Drill Collar Whirl
Drill Collar Whirl
Drill Collar Whirl
In an additional test a downhole motor was run, in a slick Without knowledge or insight about downhole vibrations,
assembly, with a vibration-recording tool on each end of it it’s natural to rely on surface parameters to draw inferences
simultaneously. The interval drilled was 1593-1610 feet (485.5- about bit dynamics. In some instances, this can be deceiving.
490.7m), focusing on the last ten feet of the Misener Again referring to Fig. 12, the bit on the right was subjected to
Sandstone. The first five feet of Misener was drilled in the severe YZ vibrations while the bit on the left experienced drill
sliding mode with the motor turning at 300 RPM. The last five collar whirl and strong XY vibrations. From the surface
feet was drilled in the rotating mode, with the drill string rotated vibrations one might think the opposite to be true since the bit
at 50 RPM and the motor at 250 RPM. In each case, the bit on the right experienced sever bit bounce at the rig floor while
rotary speed was 300 RPM. The target bit weight was 35 KIPS the bit on the left produced no vibrations at the rig floor. As well
(15.5 KdaN) in each case. depth increases, more of the downhole vibrations can be
dampened by borehole contact and mask any indications at the
The downhole vibrations from both tools are shown in Figure surface.
15. The vibrations on the bit side of the motor are shown in
solid lines and the vibrations on the drill collar side of the motor There are commercially available MWD tools that will
are sown in dotted lines. In the sliding portion of the test, record, calculate and scale downhole vibrations. These scaled
between 1600 and 1604 feet (487.7 and 488.9 m) an electronic vibrations can then be transmitted to the surface in terms of
ROP limiter (rig specific, 200 ft/hr, 61m/hr) was inadvertently vibration severity level via mud pulse technology. The use of
set, which prevented the bit weight from building up to the real time MWD downhole vibration monitoring has proven to be
target 35 KIPS. The bit weight was about 15 KIPS between a very successful practice in field applications (8, 11). In the
1600 and 1604 feet (487.7 and 488.9 m) and finally reached 35 scope of this paper, this technique was used as an example to
KIPS (15.5 kdaN) at 1605 feet (489.2 m). determine if and when drill collar whirl and XY vibration were
The bit side vibrations are of the XY type, coupled with an axial occurring on a deeper well.
(Z) vibration, and range from 4g to 8g average while the drill
collar side vibrations are between 1g and 3g. This indicates that An 12-¼” (311.2 mm) IADC 447 tri-cone bit on a packed
the main source of vibrations in this test come from the bit and assembly was used to drill a hard dolomite section near Beggs,
that the motor effectively filters out these vibrations at the drill Oklahoma from 2970 to 3105 feet (905.3 – 946.4m). The strip
collars. The bit used in this test was a 7-7/8 inch (200mm) chart in Figure 16 shows the lithology, surface parameters
IADC 417 and was pulled with shear cracks and broken (WOB, RPM, and torque), downhole lateral vibration (XY),
compacts on the inners rows of the bit. surface acceleration (measured at the rig floor) and scaled
MWD vibration severity. The downhole lateral vibration was
dumped from the tool after tripping out of the hole, whereas the
VIBRATIONS THAT HAVE NOT DAMAGED BITS. severity level was transmitted to the surface in real time while
drilling. Drilling initiated using 20 KIPS (8.9 kdaN) using 60-120
In all tests conducted, an IADC 417 type bit was used to RPM. Drilling torque varied slightly between 1500-2000 ft-lbs
drill the Mississippi Limestone section. While drilling this (2033 – 2711 N-m). From 2970 – 3010 ft (905.3 – 917.4 m),
interval, average XY vibrations as high as 10 g were recorded, drilling was smooth with surface vibration near zero g and
but no damage to the bit was ever observed. Also, no lateral severity level from the tool was also zero. At 3010 ft
catastrophic damage had occurred to any bit, which (917.4 m) WOB was increased to 50 KIPS (22.3 kdaN). This
experienced the YZ type vibration, though this vibration has caused the drill collars to whirl, indicated by the surface torque
often exceeded 5 average g and at times has been as high as jumping to 6000 ft-lbs (8133 N-m). Vibrations at the surface
10 average g. The non-damaged bit in Fig. 12 drilled the entire remained smooth, however lateral severity level from the
Mississippi Limestone section mostly with 5-10 g YZ vibration vibration recording tool were 4 to 5, correlating to a XY vibration
and strong bit bounce at the surface. magnitude of 3-8 g. As the well deepened the severity level
increased to a level 6, indicating lateral vibration of up to 15 g.
