Assessment Rubric
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Rubric
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CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Basic All of the basic Most of the basic Few of the basic Less than 2 or none
Instructions instructions were instructions were instructions were of the basic
clearly met and met and executed met and/or executed instructions were
executed perfectly: well ie: presentation poorly ie: met and/or executed
use of presentation- went slightly over or presentation went poorly ie:
based tool; 10-12 under time; included significantly over or presentation-based
minutes long; at media not under time; less tool not used;
least 8 slides/pages, necessarily relevant; than 8 slides/pages; presentation went
3 different forms of presentation is well less than 3 forms of significantly over or
relevant media organized, relevant media under time; less
included; each aesthetically included; etc. than 8 slides/pages;
student presented at pleasing, and easy less than 3 forms of
least 2 slides; to read, etc. relevant media
presentation is well included; each
organized, student did not
aesthetically present at least 2
pleasing, and easy slides; presentation
to read, etc. is not well organized
or easy to read etc.
Unit Topic Unit topic overview Unit topic overview Unit topic overview Unit topic overview
Overview was included at the was included at the was included at the was included briefly
beginning of the beginning of the beginning of the or not at all at the
presentation. presentation. presentation. beginning of the
Students Students showcased Students showcased presentation.
showcased clear developing little or unclear Students showcased
and correct knowledge of the knowledge of the incorrect or no
knowledge of the time period and prior time period and prior knowledge of the
time period and events. Overview events. Overview time period and prior
prior events. demonstrated wider did not demonstrate events. Overview
Overview scope of eras wider scope of eras did not demonstrate
demonstrated wider transformations. transformations. wider scope of eras
scope of eras transformations.
Presentation Students presented Students presented Students presented Students may have
Focus on a topic approved on a topic approved on a topic approved presented on a topic
by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher. not approved by the
Information was Information was Information was not teacher. Information
engaging, clear, clear and factual. very detailed and was unclear, false,
factual, and Students presented may have been or incomplete.
detailed. Students examples to support incorrect. Students Students presented
presented strong their claims about presented few, few, irrelevant, or no
examples to support the topic. irrelevant, or examples to support
their claims about Presentation of topic disinteresting their claims about
the topic. lacked engagement examples to support the topic.
with audience. their claims about
the topic.
Unit Topic Students use the Students provide a Students provide a Students provide a
Conclusion conclusion to wrap conclusion that conclusion that conclusion that
up the loose ends of wraps up the wraps up the simply ends the
the presentation, presentation and presentation and the presentation and 1/2
10/19/2019 Your Rubric: Oral Presentation Rubric : Post-World War II America
restate the gives a brief look at points that were does not offer any
significance of the the eras importance discussed in the further insight.
post-war era, and on the past and the body, but does not
reflect on how that present. provide a reflection.
aspect of Americas
history affects our
Individual Student is dressed Student is dressed Student is not Student is not
professionally; semi-professionally; dressed dressed
prepared to speak prepared to speak professionally but professionally or
on their content; on their content; still looks presentable; not
speaks clearly and needs to speak presentable; prepared to speak
projects voice; more clearly or somewhat prepared on their content or
actively contributed louder; contributed to speak on their reads off of their
to the collaborative to the collaborative content but requires notes or slide; needs
process process a lot of support; to speak more
needs to speak clearly or louder; did
more clearly or not contribute to the
louder; passively collaborative
contributed to the process
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