LS 7 PracticalOutline 1stsem
LS 7 PracticalOutline 1stsem
LS 7 PracticalOutline 1stsem
Grade 7
No Topic
1. Project Description: The Conflict (Experience about of wrestling with the faith)
Latest Submission: Friday, November 17,2023
2. Instruction:
- Students will divide into groups, each group will have two members.
- Students will interview parents or teachers about their experience of wrestling
with their faith.
- Students will make powerpoint.
- Students will report the findings and conclusion with presentations in front of
Criteria Excellent Good Moderate Poor
Oral Students are well Students are Students are Students do not
Presentation prepared. fairly prepared. somewhat seem prepared.
Students were Students most prepared. Students all the
familiar with the of the time did Students time read from
material and did not read from sometimes read slides or rely
not read from slides or rely on from slides or on notes.
slides or rely on notes. rely on notes.
notes. It is
evident that the
was rehearsed.
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
Attractiveness Makes excellent Makes good use Makes some There is very
use of font, color, of font, color, use of font, little evidence
graphics, effects, graphics, color, graphics, of good use of
etc. on all the effects, etc. on effects, etc. on font, color,
slides to enhance all the slides to all the slides to graphics,
the presentation. enhance the enhance the effects, etc. on
presentation. presentation. all the slides to
enhance the
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
No Topic
1. Project Description: This test evaluates the student’s speaking skills based on
structure, vocabulary, and development and fluency.
Speaking test period: November 13-17, 2023
2. Instructions: The student draws a topic from a set of topic/assessment cards, which lie
and are turned upside down on the table. They are given two to three minutes to
prepare by reading the prompts on the card. They may ask questions about the
prompts, but they are not allowed to write notes. The test lasts for 3-6 minutes.
Criteria 9-10 7-8 5-6 marks 3-4 1-2 0
marks marks marks marks
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
No Topic
2. Instruction: Make a double bar graph based on the data and make prediction
statements based on the double bar graph.
No Topic
2. Instruction:
1.Choose ONE to draw perspective
● Bedroom
● Living room
● Kitchen
2. Take a photo of your chosen room. The photo's shooting angle should be a
one-point perspective. And print your photo on a piece of paper
3. Draw the one-point perspective design exactly like the photo you took.
4. Maintain guide lines with a pencil; guidelines must not be erased.
5. Trace object drawings with a drawing pen (only each object, not guidelines).
6. The drawing must include (mandatory):
● Elements of visual arts in color
● Warm or cool colors
● Zentangle art
Note : Feel free to create according to your imagination. For example: it could be
used as wall decoration or for wall art.
7. USING A RULER IS MANDATORY (minimum size 30 cm).
8. The project is being done on A3 size Paper
9. Add color to your design to make it attractive. using colored pencils or markers
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
The Project has an The Project has a The Project needs The project
excellent 1 point nice 1 point to be fixed in the needs to be
VISUAL PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE neatness of 1 point significant in 1
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
No Topic
2. Instruction:
1. Students jog/run outside basketball field for 12 minutes
2. The amount of laps are recorded during the test
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
No Topic
1. Speaking test: menjawab 10 Dari 12 pertanyaan yang ada di kisi-kisi UAS semester 1
No Topic
1. Project Description:
Welcome to the "Guess the Number and Draw Shapes" Scratch project! In this
interactive game, you will have the opportunity to guess a randomly generated number
between 3 and 10. If your guess is correct, a shape will be drawn on the screen using
the pen tool. The goal is to have fun while practicing your coding skills with loops/
repetitions, conditional statements, and variables.
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
2. Instruction:
1. Open Scratch and create a new project.
2. Student need to create variables needed.
3. Student need to initilize the variables.
Use the "when green flag clicked" block to initialize the variables.
4. Create the instruction to make the game.
Ask the player to guess the number,
If the answer wrong, ask again.
If the answer true, then show the sprite draw a shape using the pen tool based on
the answer.
(example : answer 3 draw triangle, answer 4 draw square, etc)
5. Display the remaining lives, guess count, score, and time. Also create the game
able to play again.
6. Feel free to customize the display of Guess Count, Lives, Score, and Time
according to your preferences and creativity. You have the flexibility to design
and present this information in a way that you find visually appealing and
suitable for the overall theme of your project.
7. Enjoy the game and have fun guessing the number and learn about the shape !!
Criteria Excellent Good Moderate Poor
The main game
loop is well- The main game The main game The main game
Main Game Loop structured and loop functions loop has loop has critical
functions without with minor errors. significant errors. errors.
limited or
well-implemented functional
basic system for ineffective
system for tracking system for
Lives System tracking and system for
and managing tracking and
managing lives. tracking and
lives. managing lives.
managing lives.
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Practical Final Exam Outline & Rubric
1st semester 2023/2024
functional time basic time limit limited or
time limit that adds
Time Limit limit with minor with significant ineffective time
challenge to the
issues. issues. limit.
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