The YZ vibration never occurred in the Misener Sandstone. This behavior continued until 3105 ft (946.4 m) at which time
Therefore, it is not known if the YZ vibration would cause the rig experienced a twist off in the collars. The bit was pulled
damage to a bit drilling in the Misener Sandstone. In one (fished) with a dull condition of 1-4-BT-G-E-I-CT-DSF. In this
dull, nearly half of the heel row compacts were broken due to
shear failure. A picture of one of the broken compact is shown • Downhole motors filter out vibrations and may be
in Figure 17. beneficial, insulating the drill string from excitations of the
bit and insulating the bit from drill collar whirl (while in
This example shows the advantage of monitoring downhole rotating mode).
vibrations in real time. The lateral vibrations recorded in this
test were induced intentionally. Had these vibrations been
observed in a real field application, surface parameters could RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK
have been carefully altered to minimize the vibration, thus
preventing catastrophic bit failure and a twist off, both costing It is not accelerations themselves that cause damage; it is
valuable rig time. the forces that arise from these accelerations. It is likely that a
roller cone bit compact could accelerate the relatively small
CONCLUSIONS mass of the bit itself at the levels of acceleration we observe
without breaking. But when the mass of several drill collars are
• The XY vibration is generated by the drill collar whirl. This added, forces on the compact become very high. This
lateral vibration has been identified to catastrophically suggests it may be possible for aggressive bits to be used in
destroy soft formation rolling cutter bits. hard formations by appropriately isolating the bit from the mass
• In a hard sandstone, XY vibrations on the order of 5 of the drill collars. Isolating the bit will also reduce the tendency
average g are sufficient to cause catastrophic damage to of the bit to initiate drill collar whirl. A motor also has the added
all bits softer than IADC 637, even when drilling as little as benefit of allowing the rotary speed of the drill string to be
4 ft (1.2m). reduced below critical values. Tests should be conducted with
• When a bit drills the Mississippi Limestone at Catoosa, XY lower speed motors to determine what operating parameters
vibrations on the order of 10 average g have not will allow a soft formation bit to drill hard sandstone without
catastrophically damaged an IADC 417 type bit, even when catastrophic damage. This offers the most immediate hope for
drilling as much as 170 ft (51.8m). a change in operating practices that allow aggressive bits to be
• Initiation of the XY vibration in hard sandstone and the applied in hard rocks.
damage it causes are very repeatable. It has occurred on Rock properties are some of the key factors governing
29 occasions, in 21 tests, on 3 different BHA’s in six catastrophic damage to bits. They are also the factors about
different wells which we know the least. A deeper understanding of what
• The occurrence of the XY vibration is not a strong function lithology and in-situ confinement states cause damage would
of bit type. All rolling cutter bits tested, seven types in all, yield valuable guidelines for bit selection and operating
ranging from IADC 417 to IADC 637 experienced XY practices operators might use to avoid catastrophic damage to
vibration. These all had similar vibration initiation rolling cutter bits.
characteristics and vibration intensities.
• Damage from the XY vibration (7 7/8”, 200mm bit) begins Since the XY vibration is generated by drill collar whirl, it is
on the inner rows and spreads outward. possible a higher lubricity mud, such as an oil base mud would
• Increasing the durability of the teeth may not be an inhibit drill collar whirl. Roller reamers might be necessary to
effective strategy for surviving XY vibration. stabilize the BHA without introducing another source of whirl as
would an integral blade stabilizer.
• XY vibration is likely to initiate when the drill collars are
buckled or when rotary speed of the drill string reaches a
Ultimately this sort of research will result in having the
critical value (due to eccentricity of the collars) high enough
capability to run more aggressive bits in harder formations;
to throw the collars out against the borehole wall.
increasing overall ROP and durability will translate into lower
• A rolling cutter bit appears to supply some forcing function
drilling costs by the operator.
which helps start drill collar whirl. There are also other
non-bit related factors, which can start drill collar whirl.
