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1 author:
A. Balasubramanian
University of Mysore
All content following this page was uploaded by A. Balasubramanian on 11 August 2017.
Prof. A. Balasubramanian,
Centre for Advanced Studies in Earth Science,
University of Mysore,Mysore
The basic units of spatial information are points, lines
(arcs) and polygons.
Representing these geospatially, belongs to Data
In GIS, a mathematical construct for representing
geographic objects or surfaces as data.
For example, the vector data model represents
geography as collections of points, lines, and
polygons; the raster data model represents geography
as cell matrixes that store numeric values; and the
TIN data model represents geography as sets of
contiguous, nonoverlapping triangles.
A geodata model is an abstract, artificially created
data model.
GIS data model should not only describe the content,
properties and data structures, but also rules and
relations between the entities of a data model.
A proper data model should facilitate data updation
The method using geometrical formulas for data
model is known as vector or vectorized graphics.
Vector storage implies the use of vectors (directional
lines with their x,y cordinates) to represent a
geographic feature.
The method using dots, in which each pixel( picture
element) is bitmap imaging, and is known as raster
Data structures:
The simplest vector data structure is called the
spaghetti data model.
In the spaghetti model, each point, line, and/or
polygon feature is represented as a string of X, Y
coordinate pairs with no inherent structure.
In contrast to the spaghetti data model, the
topological data model is characterized by the
inclusion of topological information within the
Topology is a set of rules that model the relationships
between neighboring points, lines, and polygons and
determines how they share geometry.
Three basic topological precepts are necessary to
understand the topological data model are outlined
First, connectivity describes the arc-node topology
for the feature dataset.
The second one is area definition.
The third one is Contiguity.
It is based on the concept that polygons that share a
boundary are deemed adjacent.
Components in vector data:
Usually, vectorial systems are composed of two
components: the one that manages spatial data and the
one that manages thematic data.
This is called as hybrid organisation system.
Vector data scale dependency:
For all vector datasets, there is a scale and type
dependency of spatial data.
When should an airport be represented as a point, and
when should it be a polygon?
If you are measuring the distance from major cities to
their airports, then the cities and airports would be
best represented as points.
Advantages of Vector Data Structures:
• Good representation of phenomenonology
• Compact /
• Topology can be completely described
• Accurate graphics /
• Retrieval, updating and generalization of graphics
and attributes possible.
Vector data are also in the form of images.
Vectorized images describe every aspect of their
shape in terms of a mathematical formula.
Imagine, for representing a simple shape, such as a
circle, in a raster image, a circle that is 100 pixels
wide will have to store where each of the pixels in
that 1,000 pixel area is placed.
By contrast, on a vectorized image, a simple
mathematical formula would describe the radius of
the circle and the fact that it is a true circle, and the
processor could calculate the rest.
This allows vectorized images to be manipulated
much more easily – grown or shrunk, twisted and bent
– without any distortion or loss of quality.
Vector data also provides an increased ability to alter
the scale of observation and analysis.
Zooming deep into a vector image does not change
the view of a vector graphic in the way that it does a
raster graphic.
Vector data tend to be more compact in data
structure, so file sizes are typically much smaller
than their raster counterparts.
The advantage of vector data is that topology is
inherent in the vector model.
This topological information helps in various
simplified spatial analysis (e.g., error detection,
network analysis, proximity analysis, and spatial
transformation) when using a vector model.
There are two primary disadvantages of the vector
data model.
First, the data structure tends to be much more
complex than the simple raster data model.
As the location of each vertex must be stored
explicitly in the model, there are no shortcuts for
storing data like there are for raster models (e.g., the
run-length and quad-tree encoding methodologies).
Second, the implementation of spatial analysis can
also be relatively complicated due to minor
differences in accuracy and precision between the
input datasets.
Similarly, the algorithms for manipulating and
analyzing vector data are complex and can lead to
intensive processing requirements, particularly when
dealing with large datasets.
Digital aerial photographs, imagery from satellites,
digital pictures, or even scanned maps contain raster
The structure of raster data is simple, it is
exceptionally useful for a wide range of applications.
The cell size is an imp concept.
Several methods exist for encoding raster data from
b) Run-length raster encoding:
This method encodes cell values in runs of similarly
valued pixels and can result in a highly compressed
image file.
The run-length encoding method is useful in
situations where large groups of neighboring pixels
have similar values.
It is less useful where neighboring pixel values vary
c) Quad-tree raster encoding:
This method divides a raster into a hierarchy of
quadrants that are subdivided based on similarly
valued pixels.
Rasters as basemaps:
Three main sources of raster basemaps are
orthophotos from aerial photography, satellite
imagery, and scanned maps.
Rasters as surface maps:
Rasters are well suited for representing data that
changes continuously across a landscape (surface).
They provide an effective method of storing the
continuity as a surface.
They also provide a regularly spaced representation of
Most satellite imagery has multiple bands, typically
containing values within a range or band of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
When you create a map layer from a raster image, you
can choose to display a single band of data or form a
color composite from multiple bands.
Cell size of raster data:
The level of detail (of features/phenomena)
represented by a raster is often dependent on the cell
(pixel) size, or spatial resolution, of the raster.
A raster dataset can always be resampled to have a
larger cell size.
Types of resolution:
When working with imaged raster data, there are four
types of resolution you might be concerned with:
spectral resolution, temporal resolution, radiometric
resolution, and spatial resolution.
How features are represented in a raster?
A point is represented by an explicit x,y coordinate in
vector format, but as a raster, it is represented as a
single cell—the smallest unit of a raster.
One can make the cell size small enough to capture
sufficient input points for the desired analysis.
