Bromhead Ring Shear Test Procedure: Geotechnical Testing Journal March 1992
Bromhead Ring Shear Test Procedure: Geotechnical Testing Journal March 1992
Bromhead Ring Shear Test Procedure: Geotechnical Testing Journal March 1992
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2 authors, including:
Timothy D. Stark
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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REFERENCE: Stark, T. D. and Vettel, J. 1., "Bromhead Ring Shear result in residual strengths that are higher than the residual values
Test Procedure," Geotechnical Teslillg Journal. GTJODJ. Vol. 15. ohtained from a torsional ring shear device (Stark and Eid 1992).
No.1, March 1992. pp. 24-32. The main advantage of the torsional ring shear apparatus is
ABSTRACT: Existing test procedures and a proposed modification that it shears the soil continuously in one direction for any mag
for the Bromhead ring shear apparatus were found to YIeld drained nitude of displacement. This allows full orientation of the clav
residual strengths higher than values back-calculated from field case particles parallel to the direction of shear and the developme;t
histories. A new test procedure is presented that yields drained re
of a true residual strength condition. Other advantages of the
sidual strengths that are in excellent agreement with field case his
tories. The new test procedure utilizes the unmodified Bromhead ring ring shear apparatus in~lude a constant cross-section~l area of
shear apparatus and limits the settlement of the top porous stone, the shear plane during shear. a thinner specimen which allows
due to consolidation and/or soil extrusion durin 0 drained shear to the use of a faster drained displacement rate, more reproducible
0.75 mm. Since the specimen is confined radially by the speci~en results, and less laboratory supervision than the reversal direct
container, limiting the settlement of the top porous stone minimizes
the wall friction that develops along the inner and outer circumfer shear test.
ences of the specimen. The reduced wall friction results in the lowest Skempton (19K5), Bromhead and Curtis (1983), Bromhead
measured residual strength and the best agreement with field case and Dixon (1986), and Stark and Eid (1992) have shown that
histories. the drained residual strengths measured using a ring shear ap
paratus and remolded specimens are also in better agreement
KEY WORDS: clays, clay shales, residual strength. slope stability.
torsion shear tests
with back analyses of landslides than reversal direct sh~ar tests.
This is probably due to the partial reorientation of clay particles
Skempton (1970, 1985) concluded that the drained postpeak in the direct shear apparatus. It should be noted that Skempton
drop in strength observed in overconsolidated clays is due to (1985) stated that direct shear tests conducted on specimens with
(1) an increase in water content due to dilation and (2) the ori a fully developed slip surface located exactly at the shear plane
entation of clay particles parallel to the direction of shearing of the direct shear box and arranged such that shearing follows
(Fig. 1). In normally consolidated clays the postpeak drop in the natural direction of movement will provide an accurate es
strength is due entirely to the orientation of particles parallel to timate of the field residual strength. These tests are referred to
the direction of shearing. Particle reorientation will be significant as slip surface tests and are significantly more difficult to perform
in clays containing platy minerals and a clay fraction (percentage than a ring shear test on remolded specimens.
by weight of particles smaller than 0.002 mm) exceeding 250/0. A number of different forms of the ring shear apparatus have
Large shear displacements in one direction are required to orient been developed, e.g., Hvorslev (1936 and 1939), La Gatta (1970).
the clay particles parallel to the direction of shear and obtain a Bishop et a1. (1971), and Bromhead (1979). However, the Brom
residual strength condition in both normally consolidated and head (1979) ring shear apparatus is becoming more widely used
overconsolidated clays. because of cost, availability, and ease of operation. Bromhead
At the present time, the reversed direct shear test is widely and Curtis (1983) showed that this apparatus yields results that
used to measure the drained residual strength of clays even though are in good agreement with those obtained using the more so
it has several limitations. The primary limitation is that the soil phisticated apparatus developed by the Norwegian Geotechnical
is sheared forward and then backward until a minimum or equi Institute and Imperial College (Bishop et al. 1971). Bromhead
librium shear resistance is measured. Each reversal of the shear and Dixon (1986) and Stark and Eid (1992) also showed that the
box results in a horizontal displacement that is usually less than drained residual strength values measured with the Brumhead
1.3 cm. As a result, the specimen is not subjected to continuous apparatus are in excellent agreement with the back-calculated
shear deformation in one direction and thus only a partial reo values for landslides at Warden Point and Southern California~
rientation of the clay particles is obtained. In addition, the cross respectivelv. Newbery and Baker (19K1) showed that the Brom
sectional area of the specimen is changing during shear and a head ring shear test re,ults are in good agreement WIth slip sur
substantial amount of soil is usually extruded out of the exposed face tests on shear zone material from the Wenallt slip. In sum
shear plane during the test. These and other limitations usually mary. the Bromhead ring shear apparatus appears to providc
reasonable estimates of the field residual strength.
