DLP in English Literature
DLP in English Literature
DLP in English Literature
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the grade-l pupils are expected to do the following at least 75% level of
a) identify the character of the story;
b) determine the moral of the story; and
c) participate in the retelling of the story.
Children, let’s all stand for our prayer. (All pupils stand)
Checking of Attendance
Very good!
Passing of Assignments
Very good!
1. Motivation/Establishing purpose
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
(picture of quarreling)
What are they doing? They are quarreling.
Very good!
They are quarreling.
Do you know what is the meaning of quarrel? No, Teacher.
Very good
Do you have an idea about the folktale of “The (The teacher read the story)
Old Man and His Sons?
Yes, Teacher.
E. Developing Mastery
Group Activity
I will group you into two, then arrange the
picture as they happened in the story.
Students are raising their hands.
It seems that you really understand our
discussion today. Let us now proceed to our next 1. He has three sons.
activity. 2. Yes, when the father asked them to “untie
the bundle”, “and each of you take a stick.”
IV. Evaluating Learning When they had done so, he told them: “Now,
break,” and each stick was easily broken.
Short Quiz 3. The moral of the story is strength comes
Get ¼ sheet of paper from unity. There is strength in union.
Write your name, grade level and section
Make a reflection about “The Old Man
And His Sons”. And do it for 5 minutes.
V. Assignment
Make a short story about your father. Do it on a The student will get a ¼ sheet of paper and
short bondpaper. answer the quiz.