GIS Theory PDF
GIS Theory PDF
GIS Theory PDF
Introduction to GIS
Introduction to GIS
Definition of GIS
Like the field of geography, the term Geographic Information System (GIS) is hard to define. It
represents the integration of many subject areas. Accordingly there us no absolutely agreed upon
definition of a GIS (deMers, 1997). A broadly accepted definition of GIS is the one provided by the
National Centre of Geographic Information and Analysis:
a GIS is a system of hardware, software and procedures to facilitate the management, manipulation, analysis,
modelling, representation and display of georeferenced data to solve complex problems regarding planning and
management of resources (NCGIA, 1990)
Geographic information systems have emerged in the last decade as an essential tool for urban and
resource planning and management. Their capacity to store, retrieve, analyse, model and map large
areas with huge volumes of spatial data has led to an extraordinary proliferation of applications.
Geographic information systems are now used for land use planning, utilities management,
ecosystems modelling, landscape assessment and planning, transportation and infrastructure
planning, market analysis, visual impact analysis, facilities management, tax assessment, real estate
analysis and many other applications.
Functions of GIS include: data entry, data display, data management, information retrieval and
A more comprehensive and easy way to define GIS is the one that looks at the disposition, in layers
(Figure 1 ), of its data sets. "Group of maps of the same portion of the territory, where a given location
has the same coordinates in all the maps included in the system". This way, it is possible to analyse
its thematic and spatial characteristics to obtain a better knowledge of this zone.
Introduction to GIS
GIS applications
mapping locations: GIS can be used to map locations. GIS allows the creation of maps through
automated mapping, data capture, and surveying analysis tools.
mapping quantities: People map quantities, like where the most and least are, to find places that
meet their criteria and take action, or to see the relationships between places. This gives an
additional level of information beyond simply mapping the locations of features.
mapping densities: While you can see concentrations by simply mapping the locations of features,
in areas with many features it may be difficult to see which areas have a higher concentration than
others. A density map lets you measure the number of features using a uniform areal unit, such as
acres or square miles, so you can clearly see the distribution.
finding distances: GIS can be used to find out what's occurring within a set distance of a feature.
mapping and monitoring change: GIS can be used to map the change in an area to anticipate
future conditions, decide on a course of action, or to evaluate the results of an action or policy.
Geospatial data
Geospatial data has both spatial and thematic components.
Conceptually, geographic data can be broken up in two elements: observation or entity and
attribute or variable. GIS have to be able to manage both elements.
Spatial component: The observations have two aspects in its localisation: absolute localisation
based in a coordinates system and topological relationship referred to other observations. Example:
The Department of Geomatics is located at the particular coordinate X,Y, or, The Department is
Introduction to GIS
located between Grattan Street and Old Engineering Building. A GIS is able to manage both while
computer assisted cartography packages only manage the absolute one.
Thematic component: The variables or attributes can be studied considering the thematic aspect
(statistics), the locational aspect (spatial analysis) or both (GIS).
easy to update
easy to maintain
Introduction to GIS
vector models
There are different models to store and manage vector information. Each of them has different
advantages and disadvantages.
Introduction to GIS
easy to manage
no topology
lots of duplication, hence need for large storage space
very often used in CAC (computer assisted cartography
Introduction to GIS
Introduction to GIS
Introduction to GIS
1 3.2, 5.2
1, 5.2
2 1,3
3.2, 5.2
3 1,2
3.5,2 4.2,2.7
2 External A
1 A
4 External External
1, 2
data bases
The elements in a vector based GIS are then the DBMS (Data Base Management System) for the
attributes and the system that manages the topological data. In some GIS packages, the DBMS is
based in an existing software, i.e. dBASE.
entity-relation model
Three elements are considered in this approach: (a) Entities as the relevant objects for the data
base. In a GIS, an entity is any fact that can be localised spatially. (b) Attributes or characteristics
attached to the entities. Each attribute has a limited domain of possible values, i.e. the quality of a
road can be bad, average, good, very good. (c) Relations or mechanisms that allow to relate
entities. Some examples are: located in, contained in, crossed with, etc.
Introduction to GIS
The data bases used in GIS are most commonly relational. Nevertheless, Object Oriented data
bases are progressively incorporated.
relational data bases
In a relational data base, data is stored in tables where rows represent the objects or entities and
columns the attributes or variables. A data base is usually composed of several tables and the
relations between them is possible through a common identifier that is unique for each entity. Most of
the relational data bases in GIS present two variables with identifiers; one of them is unique and
correlative, it could be numeric or alphabetic, and the second one might be repeated and helps to
organise the attribute table.
The advantages of using this kind of data base are:
The design is based in a methodology with heavy theoretical basis, which offers confidence in its
capacity to evolve.
It is very easy to implement it, specially in comparison with other models such as hierarchical,
network, and object oriented.
It is very flexible. New tables can be appended easily.
Finally, many powerful DBMS using this approach contains query languages (like SQL) which
makes easy to include this tool in a GIS. Thus, some commercialised GIS packages include a
DBMS pre- existent.
object oriented data bases
Based on objects, it can be defined as an entity with a localisation represented by values and by a
group of operations. Thus, the advantage in comparison with relational data bases is based on the
inclusion, in the definition of an object, not only its attributes but also the methods or operations that
act on this object. In addition, the objects belong to classes that can have their own variables and
these classes can belong to super-classes.
Introduction to GIS
(figure 9 )
In this data structure every pixel is given a single value, hence there is no compression when many
like values are encountered.
run-length encoding
(figure 10)
This is a raster image compression technique. If a raster contains groups of cells with identical
values, run length encoding can compress storage. Instead of storing each cell, each component
stores a value and a count of cells with that value. If there is only one cell the storage doubles, but
for three or more cells there is a reduction. The longer and more frequent the consecutive values
are, the greater the compression that will be achieved. This technique is particularly useful for
encoding monochrome images or binary images (Chrisman, 1997).
Introduction to GIS
data capture
Data capture for raster datasets can include:
Remote Sensing
Manual digitisation:
Automatic digitisation
Introduction to GIS
Berhardsen, T. (1992) Geographic Information Systems. Viak IT/Norwegian Mapping Authority, Arendal,
Berhardsen, T. (1996) Geographic Information Systems. Halsted Press.
Bernhardsen, T. (1999) Geographic information systems : an introduction. Wiley, New York.
Chrisman, N.R. (1997) Exploring Geographic Information Systems. John Wiley and Sons.
deMers, M.N. (1997) Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems. John Wiley and Sons.
Huxhold, W.E. (1991) An Introduction to Urban Information Systems. New York, OUP.
Laurini, R. and Thompson, D. (1992) Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems. London, Academy Press.
Maguire, D.J., Goodchild, M.F. and Rhind, D.W. (eds.) (1991) Geographical Information Systems: Principles
and Applications. Avon, Longman Scientific and Technical.
Martin, D. (1991) Geographical Information Systems and their Socioeconomic Applications. London, Routledge.
Peuquet, D.J. and Marble, D.F. (eds.) (1990) Introductory Readings in Geographic Information Systems.
London, Taylor and Francis.
Star, J. and Estes, J. (1990) Geographical Information Systems: An Introduction. Englewoods Cliffs, New
Jersey, Prentice Hall.