1Assistant professor of civil engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana.
Recently, a number of researchers, e.g., Anayi et al. (1988),
IL 61801. Anayi et al. (19S9), Anderson and Hammoud (19KS). and
2Geotechnical engineer, :vIoore and Taber, Inc., San Diego, CA 92127. Wykeham-Farrance (1988), have proposed different test pro
© 1992 by the American Society for Testing and Materials
OC Peak
I(]" I = Constant I
~ __________________
- -
- I ______
-_ - ----rResidual
on Shear Plane
Overconsolidated Clay
= Normally Consolidated Clay
o Shear Displacement
FIG. I-Drained shear c/zaracterisrics of clays (afrer Skemptoll, 1970).
cedures and/or modifications to the Bromhead ring shear ap ferences of the specimen. The farther the top porous stone settles
paratus. This paper presents test results which illustrate the effect into the specimen container, the more wall friction that is de
of these different test procedures on the measured shear resist veloped on the shear plane and the higher the measured residual
ance and proposes a new tes .. procedure that provides excellent strength. In addition. during shear a small amount of soil is
agreement with field case histories. In addition, this paper illus usually extruded between the top porous stone and the walls of
trates the effect of inserting vanes in to the top porous stone, as the specimen container. As the top porolls stone settles into the
proposed by Anayi et al. (1989), on the measured shear resist specimen container, the possibility of the extruded soil becoming
ance. trapped between the container and porous stone becomes greater.
This may also lead to an increase in shearing resistance as the
top platen settles.
Bromhead Ring Shear Apparatus
Based on the test results obtained during this study, the amount
The Bromhead ring shear apparatus is based on the original of soil extrusion increases with displacement rate, effective nor
design developed by Bromhead (1979) and is manufactured by mal stress, clay fraction, and swelling pressure of the specimen.
Wykeham-Farrance Engineering Limited. The ring shear spec A typical example of the effect of wall friction on the measured
imen is annular with an inside diameter of 7 cm and an outside shear resistance is the result of two Bromhead ring shear tests
diameter of 10 cm. Drainage is provided by two bronze porous on remolded Bearpaw shale from Fort Peck Dam. The liquid
stones screwed to the bottom of the specimen container and to limit, plasticity index, and clay fraction of the Bearpaw shale are
the top loading platen. 288,244, and 88%, respectively, and the remolded shale classifies
The specimen is confined radially by the specimen container. as a clay of high plasticity, CH, according to the Unified Soil
which is 0.5 cm deep. As a result of the confinement. wall friction Classification System (USCS). The specimens had a thickness of
is applied to the inner and outer circumferences of the specimen. 2 and 4 mm prior to shearing and resulted in drained residual
The magnitude of wall friction increases with the depth of the shear strengths of 32 and 24 kPa, respectively, at a normal stress
specimen, and thus the plane of least wall friction, or shear of 345 kPa. The difference in residual strength, i.e., 8 kPa or
resistance, occurs at or near the soil/top porous stone interface. 25%, is attributed to the additional wall friction caused by the
This results in the failure plane occurring at or near the knurled top porous stone settling an additional 2 mm into the specimen
surface of the top porous stone. This type of failure condition is container prior to shear.
