Demo Oct. 24

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School MAPAYA NATIONAL HIGH Grade Level 11

DETAILED Teacher EVANGELINE P. BERCASIO Learning World Religions and
PLAN Belief
Teaching date & Monday to Thursday (9:45-10:45 Quarter 1st Quarter

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
A. Content Standard 1. Explain establishment and spread of Empire of Islam

B. Performance Standard 2. Create and show a graphic organizer on the framework of important information

C. Learning Competencies Retell the life and times of Prophet Muhammad

3. Appreciate the contribution of the civilization of Empire of Islam



A. References The learner conduct a panel discussion on Muslim beliefs and practices (when
1. Teacher’s Guide possible inviting a Muslim)

2. Learner’s Material Retell the life and times of Prophet Muhammad

B. Other Learning The Empire of Islam.


PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Prayer
Class, please stand for our prayer
before we begin today’s lesson. Let
us bow our head and feel the The students will pray.
presence of our Lord. In the name
of the father, the son, the holy
spirit, amen.
---play prayer audio---
In the name of the father, the
son, the holy spirit, amen.

2. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning ma`am!

3. Classroom Manage Before you take your seats, kindly
pick up all the pieces of paper align to
your chairs.

How are you today?

Is there any absentee’s today?

4.Checking of attendance None. Ma`am.

Wow! Very good!

5. Checking of Assigment
Do you have an Assignment?
None ma’am.

A. Reviewing previous
Lesson or Presenting
New Lesson But before we start to our next topic,
let us have first a review with regards
to our last topic.
The first religion that practices
monotheistic religion in the world
Anyone who wants to share their was Roman Catholic or
knowledge about what we have
discussed last time?

Yes, Cristine?

Nice going, Cristine!

What do you call to the celebration as

to commemorate the coming of the
Holy Spirit to the early Christians?

Yes, Kizen?
Ma’am, Pentecost which is also
celebrated as the birthday of the


Do you have any questions with

regards to our last topic?

None, Ma`am!
Very good! With that let us now
proceed to our new topic.

B. Establishing a Purpose
In preparation to our next topic. Let
for the lesson
us have an activity first.


1. Find a pair to your classmates.

2. I will show you few pictures and tell
your ideas to your partner about the
picture only 2minutes. Then after you
share both your ideas you will decide
and come up with final idea on

3. I will call a random names who will

share their ideas on the class.

students will perform the activity

Every students are prepared to participate

to share their ideas on the class. Ma’am, our idea on that picture was
I will call Jade and Bert. What is you and it shows the Islam tradition and how
they devoted to their religion with
your partner final ideas on this picture?
respect and loyalty of faith.
Thank you very good!
Next, I will call Arjay and Jasmien. What
is you and your partner final ideas on this
picture? Ma’am, me and my partner ideas is
that Muslim are very devoted and
second most followed religion in the
world after Christianity.

Thank you very good!

Last, I will call Cristine and Adrian. What
is you and your partner final ideas on this
picture? Ma’am, our ideas about that pictur
was Islam religion are major worl
religion that emphasize
monotheism, the unity of Go
('Allah' in Arabic), and Muhamma
as his final messenger in a series o

Ok, very good!

C. Presenting Alright! Time is up. Based on that

Examples/Instances of activity what did you observed from
the New Lesson the picture?

Yes, Adrian?
Our topic for today was religion of
Very good!
2. Activity

1. Divide the class into two groups

2. Students will be given a copy of the


3. Each group will be given a comic

strip to be glued to each member’s

4. Each group will be given a card

board on which they will write the
answer to the prepare question.

5. Each group will be given ten (10)

minutes to finish answering the

6. Assigned two readers

7. Each group presents their class


Students are expected to be motivated

with a presentation that will explain
how the Islam empire was formed and
spread. At the same time, students are
expected to further attest to the great
contribution of the Islamic empire to


Correct Answers-----------------50%

Cooperation --------------------- 30%

Silence --------------------------- 10%

Clear Reading of Answers------ 10%

TOTAL --------------------------- 100%

Group I

What is Islam?

Islam religion was established

Your right very good! around seventh century C.E., Islam
is the youngest among the world’s
Because Islam religion was founded by major religion.
Muhammad in the seventh century.
According to him, he received divine
revelation so that he could be the
messenger of the true god Allah.

What is Hegira?

Hegira was Muhammad’s exodus to

That is right!
What is Kaaba of Mecca? Medina in 622 CE.

That is Right! It is the center and Holy Shrine of

Islam. Founded by Muhammad in
Because Kaaba was a small shrine 630 CE.
located near the center of the Great
Mosque in Mecca and considered by
Muslims everywhere to be the most
sacred spot on Earth.

Group II

When Muhammad died?

That is right!
Muhammad died in 632 C.E. at the
That is also the time when the newly
age of 62.
found religion had spread across the
entire Arabian Peninsula and the
Muslim had been united as one
religious community.

