Animal Tissues
Animal Tissues
Animal Tissues
1. Epithelial tissue
Job: covering, protecting
The surface of the body and every organ from inside and outside is covered by
epidermal tissue
Characteristics: cell tightly packed, no intercellular (sejtközötti) space, no blood vessels and
True epithelium (fedőhám)
flat epithelium (laphám) found eg. in the wall of capillaries
Loose connective tissue (laza rostos kötőszövet)
3. Supporting tissue
Job: to form skeletal structures
Characteristics: cells are found in a solid intercellular space
Cartilage (porc) found at the bony connections, ear, nasal septum
o organic part formed if cells and fibres and gives flexibility
o inorganic part formed of Ca and Mg and gives strenght
4. Muscle tissue
Characteristics: able to contract due to its protein fibres (actin and miozin)
smooth muscles (simaizom)
striated muscles (haráncsíkolt izom)