often referred to as a "smear" condition (Bromhcad 1986). The test results presented herein will show that the lowest
residual strength is measured when the top porous stone remains
at or near the surface of the specimen container, i.e., little or
Effect of Ring Shear Test Procedure
no settlement occurs, and that this residual strength provides the
At present there are four main test procedures for measuring best agreement with field case histories. It should be noted that
the drained residual strength of cohesive soils in the Bromhead the ring shear apparatuses developed by Bishop et al. (1971) and
ring shear apparatus. These procedures are termed: (1) single La Gatta (1970) allow the specimen container to be split into
stage, (2) preshearing, (3) multistage, and (4) the proposed . 'flush" two parts so that the shear plane can be exposed, and thus wall
procedure. The main factor affecting the residual strength mea friction does not develop on the shear plane. However. the equip
sured in the Bromhead ring shear apparatus is the magnitude of ment required to separate the annular specimen container and
wall friction that is developed along the inner and outer circum maintain the opening during shear is more complicated and more
expensive than the ,pecimen container in the Bromhead appa than approximately 200 kPa. consolidation of the specimen and
ratus. The objective of this paper is to recommend a test pro soil extrusion during shear caused substantial settlement of the
cedurc that yields residual strengths that are in excellent agree top porous stone into the specimen container. As a result, the
ment with field case histories and allows the use of the simpler measured residual strength is higher than the strength measured
and less expensive Bromhead ring shear apparatus. using the proposed "flush" test procedure. The "flush" test pro
Bromhead ring shear tests were performed on remolded Pierre cedure. which will be described subsequently. yielded drained
shale from Reliance. South Dakota to illustrate the effect of the residual strengths that are in excellent agreement with field case
single stage, preshearing, multistage, and the proposed "flush" histories and thus is assumed to be the "correct" test procedure.
test procedures on the measured residual strength. The Pierre
shale is classified as a clay of high plasticity according to the Preshearing Test Procedure
uses. The liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay fraction are
184, 12Y. and 84%, respectively. The tests were conducted at a The preshearing test procedure involves shearing the remolded
drained displacement rate of 0.018 mm/min. This displacement specimen at a rapid displacement rate prior to drained shear.
rate was calculated using the analytical procedure developed by The rapid displacement rate can be applied by hand or using the
Gibson and Henkel (1 YS4) and values of coefficient of consoli gear box. The specimen is usually rotated approximately five
dation measured in consolidation tests and during the application revolutions. Before the drained displacement rate is applied. the
of the normal stress. The value of coefficient of consolidation specimen is allowed to dissipate any excess pore water pressures
used in the calculation is 0.6 mmO/min. that were induced during rapid shearing. Only one test is per
The remolded specimens used during this study were obtained formed on each specimen.
by air drying a representative sample. The air-dried soil is ball Wykeham-Farrance (19R8) and Anayi et al. (191-:R) have re
milled until all of the representative sample passes the No. 200 ported that this preshearing technique facilitates the creation of
sieve. Distilled water is added to the pulverized soil until a liq a shear plane and reduces the amount of horizontal displacement
uidity index of about 1.5 is obtained. The sample is then allowed required to reach a residual condition. The test results obtained
to rehydrate for at least one week. A spatula is used to place during this study showed that this technique caused a substantial
the soil paste into the annular specimen container. The paste is amount of soil to be extruded during the preshearing process. It
carefully placed to ensure no air voids arc present. The top of can be seen from Fig. 2 that this extrusion resulted in residual
the specimen is planed flush with the top of the specimen con strengths that are always higher than the proposed "flush" test
tainer using a lS.2-cm (6-in.)-long surgical razor blade and/or a procedure. This is due to the top porous stone settling into the
fine wire saw. It shoud be noted that remolded specimens are specimen container due to consolidation of the specimen and
not present prior to drained shear. soil extrusion during the preshearing process. It should be noted
that the preshearing process did reduce the horizontal displace
Single Stage Test Procedllre
ment required to obtain a constant shear stress by 30 to 40'lS.
