Proficiency
CO4 Identify appropriate electrical hand tools, measuring instruments, and testing equipment
Course Outcome
required on handling electrical components

Learning The student must be able to demonstrate competence in using clamp meter to measure
Outcomes current

In the electrical laboratory room, the students must be able to:

 Use live line tester to determine any hot wires and live wires

Pre-Requisite None

Venue /
Electrical/Electronic Laboratory Room
 Cover-all
Training ● Eye Protection (Googles)
Equipment ● Insulated Gloves
Particulars ● Safety Shoes
● Live-line Tester
The assessor must:
1. Verify Students’ Attendance.
2. Distribute Exercise worksheets.
3. Explain the Policies and House Rules
Assessor’s 4. Explain the relevance of the scenario to the outcome being tackled.
5. Explain the bearing of the exercise to ship board conditions.
Briefing 6. State the outcome of the exercise.
7. Explain the Performance Standards and Criteria.
8. State critical performance requirements.
9. Ask comments and verification from students.
10. State the monitoring procedures of the exercise
The instructor shall:
1. Instruct the students to proceed their designated stations
2. Remind the students of the duration of the exercise.
Assessor's action 3. Remind the students that they have to discuss with in the group the required criteria.
4. Start the exercise
5. Remind the student at least 5 minutes before the end of the exercise.
6. Instruct the students to proceed to the debriefing room.


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The students shall:

1. Proceed to your designated stations given by the Instructor
Students’ 2. Be reminded of the time allotted for the exercise.
recommended 3. Start the exercise once the instructor has given the instructions.
action 4. Comply with the required performance standards and criteria.
5. Be reminded of the allotted time given by the instructor
6. Once the exercise has been stopped await further instruction from the instructor.
The assessor shall:
1. State the purpose of debriefing
Assessor’s 2. Use the performance standard and criteria to check each individual’s compliance
Debriefing 3. Ask if there are any objections or appeals regarding the performance standards and

Safely perform the practical activity, following procedures as stated in the

Students Action
manufacturer’s manual and meeting the requirements as stated in the task
STCW A-III/1 F2.C1 Column 4
1. Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with the operating
Performance manuals, established rules and procedures to ensure safety of operations
Criteria 2. Electrical, electronic and control systems can be understood and explained
with drawings and instructions
(See attributes below)


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Attribute Performance Criteria Performance Standard Complied Not Complied

Safety Wears the required

personal protective Wears and adjust the hard hat to have a snug fit
Selects and wears the appropriate safety glasses

Wears the correct type and size of safety shoes

Selects and wears insulated gloves

Wears the coverall and ensures that there are no loose outfit

Procedure Prepare the live- Prepare the Multimeter if necessary and conduct continuity test on its
line testers and probe
instruments Prepare the live-line tester

Confirm that the Live Line Tester and proving unit is clean and dry,
visually inspect all parts, if damaged do not use
Handle the live-line tester with care as Neon bulb or test element may
Identify the live
wires and hot wires Hover in contact or point the tester to the wire(s) insulation at least 1 mm
on a Live A.C distance
Result Record the result
on the given table
as per PMS Identify the hot wires and neutral lines

Record the test results


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Table 1.1








Failure State: The examinee will be rated “FAILED” when any of the following is committed.

1. The student was NOT ABLE to fulfill and comply all the assessment criteria.

Conducted by: Acknowledged by:

_________________________________ ________________________________
Signature over Printed Name of Instructor Signature over Printed Name of Student
Date: _________________ Date: _______________


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