Animal Tissues

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Types of animal tissues:

1. Epithelial tissue (hámszövet)
2. Connective tissue (kötőszövet)
3. Supportive tissue (támasztószövet)
4. Muscle tissue
5. Nerve tissue

1. Epithelial tissue
Job: covering, protecting
The surface of the body and every organ from inside and outside is covered by
epidermal tissue
Characteristics: cell tightly packed, no intercellular (sejtközötti) space, no blood vessels and
 True epithelium (fedőhám)
 flat epithelium (laphám) found eg. in the wall of capillaries

 cubical epithelium (köbhám)

 columnar epithelium (hengerhám) found eg. in the small intestine (vékonybél)

 Multilayered epithelium (többrétegű hám) eg. the skin

 Glandular epithelium (mirigyhám) in glands (mirigyek)
2. Connective tissue
Job: connecting organs, filling in spaces
Characteristics: cells found further from each other, fluid intercellular space (sejtközötti
állomány), protein fibres present

 Loose connective tissue (laza rostos kötőszövet)

 Dense connective tissue (tömött rostos kötőszövet) eg. tendons (inak)

 Adipose tissue (zsírszövet)

 Blood

3. Supporting tissue
Job: to form skeletal structures
Characteristics: cells are found in a solid intercellular space
 Cartilage (porc) found at the bony connections, ear, nasal septum

 Bony tissue: cells are star shaped, found in concentric circles.

o organic part formed if cells and fibres and gives flexibility
o inorganic part formed of Ca and Mg and gives strenght

4. Muscle tissue
Characteristics: able to contract due to its protein fibres (actin and miozin)
 smooth muscles (simaizom)
 striated muscles (haráncsíkolt izom)

 cardiac muscles (szívizom)

smooth m. striated m. cardiac m.

structure long oval cells long cells called Y shaped cells
fibres, nuclei
pushed to the side
of the cells, has
stripes under the

contraction slow, weaker, quick, strong, quick, strong,

no fatigue fatigues (fárad) no fatigue
found in the wall of ont he in the heart
internal organs bones,skeletal

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