In vector format, a line is an ordered list of x,y
coordinates, but in raster format, it is represented as a
chain of spatially connected cells with the same value.
As with point data, linear features will become the
width of the cell.
A vector polygon is an enclosed area defined by an
ordered list of x,y coordinates in which the first and
last coordinates are the same, thereby representing
By contrast, a raster polygon is a group of contiguous
cells with the same value that most accurately portray
the shape of the area.Polygonal, or area, data is best
represented by a series of connected cells.
Discrete and continuous data:
A lake is a discrete object within the surrounding
Where the water’s edge meets the land can be
definitively established.
Other examples of discrete objects include buildings,
roads, and parcels.
Raster dataset properties:
Explains the storage format and information needed
to support the format and display the data.
Raster information:
lists the raster-specific properties, including the
Number of columns and rows (of pixels),
Number of bands,
Cell size (x,y),
Uncompressed size,
Source type,
Pixel type (unsigned/signed, integer/floating point)/
Pixel depth,
Bit depth (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64),
No Data value,
Colormap (present/absent),
Compression type.
The Extent section describes the rectangle (boundary)
containing all the raster dataset's data. The top,
bottom, left, and right coordinates of the rectangle.
The Statistics section lists several of the raster
dataset's statistics:
Minimum value,
Maximum value,
Mean value,
Standard deviation,
Number of classes.
Raster dataset attribute tables:
Raster datasets that contain attribute tables typically
have cell values that represent or define a class,
group, category, or membership.
is table's attribute information with this classified
raster dataset .
A TIN is a vector based representation of the physical
land surface or sea bottom, made up of irregularly
distributed nodes and lines with three dimensional
coordinates (x,y, and z) that are arranged in a network
of non-overlapping triangles.
TINs are often derived from the elevation data of a
rasterized digital elevation model (DEM).
The TIN model represents a surface as a series of
linked triangles, hence the adjective triangulated.
Triangles are made from three points, which can
occur at any location, giving the adjective, irregular.
For each triangle, TIN records:
· The triangle number
· The numbers of each adjacent triangle
· The three nodes defining the triangle
· The x, y coordinates of each node
· The surface z value of each node
· The edge type of each triangle edge (hard or
Nodes are the fundamental building blocks of the
The nodes originate from the points and arc vertices
contained in the input data sources.
Every node is incorporated in the TIN triangulation.
Every node in the TIN surface model must have a z
Every node is joined with its nearest neighbors by
edges to form triangles, which satisfy the Delaunay
Each edge has two nodes, but a node may have two or
more edges.
Because edges have a node with a z value at each end,
it is possible to calculate a slope along the edge from
one node to the other.
Advantages- ability to describe the surface at different
level of resolution, efficiency in storing data.
Disadvantages- in many cases require visual
inspection and manual control of the network.
The data files contain the spatial elevation data of the
terrain in a digital format which usually presented as a
rectangular grid.
Vegetation, buildings and other man-made (artificial)
features are removed digitally - leaving just the
underlying terrain ( on the other hand, Digital Surface
Model (DSM) is usually the main product produced
from photogrammetry, where it does contain all the
features mentioned above, while a filtered DSM
results in a DTM).
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a digital
cartographic/geographic dataset of elevations in xyz
The terrain elevations for ground positions are
sampled at regularly spaced horizontal intervals.
DEMs are raster grids of elevation values that are
arrayed in series of south-north profiles.
The main applications are:
1. Visualization of the terrain
2. Reduction (terrain correction) of gravity
measurements (gravimetry, physical geodesy)
3. Terrain analyses in Cartography and Morphology
4. Rectification of airborne or satellite photos
5. Extraction of terrain parameters, model water flow
or mass movement.
Many DEMs provided by the USGS use a 30-m grid.
In other words, the area covered in the DEM is split
into squares with 30-m sides.
Hills or valleys smaller than the 30-m cells will not
show up.
DEMs are used often in geographic information
systems, and are the most common basis for digitally-
produced relief maps.
the best resolution commonly available is 30 m,
with a vertical resolution of 1 m
coverages of the entire globe, including the ocean
floor, can be obtained at various resolutions.
Creation of DEMs:
move two dots together until they appear to be one
lying just at the surface of the ground
automatically, an instrument calculates the parallax
displacement of a large number of points
extraction of elevation from photographs is
confused by flat areas, especially lakes, and
wherever the ground surface is obscured
(buildings, trees)
there are two techniques for choosing sample
points when using manual photogrammetry:
1. Profiling
the photo is scanned in rows, alternately left to
right and right to left, to create profiles
a regular grid is formed by resampling the points
created in this process
because the process tends to underestimate
elevations on uphill parts of each profile and
overestimate on downhill parts, the resulting
DEMs show a characteristic "herringbone" effect
when contoured
2. Contour Following
contour lines are extracted directly from stereopairs
during compilation of standard USGS maps
contour data are processed into profile lines and a
regular grid is interpolated using the same
Common uses of DEMs include:
1. Extracting terrain parameters for
2. Modeling water flow for hydrology or mass
movement (for example avalanches and
3. Creation of relief maps.
4. Rendering of 3D visualizations.
5. 3D flight planning and TERCOM.
6. Creation of physical models (including raised
relief maps).
7. Rectification of aerial photography or satellite
8. Reduction (terrain correction) of gravity
measurements (gravimetry, physical geodesy).
9. Terrain analysis in geomorphology and physical
10. Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
11. Engineering and infrastructure design.
12. Global positioning systems (GPS).
13. Line-of-sight analysis.
14. Base mapping.
15. Flight simulation.
16. Precision farming and forestry.
17. Surface analysis.
18. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS).
19. Auto safety / Advanced Driver Assistance
Systems (ADAS).
20. Archaeology.