Ma’am, the three Muslim empires

are the Ottoman, Safavid, and
What are the three Muslim Mughal Empires, which dominated
empires? large parts of the Middle East and
South Asia beginning with the
Ottoman conquest of Constantinopl
in 1453, the founding of the Safavid
state of Iran in 1501, and the
founding of the Mughal state in

Your right!

These three empires represented the

last collective moment of Muslim
imperial power, and their rulers
patronized a stunning architectural The three Islamic caliphates are
and artistic florescence. Umayyad Caliphate, Abbasid
Caliphate, Ottoman Caliphate
What were the names of the 3
Islamic caliphates?

“caliph” (khalifah in Arabic) is

That is right!
generally regarded to mean
“successor of the prophet
Muhammad,” while “caliphate”
What is the difference between a (khilafah in Arabic) denotes the
caliphate and a caliph? office of the political leader of the
Muslim community (ummah) or
state, particularly during the period
from 632 to 1258.

That is right!

Although the caliph was not

considered to possess spiritual
authority as Muhammad had, The
caliph presided over a state governed
under Islamic law (Sharia) whose
territories constituted the “abode of
Islam” (dar al-Islam). Ottoman caliphate was inherited th
leadership of the Muslim empire in
the 15th century until1918. It was
founded by Osman. They conquered
What is Ottoman Caliphate? the Byzantine Empire and occupied

That is right!

D. Discussing new concepts

and Practicing New What is Jihad?
Jihad is the duty of every Muslim is
Skills#1 to extend
Very Good!

What are the contributions of Muslims to

civilization when it comes to Agriculture?

Dar-al-Islam or House of Islam,

Defend Dar-al Harb or House of
Very Good! War.

What are the contributions of Muslims to

civilization when it comes to Industry?

Ma’am, other contribution of the

Great! Muslim is use of fertilizer on crops.
Because Damask is refers to a broad group
of woven fabrics made on a jacquard
loom. It's a patterned cotton fabric
distinguished by using contrasting luster.
What are the contributions of Muslims to
civilization when it comes to trade?


What are the contributions of Muslims

when it comes to Medicine?
Ma’am, when it comes to industry
their contribution is damask-cloth
made of linen, cotton or oil.
What are the contributions of Muslims
to civilization when it comes to

Ma’am, the contribution of Muslim

in term of medicine was Canon of
Medicines, difference between
Great! Very good! measles and smallpox

The concepts of zero, algebra,

enrichment geometry and

E. Discussing New Concepts Build the following graphic.

and Practicing New

1.Divide the class into two groups and

discuss and reflect on all the
contributions of the Islamic empire
using graphic organizer.
2.Each group will be given 5 minutes
to complete and then after share their
concept to the class.
Scoring Rubric for Group

Indicators Score Score

1. Show respect for ideas,

feelings and attitude of others
2.Cooperation with others while
at work
3. Organization of ideas and

4. Show clear explanation of the

summarization of the topic
5. Observe school rules and


The students in their group were able

to give their ideas on the overall
contribution of the Islamic empire by
developing a graphic organizer.

F. Developing Mastery Alright, to test if you truly master our

lesson. This activity is called
“AYOSIN MO AKO” write your
answer in illustration board that I am
going to provide. Same groups.
We only have 3 minutes, are you




G. Finding practical How will you apply the knowledge you
applications of concepts have learned today in a real life
and skills in daily living. situations?

Write in your activity note book.

H. Making Generalizations SWOT ANALYSIS (STREGHT,


1. As a student, how should the

contributions of the Islamic empire to
our civilization be appreciated.
As a student I acknowledge the
contributions of the Islamic religion
in my studies and I acknowledge
their deeds as good contributions in
various areas of the development of
Very Goodp!

I. Evaluating learning Okay now class, you will have a short

quiz. Prepare a one-fourth sheet of
paper, write your name and date
Direction: Circle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements is

correct about the formation and 1. A
establishment of the Islamic empire?

A. Muhammad was the recipient of

divine revelation

B. Muhammad fled Medina and never

returned to Mecca

C. Muhammad presents Kaaba in

Mecca after an angel appeared to him

D. The Islamic empire spread and

formed due to the belief in one faith

2. Which of the following events first

took place in the rise of the Islamic
2. D
A. Conquest of the Mongol empire

B. Fall of the Seljuk Turks

C. Establishment of the Ottoman


D. Establishment of the Abbasid


3. Which of the following statements is

the best practice to appreciate the
contribution of the Islamic empire? 3. A
A. Giving respect, holistic view and
further enriching it fully in our daily

B. Its dissemination through the


C. Using their contributions in our

daily lives.

D. Consumption of Muslim products

4. What do you call to a Muslim

journey which marked as the
beginning of the Islamic
4. A

A. hijra

B. hijab

C. iqra

D. Kalam

5. On what age Muhammad died when

was new founded the religion spread
across the entire Arabian Peninsula? 5.
A. 60
B. 61

C. 62

D. 63

J. Additional Activities For your assignment draw in your .

activity note book the Symbol of Star
and Creed.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

No. of learners who earned 80% of

the formative assessment

No. of learners who required

additional activities to

Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson

No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Principal II

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