You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills
covered in this learner’s guide because of you have:
been working for some time
already completed training in this area
Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the
Training unit. Read through the module carefully. It is divided
into sections, which cover all the skills, and knowledge you need
to successfully complete this module.
Work through all the information and complete the activities in
section. Read information sheets and complete the self-check.
Suggested references are included to supplement the materials
provided in this module.
Most probably your trainer will also by your supervisor or
manager. He/ she is there to support you and show you the
correct way to do things.
Your trainer will tell you about the important things you need to
consider when you are completing activities and it is important
that you listen and take notes.
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and
practice on the job. Make sure you practice your new skills
during regular work shifts. This way you will improve both your
speed and memory and also your confidence.
Talk to more experience workmates and ask for their guidance.
Use the self-check questions at the end of each section to test
your own progress.
When you are ready, ask your trainer to watch you perform the
activities outline in this module.
As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on
your progress. Your trainer keeps feedback/ pre-assessment
reports for this reason. When you have successfully completed
each element, ask your trainer to mark on the reports that you
are ready for institutional assessment.
When you have completed the institutional assessment, the
results of your assessment will be recorded in our competency
Achievement Record and Progress chart.
At the completion of this module the trainees/student must be
able to:
LO 1. Plan and prepare work
LO 2. Install electrical protection system
1. Instructions for the preparation of the work activity are
communicated and confirmed to ensure clear understanding
2. Tools, equipment and PPE needed to install electrical protection
system are identified, checked to ensure they work correctly as
intended and are safe to use in accordance with established
3. Materials needed for work are obtained in accordance with
established procedures
4. Electrical protections systems are installed according to the
latest edition of Philippine Electrical Code and National
Electrical Code.
5. Electrical protection system are installed according to the job
6. Tools/equipment and materials needed for the installation are
prepared in line with job requirements.
7. Safety procedures in installing electrical protection system are
strictly observed according OHS guidelines and procedures.
Learning Materials
Learning elements
Practical exercise
Laboratory exercise
Film viewing
Direct observation and questioning
At the end of this session, the trainee should be able to know
the concept, principles and install electrical protection system needed
with the job requirements.
A. Tools
B. Equipment
D. Materials
Electrical Gloves
Safety Shoes
Hard hat
Circuit Breaker
It is the responsibility of the installer to connect all electronic irrigation
equipment for which he is responsible to
earth ground in accordance with Article
250 of the National Electrical Code (NEC.)
Grounding components will include the
items described in the following
paragraphs, at a minimum.
The bonding conductors are to be installed in such a way so that they also act
as shielding conductors. This becomes a network of solid bare copper wire over
all the main bundles of other wires and cables.
The bare copper wire is to be installed as
close to the surface as possible, yet being
sufficiently below the ground level as to
prevent damage from maintenance
equipment such as aerators. And it must
be placed above all other
valve/power/communication wires and
cables, per detail, and installed in all
trenches as shown on the electrical plan
drawings. It is not necessary to install this conductor over short wire runs (less
than 150 feet) away from the main wire bundles. The conductor is laid in as
straight a line as possible, and when necessary to make bends, do so in a
sweeping motion using the following detail as a guideline.
We then tested the breakers on a test circuit. We found that only one side of
our double pole breaker provide short circuit protection. It’s unknown which
side may provide over current protection. Presumably, breakers made to be
used as single-pole provide both protections in a single breaker, as do double-
pole breakers used as a unit.
We decided we were not so smart after all. Since we had a plug-in type of panel
box for which single-pole breakers are not available, we had no choice but to
wire our plug-in style panel box, as many local electricians do, using double-
pole breakers.
We took out the link we had installed connecting the two panel box bus bars
and bought new double-pole breakers. Now, one of the buses was hot, the
other bus was neutral. When a double pole breaker is installed, one pole of the
breaker protects the load wire and one the neutral wire for each branch circuit.
We used a specific GE double pole breaker which is sold and in almost universal
use here – the TQL2415X or TQL2420X. Our electrical supply store only sells GE
brand breakers. I could not find these “X-suffix” breakers in the huge online GE
breaker directory, but did read elsewhere that the X designation is for “special
purpose” applications. The GE breakers sold here are 240/415 volt rated. This
must have been a huge overload, far beyond 20 amps.
Self-check 4.1-1
PEC provisions and requirements on installing electrical
protection system
Procedures in installing electrical protection system
Safety procedures in installing electrical protection system
Safety switch fuse cut-out
High/Low Voltage Switch Gear-HLVSG
Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker-ELCB
Conventional atmospheric lighting protection
Grounding system
1. Electrical protection systems are installed according to the latest edition
of Philippine Electrical Code and National Electrical Code.
2. Electrical protection systems are installed according to the job
3.Tools/equipment and materials needed for the installation are prepared
in line with job requirements.
4.Safety procedures in installing electrical protection systems are strictly
observed according to OHS guidelines and procedures.
Practical exercises
Laboratory exercises
Direct observation and questioning
Learning Outcome #1: Install electrical protection system
Learning Activities Special Instructions
1. Read information sheet 4.2- After reading information sheet 4.1-1,
1 you can now answer self-check 4.1-1
2. Answer self-check 4.2-2 Compare answer with the answer key.
You are required to get all answer
correct. If not read the information
sheet again to answer all question
3. Perform job sheet 4.2-1 Evaluate your own work using
performance criteria. Present your work
to your trainer for evaluation and
4. Perform job sheet 4.2-2 Evaluate your own work using
performance criteria. Present your work
to your trainer for evaluation and
After doing all the activity of this L.O.,
you are now ready to proceed to the
next module. Ask your trainer for the
Installing Electrical Protection system for lighting and
Fuse is defined as; an over all current protective device with a circuit
opening fusible element which opens (break) when there is an over
current in the circuit.
1. The circuit breaker act as switch aside from its being an over
current protective device.
Despite the advantages of the circuit breaker over the fuse, the later
has also some advantages over the
circuit breaker enumerated as follows:
Test the panel for power. Use a tester or meter set to the highest
AC voltage range (120 Volts minimum) available, and check for
the presence of power by touching one probe to ground or neutral
(the bar that has bare or green and white wires connected - or the
bar that has just white or just bare or green wires connected).
Step 5. Locate an unused space above, below or between existing
circuit breakers.
Select the correct circuit breaker. The panel label will list all
approved circuit breakers for installation.
Test. Stan
ding to
the side
of the
A single phase, 3- wire panel is fed with two hot lines and a neutral
line connected to the line buses and the neutral bus which varies in:
a. Ampere ratings of the buses
b. Type of protective devices installed
Assessment Method:
Direct Observation and Questioning
Title: Installing Electrical Protection system for Lighting and
Performance Objective: Given the necessary equipment, tools
and materials, assemble the fluorescent
lighting fixture in line with the job
Supplies/Materials :
Floor outlet
Drawing and plans
Wiring devices
Panel board 6 branch 60 A main, 2-30A for outlet
and 2-15A for lighting
Equipment and Tools :
Wiring booth
Set of pliers
Set of screw drivers
Personal Protective Equipment ( PPE)
1. Use appropriate PPE before starting this job.
2. Read and interpret the given drawing.
3. Layout the given drawing in wiring booth with the correct
4. Install electrical protection system correctly, follow procedure
in operation sheet 4.1-1. Have your trainer check your work.
5. Test your work by supplying power. Note. Do not test without
the presence of the instructor.
6. Clean work area, and returned equipment and material proper
Assessment Method:
Direct Observation and Questioning
1. htt://windows.microlsoft.com/en-ph/windows-vistas
2. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_topology
3. www.ehow.com
4. www.google.com