However. this test procedure is not recommended because it
The single stage test procedure involves loading the remolded provides an unconservative estimate of the drained residual
specimen to the desired effective normal stress and then shearing strength.
the specimen. After the test is completed. the specimen is re The preshearing process also removes the peak strength. which
moved from the apparatus and a new specimen is used for the prevents an estimate of the drained postpeak behavior of the
next test. It can be seen from the test results on the Pierre shale. specimen. It should be noted that the shear displacement adja
Fig. 2. that the single stage test procedure provided a good es cent to the inner circumference is approximately 64(;'; (Negussey
timate of the residual strength at effective normal stresses less et al. 1989) of the shear displacement adjacent to the outer
than approximately 200 kPa. At effective normal stresses greater circumference of the annular specimen. This leads to a slightly
Test Procedure
• Single Stage
Bromhead Ring Shear
~ Preshearing
200 Tests on Remolded
A Flush Procedure
~ 100 Multistage
a 100 200 300 400 500
Effective Normal Stress, kPa
FIG. 2- Effect o[test procedure on measured residual slrength of Fierre shale.
lower peak strength value, especially in soils exhibiting a large at high normal stresses. As expected, at normal stresses less than
postpeak strength loss. However, if a remolded specimen is used, 100 kPa the "flush," single stage, and multistage test procedures
the measured peak strengths have been found to be in good yield similar residual strengths because the settlement of the top
agreement with direct shear test results and can be used to es porous stone is less than 0.75 mm in these tests.
timate the postpeak behavior (Hvorslev 1936. 1939). The residual To reduce consolidation settlement, it is suggested that the
strength is not affected by differences in shear displacement be remolded soil be placed at a low water content, plastic limit or
cause the same resistance is mobilized at the outer and inner possibly lower, in the bottom half of the specimen container and
circumferences of the specimen. at a higher water content, near the liquid limit, in the top half
of the specimen container. At high normal stresses a water con
tent near the plastic limit can be used for the entire specimen.
Multistage Test Procedure
It is important that enough water be added to the soil paste so
It has also been reported by Wykeham-Farrance (1988), An that the specimen container can be filled evenly and without air
derson and Hammoud (1988), and Anayi et al. (1988) that mul voids, and that the specimen is saturated after consolidation. If
tistage tests can reduce test duration. In multistage tests, after settlement of the top platen exceeds 0.75 mm, soil should be
a residual strength condition has been established under the first added and the specimen reconsolidated to reduce the effects of
normal stress, shearing is stopped and the normal stress is dou malfunction.
bled. The test specimen is allowed to reconsolidate under the
higher normal stress before shearing is recommenced. This pro
Data Presentation
cedure is repeated for a number of stress levels. The test results
on Pierre shale, Fig. 2, showed that multistage tests overesti It is recommended that the shear stress and volume change
mated the residual strength at effective normal stresses greater data be plotted versus the logarithm of horizontal displacement
than 100 kPa, i.e .. Stages 2 through 5. The additional strength as suggested by La Gatta (1970). This plotting technique accen
is probably due to wall friction developing as the top platen settles tuates the slope of the shear stress-displacement curve at large
into the specimen container during the consolidation and shear deformations, Llllowing the horizontal portion of the curve to be
ing process in each stage of the test. Since the settlement of the clearly defined. Figure 3 presents the results of a ring shear test
top porous stone is small at effective normal stresses less than
100 kPa, the multistage test procedure yields a residual strength 0.6
similar to the proposed "flush" test procedure. Therefore, the
multistage test procedure may be acceptable if settlement of the 0.5
top porous stone is limited to 0.75 mm (see proposed "flush"
test procedure for details). This will only be achieved at low Peat
.Q 0.4
normal stresses and slow rates (0.018 mm/min) of displacement. (J'~ = 350 kPa
(J) 0.3
Proposed "Flush" Test Procedure (J)
The proposed "flush" test procedure derived its name from Ci5 02
the fact that the top porous stone is to remain at or near "flush"
with the surface of the specimen container during shear. Increas 0.1
ing the thickness of the specimen prior to shear reduces the wall
friction that is developed on the shear plane and thus reduces 0
the measured residual strength. Conversely, decreasing the thick 0 2 3 4 5 6
ness of the specimen will increase the wall friction developed on Average Horizontal Displacement cm
the shear plane and thus increase the residual strength. The
proposed "flush" test procedure involves the addition of re
molded soil and reconsolidation of the specimen to increase the 0.6
specimen thickness prior to drained shear. After consolidation
is completed at the desired normal stress and the porous stone 0.5
is approximately "flush" with the specimen container, the spec
imen is sheared using a drained displacement rate until a residual 0 0.4
strength condition is obtained. Only one test is performed on ~
each specimen. a:
CIJ 0.3
The addition of soil and the reconsolidation of the specimen (J)
is time consuming. As a result, a sensitivity study was conducted !>
en 02
to determine how far the top porous stone could settle into the
specimen container without significantly effecting the measured
residual strength. Based on this study it was determined that the
specimen could undergo a total settlement, due to consolidation
and/or soil extrusion during shear, of 0.75 mm (15% of the initial a
0.01 0.1 1.0 10
height) and still yield a residual strength in good agreement with
field case histories. (One such case history is described subse Average Horizontal Displacement, cm
quently.) It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the proposed "flush" FIG. 3-Arithmetic and semilogarithmic presentation of drained ring
test procedure results in the lowest residual strength, especially shear test results.
