Conference Rubrics
Conference Rubrics
Conference Rubrics
Presentation Student constantly looks Student occasionally Only focuses attention to Student does not attempt
at someone or some looks at someone or some one particular part of the to look at the audience
groups and rarely looks at groups during class and does not scan and reads the notes most
notes. Student stands up presentation. the audience. Student of the time. Student does
straight, faces the Occasionally looks at frequently looks at notes. not stand up straight or
audience, and does not notes. Student stands up, Student may not stand up face the audience. Student
fidget. Student speaks at may face the audience, straight or face the fidgets. Student has issues
the appropriate volume and does not fidget. audience. Student may with volume and the
and respects the required Student speaks at the fidget. Student may have required time limit.
time limit. appropriate volume and issues with volume and
may have an issue with the required time limit.
requires time limit.
Additional Student uses appropriate Student uses appropriate Few visual aids are used or Student does not use
Resources visual aids. If included, the visual aids. If included, the may not be applicable. If visual aids. If included, the
technology is purposeful technology is purposeful. included, the technology technology is not
and adds to the overall Visual aids are written may not be purposeful and purposeful and detracts
presentation. Visual aids with respect for distracts from the overall from the overall
are written with respect capitalization, usage, presentation. Visual aids presentation. Visual aids
for capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling. may not be written with are not written with
punctuation, and spelling. Student has included a respect for capitalization, respect for capitalization,
Student has included a formatted bibliography usage, punctuation, and usage, punctuation, and
properly formatted and (when required). spelling. Student has spelling. Student has not
thorough bibliography included a bibliography included a bibliography
(when required). that is improperly (when required).
formatted or not thorough
(when required).