Once the process is started, it continues without the aid of
• A coupled torsional axial vibration (YZ) has not yet been
observed to cause catastrophic damage, even though its The authors of this paper wish to thank Hughes
magnitude has reached as high as 10 average g. This is Christensen Company for permission to present this paper.
repeatable and has occurred in 7 tests. Thanks to the BP Amoco Catoosa Facility for assisting in
• The YZ vibration has never occurred with high intensity in conducting vibration field tests.
the Misener Sandstone, despite numerous attempts. The
Misener sandstone tends to trigger the XY vibration REFERENCES
• Surface vibrations at the rig floor do not necessarily
correlate with vibrations downhole. The rig floor is smooth 1. Brett, J.F., Warren, T.M., Behr, S.M., “Bit Whirl: A New
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Drilling Engineering, December 1990, pp. 275-281.
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2. Brett, J.F., “The Genesis of Bit-Induced Torsional ETCE/ASME Conference, Houston, Texas, February
Drillstring Vibrations,” 1991, SPE/IADC 21943, presented 1999.
at the 1991 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference in Amsterdam,
March 4,1991. 10. Parfitt, S.H.L., “A Model for Shock Sub Performance
Qualification,” 1995, SPE/IADC 29354, presented at the
3. Dykstra, M.W., Chen, D.C., Warren, T.M., “Experimental 1995 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference in Amsterdam,
Evaluations of Drill Bit and Drill String Dynamics,” 1992, February 28-March 2
SPE/IADC 28323, presented at the 1994 SPE Annual
Technical Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, 11. Shuttleworth, N.E. , Van Kerkoerle, E.J., Folmer, D.R.,
September 25-28. “Revised Drilling Practices, VSS-MWD Tool Successfully
Addresses Catastrophic Bit/Drillstring Vibrations,” 1998,
4. Dykstra, M.W., Chen, D.C-K, Warren, T.M., Azar, J.J.; IADC/SPE 39314, presented at the 1998 Drilling
“Drillstring Component Mass Imbalance: A major Source Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 1998.
of Downhole Vibrations” ; SPE/IADC 29350, presented at
the 1995 Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, February 28- 12. Warren, T.M., Oster, J.H., “Torsional Resonance of Drill
March 2, 1995. Collars With PDC Bits in Hard Rock,” 1998, IADC/SPE
49204, presented at the 1998 SPE Annual Technical
5. Jansen, J.D., “Whirl and Chaotic Motion of Stabilized Drill conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, September 27-30.
Collars,” 1992 SPE/IADC 20930, 1992 Europec 90, The
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Dallas, Texas, March 3-6. 16696, presented at the 62nd Annual Technical
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7. Mason, J.S., Sprawls, Mike ; “Addressing BHA Whirl – The 1999
Culprit in Mobile Bay” ; SPE/IADC 35034, presented at the
Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans,
La, March 12-15, 1996
5 AvX
average g's
9:35 A M 9:40 A M 9:45 A M 9:50 A M 9:55 A M 10:00 A M
T im e
Average g's
1 0 :3 7 :0 0 1 0 :3 8 :0 0 1 0 :3 9 :0 0 1 0 :4 0 :0 0 1 0 :4 1 :0 0 1 0 :4 2 :0 0 1 0 :4 3 :0 0 1 0 :4 4 :0 0 1 0 :4 5 :0 0 1 0 :4 6 :0 0 1 0 :4 7 :0 0 1 0 :4 8 :0 0 1 0 :4 9 :0 0
T im e
Figure 8: Graph of Downhole XY Vibration from Drill Collar Whirl.
7 AvX
6 AvY
average g's
9:30:00 10:00:00 10:30:00 11:00:00 11:30:00 12:00:00 12:30:00
Figure 11: Graph of Downhole Vibration that Caused Catastrophic Damage to Bit.
Figure 12: Dull Bit (left) After Drilling 30 ft (9.1 m) of Misener Sandstone.
Figure 13: Shear Damage to Compact after 4 ft (1.2m) of Drilling.
7 AvX Bot
6 AvY Bot
Agerage g's
5 Avz Bot
AvX Top
AvY Top
AvZ Top
1598 1600 1602 1604 1606 1608 1610
D e p th (ft)
Figure 15: Simultaneous Measurement of Vibrations Above and Below a Motor.
Figure 16: Drilling Data Using MWD Showing Downhole XY Vibration and Severity
Level Transmitted to Surface.
Figure 17: Broken Heel on 12 ¼ inch (311.2 mm) IADC 447 Tricone bit as a Result of Sever Lateral Vibrations.