on a specimen of San Francisco Bay mud that classifies as a peat used to estimate the drained displacement rate of 0.018 mm/min
(described subsequently). The stress ratio, i.e., the measured is 1.35 mm 2/min.
shear stress divided by the effective normal stress, was plotted The claystone is commonly fissured, displaying slickensided
using arithmetic and logarithmic scales. (The average horizontal and shiny parting surfaces. A typical cross section through the
displacement is calculated by multiplying the average circum slide is shown is Fig. 4. A more detailed description of the site
ference of the specimen by the ratio of the number of degrees and landslide is presented by Stark and Eid (1992). This case
traveled to 360°.) On an arithmetic scale, a residual strength history was selected because the site has undergone at least three
condition appears to have been reached at a displacement of episodes of landsliding prior to the slide that was back-analyzed.
approximately 3 cm. However, on a logarithmic scale it is not Therefore, the claystone has undergone substantial shear dis
clear whether the shear stress is still decreasing or it has reached placement during geologic time and has probably developed a
a constant value. Therefore, to ensure that a residual strength residual strength condition. In addition, the majority of the slide
condition is reached before the ring shear test is stopped, the plane is approximately horizontal through the Santiago forma
shear stress or stress ratio should be plotted using the logarithm tion. This indicates that the slide occurred along a claystone
of horizontal displacement as the test progresses. Once the shear layer, and thus the shear strength of this layer can be approxi
stress becomes essentially constant on a semilogarithmic plot, mated by one set of shear strength parameters.
the test can be stopped. Bromhead ring shear tests, using the proposed "flush" test
If a test is allowed to progress for an extended period of time procedure and the multistage test procedure were performed on
after the residual strength condition has been reached, the shear the claystone. The factors of safety computed using the cross
stress may start to increase in the Bromhead apparatus. This has section in Fig. 4, Spencer's (1967) stability method, and the two
been observed in a few tests and is probably due to a slight failure envelopes shown in Fig. 5 are presented in Table 1. It
increase in wall friction. The wall friction will increase as the should be noted that the nonlinear failure envelopes were mod
test progresses because a small amount of soil is usually extruded eled using nineteen points and the nonlinear failure envelope
during drained shear and the top porous stone will settle into option in the slope stability computer program UTEXAS2 (Wright,
the specimen container. If the total settlement of the top platen 1986) instead of values of c' and cp'. It can be seen from Table
is less than 0.75 mm, the increase in shear stress with continued 1 that the "flush" test procedure results in the correct factor of
displacement should not be significant. safety, i.e., 1.00, for this landslide, while the multistage test
At the residual strength condition, the slope of the volume procedure overestimated the factor of safety by 33%.
change curve should also be at or near zero. However, it may This case history illustrates the importance of test procedure
not reach exactly zero because of the inevitable soil extrusion and residual strength on the calculated factor of safety. If the
that occurs during drained shearing. It should be noted that this slide plane was shallower. the effective normal stresses on the
extrusion is substantially less than that observed in reversal direct slide plane would be lower and the multistage and "flush" test
shear tests. procedures may have yielded similar factors of safety. However,
the average effective normal stress acting on the slide plane
Field Case History through the Santiago formation is approximately 200 kPa. and
thus the difference in the residual strength failure envelopes
A field case history was used to verify the effect of the pre becomes apparent through the factor of safety. If the slide plane
viously described ring shear test procedures on the measured was deeper, the multistage test procedure would have predicted
residual strength. The case history involves a site in Southern an even higher, i.e., more unconservative, factor of safety.
