Research Prefinal Exam
Research Prefinal Exam
Research Prefinal Exam
4. Specify sampling design-once the respondents population • Ensures quality of subjects through its inclusion and
is identified, the researcher must then decide how the samples exclusion criteria.
will be chosen and how large this will be considering the • Acknowledges and specifies the scope and limitation
representative proportion of the population. of the study.
• Maximizes time and effort for better and accurate
E.g. probability sampling, suing sample random or the use of collection of data.
non probability sampling using purposive sampling • Ensures the quality of data since the sampling
[process helps control or eliminates extraneous
5. recruit the subjects-screening instrument may be used to
determine if the subjects meet the inclusion criteria
• Economical and financial concerns.
The questionnaire
Types of Non-Probability Sampling
• The most common type of research instrument ,in a
1. Accidental or convenience sampling form prepared and distributed to the study subjects to
2. Quota sampling secure responses to questions that intend to obtain
3. Purposive or Judgment sampling information about condition or practices on which the
4. Snowball or Network or chain Sampling respondents are presumed to have knowledge of.
5. Modal instance sampling Every item should have a response.Provide a
response of “Don’t know” or “Uncertain”. If the
question is unstructured and the answer needs further
explanation, one or two blank spaces be provided for
a brief explanation.
Advantages of questionnaire
2. Feeling of Acceptance
Did you feel accepted to the unit where you were assigned?
____2.Fairly accepted
____3.Not accepted
Types of Observation
1. Participant observation
2. Non participant observation
3. One way mirror
4. Anecdotal records
5. Critical incident technique
Physiological Measurement
Several factors should be considered when observing the
study subjects. 1. Self report
2. Laboratory test
1. Halo effect-the observer may have the tendency to rate 3. Electronic monitoring
certain subjects as consistently high or low on everything
because of the good impressions the subjects give the rater.
2. Hawthorne effect-The people may deliberately change Topic 3: Research Design & Methodology
theory behavior because they know they are being studied or
“Research design should be deliberately laid out to account for
all exigencies”
Example of Observation
Research Method
Research Design
Advantages of Observation
Disadvantages of Observation
• Instrumentation change-existence of difference • This is the tendency of the researcher to rate the
between pre test and post test results caused by subject high or low because of the impression he has
change in the accuracy of the instrument or the on the subject.
ratings, rather than the result of the experimental
treatment. Double blind method maybe used to remove the observer’s
Bias, neither the subject nor the observer knows the specific
“a change in breakdown of a mechanical instrument such as research objectives, hence the observer cannot distort the
the sphygmomanometer used i taking blood pressure affects data.
the accuracy of reading throughout the study”.
• This refers to a threat to the study which results when E.g.a measure of attitude towards study habits correlates higly
the researcher’s behavior influences the behavior of with high scores in the premid exams of a group of nursing
the subjects, such as the researcher’s facial student then the attitude scale would have good validity.
expression, gender, and clothing among others. It has
2 Types of criterion-related validity
been shown that researcher characteristics such as
gender, dress, and type of jewelry • Predictive validity
• may influence study participants’ answers to • Concurrent validity
questions in non experimental studies.
Predictive Validity
Concurrent Validity
Construct Validity
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