Presentation Rubric: Missing 1 Pts Poor 2 Pts Fair 3 Pts Good 4 Pts Excellent 5 Pts Organization Audience

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Presentation Rubric

Missing Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts
Organization Audience Audience has Student Student Student
cannot difficulty presents presents presents
understand following information information information in
presentation presentation but the in logical logical,
because there because sequence is sequence interesting
is no student jumps not logical, which sequence
sequence of around. making it hard audience can which
information. for audience follow. audience can
to follow.
Content Content is Content is Student is Student is at Student
missing and weak. Facts uncomfortable ease with demonstrates
student did are with content and full knowledge
not do inaccurate. information; has an easy of the topic
research. Student however, flow within and engages
should have message can the message. the audience
research in be heard. with
more depth. enthusiasm.
Volume and Unable to Student Student's Student's Student uses a
Clarity hear student mumbles, voice is low. voice is clear. clear voice and
and incorrectly Student Student correct,
information pronounces incorrectly pronounces precise
goes missing. terms, and pronounces most words pronunciation
speaks too terms. correctly. of terms.
quietly for Audience Most Student is
viewing members have audience enthusiastic.
audience to difficulty members can All viewing
hear hearing hear with audience can
little effort. hear without
Length 20-39 40 to 59 60 to 75 2 minutes 2 or more
seconds seconds seconds minutes.
Presentation Student is Student is Student Student Student
unable to unable to explains explains explains
explain explain commercial content and content, makes
content of commercial. but does not makes eye eye contact
commercial make eye contact. and keeps
and doesn't contact and is audience
present. hard to attention.

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