California that is underlain by the Santiago formation. At this
site the Santiago formation is composed of a claystone and a
Recommended Ring Shear Test Procedure
sandstone. The sandstone overlies the greenish- to bluish-gray
claystone and is fine to medium grained. The remolded claystone Based on field case histories, it is recommended that the "flush"
classifies as a clay or silty clay of high plasticity, CH-MH. ac test procedure and remolded specimens be used to measure the
cording to the USCS. The liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay drained residual strength in the Bromhead ring shear apparatus.
fraction are 89, 45, and 57%. The coefficient of consolidation This procedure limits the amount of settlement of the top porous
Compacted Fill
- 220 ~
Observed 180 LU
o 80 160 240 320 400 480
Horizontal Distance, feet
FIG. 4-Cross section through Southern California landslide.
Test Procedure
• Multistage Bromhead Ring Shear Tests I
f • Flush Procedure on Remolded Claystone I
100 ~
' Multistage ~
o 100 200 300 400 500
Effective Normal Stress, kPa
FIG. 5-Effecr ,Jj rest procedure un measured residual srrengrh uf clavsrone.
400 were used to obtain the drained failure envelopes shown in Fig.
KEY 8. From Fig. 8 it can be seen that the residual failure envelope
• Undisturbed Peak Unmodified Ring Shear I is 40 to 50% lower than the peak envelope. The drained postpeak
• Remolded Peak Tests on Bay Mud behavior of the peat is illustrated in Fig. 3. This large strength
300 A Undisturbed & Remolded loss is due to the high clay fraction (38 10 42%) and organic
ttl Residual
content (28 to 30%) present in the peat sample, which results in
en a sliding shear condition. This strength loss is significantly larger
en than the 10 to 20% measured for the Bay mud and illustrates
lI! 200
(j) the difference in the postpeak behavior associated with a tur
Peak~ bulent and sliding shear condition.
.. The drained peak and residual resistances from five ring shear
tests with vanes inserted into the top porous stone are shown in
Fig. 9. Also, shown in Fig. 9 are the drained failure envelopes
from the unmodified apparatus. i.e., Fig. 8. It can be seen that
the use of vanes resulted in peak strengths that were 10 to lSi;{
greater than the peak values obtained from tests without vanes
100 200 300 400 500
in the top porous stone. The use of vanes also resulted in residual
Effective Normal Stress, kPa strengths that were 20 to 25% greater than the residual values
FIG. 6-Drained failure envelopes for Bay mud. obtained from tests without vanes in the top porous stone.
It can be seen that the use of vanes resulted in peak strengths ~ 200
that were 15 to 20% greater than the peak values obtained from
the ring shear tests without vanes. The use of vanes also resulted ro
in residual strengths that were 10 to 15% greater than the residual (/)
values obtained from tests without vanes. 100
400 400
a... Ring Shear Tests '"
Ring Shear Tests
With Vanes ~ en With Vanes ~\
en en
~ Peak ~
(j) 200
Peak \~
Vanes - ;;; Without .
Q) Q) Vanes ~
.c .r::
100 100
Without Vanes
o ~ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
o 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
Effective Normal Stress. kPa Effective Normal Stress, kPa
FIG. 7-EffeCI of vanes on drained failure envelopes for Bay mud. FIG. 9-Effecl oj vanes all drained failllre envelopes for peal.
Discussion of Vanes in Bromhead Ring Shear Apparatus plane increases, which causes an increase in the measured resid
ual strength.
