Nuclei CBSE Board Questions

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1. The pairs which represent the isotope, isobar and isotone respectively are

(a) ( 12 13
6 C, 6 C ), (14 16
6 C, 8 O ), ( 16 16
8 O, 7 N ) (b) ( 16 16
8 O, 7 N ), ( 12 13
6 C, 6 C ), (
14 16
6 C, 8 O )
(c) (
14 16
6 C, 8 O ), ( 16 16
8 O, 7 N ), ( 12 13
6 C, 6 C ) (d) (
12 13
6 C, 6 C ), ( 16 16
8 O, 7 N ), (
14 16
6 C, 8 O )

125 27
2. The ratio of the radius of the nuclei 52Te to that of 13 Al is

(a) 5 : 3 (b) 3 : 5 (c) 25 : 9 (d) 125 : 27


R = Ro A1/3

RTe = Ro A1Te/ 3 ; RAl = Ro A1Al/ 3

1/ 3 1/ 3
R Te  A Te   125  5
=  =  =
R Al  A Al   27  3

3. If the radius of a nucleus of mass number 3 is R, then the radius of a nucleus of mass

number 81 is

(a) 3R (b) 9R (c) 27R (d) 6R


R = Ro A1/3 = Ro (3)1/3

R1 = Ro (81)1/3 = Ro (27 x 3)1/3 = 3 Ro (3)1/3 = 3R

4. Which of the following quantities for a nucleus is independent of its mass number?

(a) Density (b) Volume (c) Mass (d) Radius


Nuclear Radius (R) = Ro A1/3

Nuclear Mass = A mN

4 4 4
Nuclear Volume = πR 3 = π( R o A 1 / 3 ) 3 = πR o3 A
3 3 3

Nuclear mass A mN mN
Nuclear density = = =
Nuclear volume 4 4
πR o3 A πR o3
3 3

∴ Nuclear density is independent of its mass number

5. When two nuclei (A ≤ 10) fuse together to form a heavier nucleus, the

(a) binding energy per nucleon increases

(b) binding energy per nucleon decreases

(c) binding energy per nucleon does not change

(d) total binding energy decreases

6. Two protons are kept at a separation of 100 Ao. Fn is the nuclear force and Fe is the

electrostatic force between them. Then

(a) Fn < < Fe (b) Fn > > Fe (c) Fn ≈ Fe (d) Fn = Fe


Nuclear force is a short range force. It is very strong between two nucleons which are

less than 10–15 m apart & is almost negligible at a distance greater than this. So Fn << Fe
7. The mass of a 73 Li nucleus is 0.042 u less than the sum of the masses of all its nucleons.

The binding energy per nucleon of 73 Li nucleus is nearly

(a) 39 MeV (b) 5.6 MeV (c) 23 MeV (d) 42 MeV


Mass defect (∆m) = 0.042 u

Binding energy (BE) = ∆m x 931.5 MeV = 0.042 x 931.5 = 39.123 MeV

BE 39.123
Binding energy per nucleon = = = 5.589 MeV
A 7

8. The nuclear radius of a certain nucleus is 7.2 fm and it has a charge of 1.28 x 10–17 C.

The number of neutrons inside the nucleus is

(a) 126 (b) 136 (c) 142 (d) 132


R = Ro A1/3

R 7 .2
A1/3 = = =6 ; A = (6)3 = 216
Ro 1 .2

Nuclear charge = Ze

Nuclear Ch arg e 1.28 x 10 −17 128 1280

Z (number of protons) = = = = = 80
e 1.6 x 10 − 19 1. 6 16

Number of neutrons = A – Z = 216 – 80 = 136

9. In a typical nuclear reaction,

1H + 21 H 
→ 3
2 He + 01 n + 3.27 MeV, although number of nucleons is conserved, yet

energy is released. How? Explain.


In this nuclear reaction, the sum of the masses of the nuclei 21 H and 21 H is greater than

the sum of the masses of 32 He and neutron. This difference in mass is converted into

energy according to Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence E = mc2.

10. Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion

The process of breaking up of the nucleus When two or more light nuclei fuse
of a heavier atom into two intermediate together to form heavy nucleus with the
mass nuclear fragments with the release release of energy, the process is called
of a large amount of energy is called nuclear fusion
nuclear fission
1 235 236
0n + 92 U 
→ 92 U 
→ 2
1H + 21 H 
→ 3
2 He + 01 n + 3.27 MeV

144 89 1
56 Ba + 36 Kr + 3 0 n + 200 MeV

Fission reaction doesn’t occur normally

Fusion reaction occurs in Sun & Stars
in nature.

Projectiles like neutrons are needed to Very high temperature is needed to cause
cause fission fusion

This process consumes a very little High amount of energy is consumed to

amount of energy to break up the heavier fuse lighter nuclei to overcome the
nucleus electrostatic repulsion

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