Since the ,·t1ush" test procedure has been proven to yield The proposed "flush" test procedure limits the total settlement
residual strengths that are in excellent agreement with field case of the top porous stone. due to consolidation and/or soil extrusion
histories, it is'anticipated that the use of vanes will overestimate during drained shear, to O.7S mm. In addition, only one test is
the field residual strength. Three possible sources of the addi performed per specimen. The results of this study show that the
tional shearing resistance measured using vanes are: (1) soil being proposed "flush" test procedure yields the lowest residual strength
sheared between the side of the vanes and the walls of the spec of the existing test procedures and provides the best agreement
imen container; (2) the additional wall friction developed due to with field case histories.
the failure plane occurring at the bottom of the vanes instead of The installation of vanes into the top porous stone. as proposed
the soil/top porous stone interface; and (3) the difference be by Anayi et al. (1989), results in drained residual strengths that
tween a soil-to-soil shear interface and a soil/top porous stone are substantially higher than the "flush" test procedure. It is
interface. anticipated that the higher strengths are due to the additional
Initially it was thought that a small amount of soil was being wall friction developed by the shear plane forming at the bottom
sheared between the vanes and the walls of the specimen con of the vanes instead of the soil/top porous stone interface. Unless
tainer. Examination of the failed specimens revealed that soil the additional wall friction can be reduced, the proposed "flush"
was remaining between the vanes, creating soil wedges, and not test procedure and the unmodified Bromhead ring shear appa
being sheared between the vanes and the walls of the specimen ratus should be used to measure the drained residual strength.
container. Therefore, it was concluded that the increased shear
resistance is probably due to the additional wall friction devel
oped by the shear plane occurring at the bottom of the vanes Acknowledgment
instead of the soil/top porous stone interface. The authors wish to express their appreciation to the National
The difference between a soil-to-soil shear interface and a soil/ Science Foundation, Grant No. BCS-91-96074, for providing fi
top porous stone interface was also investigated. Examination nancial support for this study. The assistance of Hisham T. Eid,
of the failed peat specimens using a scanning electron microscope a graduate research assistant at the University of Illinois, in
and the naked eye revealed that a smoother and more polished developing the proposed ring shear test procedure is also grate
shear plane developed in the tests with vanes than in similar tests fully acknowledged.
without vanes. In addition, a better-defined shear zone devel
oped in the Bay mud specimens when vanes were used. There
fore, the use of vanes appears to aid the development of a shear
plane and the reorientation of the clay particles in both the peat Anderson. W. F. and Hammoud. F .. 1988, "Effect of Testing Procedure
and Bay mud specimens. This was also observed in Lias Clay by in Ring Shear Tests." ASTM Georechnical Testing Journal. Vol. 11.
Anayi et al. (191\9). However, the additional wall friction yields No.3, pp. 204-207. .
un conservative residual strength values. Anayi, J. T .. Boyce. J. R., and Rodgers. C. D. F .. 1988, "Compansons
of Alternative Methods of Measuring the Residual Strength of a Clay."
In summary. the use of vanes in the Bromhead ring shear Transportation Research Record 1192, Transportation Research Board,
apparatus appears to result in a more desirable failure condition Washington, DC. pp. 16-26.
than the soil/top porous stone interface in the original apparatus. Anayi. J. T., Boyce. J. R., and Rodgers. C. D. F., 1989, "Modified
However, the vanes also result in residual shear strengths that Ring Shear Apparatus," ASTM Geotechnical Tesring Journal. Vol.
12, No.2, pp. 171-173.
are higher than back-calculated values, i.e., unconservative, due ASTM, 1991, Annual Book of Standards. Vol. 04.08. Section 4, Con
to the additional wall friction generated by the shear plane de struction. American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia.
veloping at the bottom of the vanes. If the additional wall friction PA.
can be reduced, the use of vanes in the Bromhead ring shear Bishop, A. W., Green. G. E .. Garaga. V. K., Andresen, A., and Brown.
apparatus may provide a better estimation of the field shear J. D .. 1971, "A New Ring Shear Apparatus and its Application to the
Measurement of Residual Strength." Geotechnique, Vol. 21. No.4.
conditions. In the interim. it is recommended that the proposed W·n3-ll8. .
"flush" test procedure and the unmodified Bromhead ring shear Bonaparte, R. B. and Mitchell. J. K. 1979. "The Properties of San
apparatus be used to measure the residual strength. Francisco Bay Mud at Hamilton Air Force Base, California," De
partment of Civil Engineering. University of California. Berkeley, p.
Bromhead, E. N .. 1979. "A Simple Ring Shear Apparatus," Ground
Engineering, Vol. 12. No.5. pp. 40-44.
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