20230914021641NOVEL Schmitt Trigger
20230914021641NOVEL Schmitt Trigger
20230914021641NOVEL Schmitt Trigger
ABSTRACT This paper presents an important missing building block for mixed-mode signal processing:
a Schmitt trigger circuit based on the current amplifier. Schmitt trigger is used extensively in both the
analogue and digital areas. The transfer characteristics of the proposed design are independent on the supply
voltage. Unlike Schmitt triggers incorporating other types of amplifiers, the proposed design is totally active.
It does not require passive resistors and hence it shall be more attractive for VLSI implementation. The
proposed circuit is utilized to implement a novel current mode square-wave oscillator using a single current
amplifier that provides differential current signals. The output amplitude can be controlled without additional
circuitry. Current generators are particularly essential for bio-impedance measurement. Comparison with
their counterparts using the operational amplifier, transconductance operational amplifier, transresistance
operational amplifier, and current conveyor demonstrates several advantageous features of the proposed
circuits. The experimental results obtained from primary prototypes fabricated using standard 150 nm CMOS
process are provided. It is shown that the proposed Schmitt trigger and the square wave generator nominally
consume 8 µW and 11 µW while working in the MHz range.
INDEX TERMS Current mode circuits, the current amplifier, schmitt trigger, and square-wave generation.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 7, 2019 186175
H. A. Alzaher: Novel Schmitt Trigger and Square-Wave Generator Using Single CA
and their CMOS realizations. The experimental results are area [14]. In particular, this work shows that the proposed
provided in Section V. Comparison between the proposed CA-based Schmitt trigger and relaxation oscillator provide
circuits and their counterparts using other analog building output amplitude controls without changing the supply volt-
devices is given in Section VI. age or using additional circuitry. Similarly, it is shown that
differential outputs are attained inherently.
There are several voltage mode Schmitt triggers commer- III. THE PROPOSED SCHMITT TRIGGER
cially available. In general, however, these circuits suffer Development of CA-based Schmitt trigger and relaxation
from limited bandwidth or the input/output ranges. Several oscillators has been challenging because, different from the
designs are based on switched-capacitor technique wherein opamp, OTA, and CCII, the CA does not have a high-input
the system bandwidth is limited by the clock and sampling impedance terminal. A CA typically has a large open-loop
rate. Schmitt triggers using opamps preserves the input/ gain and is often used with negative feedback to achieve a
output ranges of switched-capacitor technique and slightly certain desired closed-loop gain. In fact, the CA is subpart
improve the system bandwidth. But they still require rela- of a CCII, CFOA, and OTRA; hence, it has the potential to
tively large current consumptions to operate in MHz ranges. provide more power-efficient solutions. Additionally, the CA
Whereas, OTA based Schmitt triggers, which can operate at is better suited for low-power supply voltage and wide-band
higher bandwidths, suffer from limited input/output ranges frequency operation.
particularly at low supply voltages. A CA amplifies an input current signal and conveys it
The most fundamental current mode active elements are to the output without fiddling with the output voltage level.
the second generation current conveyor (CCII) and the current There are different definitions of the CA depending on
feedback operational amplifier (CFOA). However, the main open or closed loop operation. The latter is adopted in this
problem with CCII and CFOA based circuits is the com- work. It is basically a three terminal device with a single input
plexity of their CMOS realizations (multi-input and/or multi- (Ix ) and two complementary outputs (Iop = -Ion ). Ideally,
output devices) that indefinitely suffer from the inclusion the current amplifier should have infinity current gain, zero
of at least one voltage buffer. In particular, the CCII is a input resistance and infinity output resistances. Therefore,
three terminal device that basically consists of a voltage the ideal characteristics of the CA can be expressed mathe-
buffer (between Y and X terminals) whose current is sensed matically as follows:
and convey to high output terminal Z. The CFOA incorpo-
rates two buffers. The complexity is automatically negatively Vx 0 0 0 Ix
reflected in the power consumption, dynamic range and area Iop = Ai 0 0 Vop (1)
efficiency. Even more, unlike current followers the voltage Ion −Ai 0 0 Von
buffers usually suffer from limited input/output signal swings
especially for low supply voltages [10]. This will limit the where Vx is the voltage at the input terminal, Ai is the current
dynamic range of circuits based on CCIIs and CFOAs. gain (ideally Ai → ∞), Vop is the voltage at the positive
On the other hand, the current amplifier should have been output terminal; and Von is its counterpart at the negative
the most fundamental current mode building block as it is output terminal.
the only true current mode element. In fact, the CA is a A CA is often used with negative feedback (connection
pure current mode building block wherein the primary signal from output Von to input Iz ) to achieve a certain desired
variables are the currents. Therefore, a high voltage swing closed-loop gain. The use of a CA with negative feedback
in the CA amplifier design is not usually required. Also, to achieve, for example, a unity gain current follower can
the bandwidth and the closed-loop gain of a current amplifier be found in [11] and [15]. The proposed Schmitt trigger
are independent [11]. From a certain point of view, it is the configured using a CA with regenerative positive feedback is
simplest current mode device since it is a subpart of other shown in Fig. 1. In this work, a positive closed-loop feedback
devices such as CCII, CFOA and transresistance amplifier configuration is accomplished by shorting the non-inverting
(TRA) [12]. Consequently, CA based circuits are expected output (Iop ) with the input (IX ). The positive feedback con-
to work at relatively higher frequencies with an improved nection wire is highlighted with red color.
dynamic range, lower power consumption and less area. A real current amplifier typically has a huge current gain,
For some specific applications, the CA is the natural small input equivalent resistance, and a very large output
chose, for example, the realizations of ac current genera- resistance. Its CMOS realization typically consists of two
tors. Such current generators are employed in bio-impedance stages: a current follower cascaded with a current output
measurement. Typical applications include body composition stage. The former is to provide a high transresistance gain
analysis, heart rate extraction, cardiac monitoring, and early while the later is to offer a high differential transconductance
diagnosis of cancer [13]. For the impedance measurement, gain. A negative closed-loop feedback configuration is then
current generator should supply AC current to target tissue. achieved by shorting the inverting output (a negative current
Classical advantages of square-wave generators over their flows into a terminal node) with the input. The remaining
sinusoidal counterparts are low power consumption and low inverting output terminal is used to drive the load.
FIGURE 1. The proposed Schmitt trigger circuit using a CA and regeneration feedback.
The current follower input stage consists of a common gate becomes less than −L+ at which the input of the CA becomes
amplifier M1-MB and a folded cascode differential amplifier negative and the output will switch to L+ . The threshold cur-
(M2a-M3a and M2b-M3b). The input signal current is almost rents (hysteresis) can be changed using a feedback network
zero because of the high overall open-loop current gain, with a β factor. The hysteresis would become IHL = −βL−
thereby yielding a virtual ground behavior at the amplifier’s and ILH = −βL+ . Combining the two cases results in the
input. Transistors MB and M1 are matched and are biased transfer characteristics shown in Fig. 2.
with the same quiescent currents in order to set the input
bias voltage to DC ground. A local feedback is employed
to obtain a low (open-loop) input resistance with reasonable
low current consumption and small transistor dimension.
This achieved by the negative feedback between the output
of the differential amplifier (drain of M2a) and the input
terminal. Therefore, the input signal current will be drawn
by M2a since the current in M1 is fixed, and thus appears
at the high-resistance node (drain of M2b). The remaining
transistors are DC current generators needed for biasing. FIGURE 2. Transfer characteristics of the proposed Schmitt trigger.
FIGURE 4. CMOS realization of the MO-CA used in the square wave oscillator.
capacitor. The proposed square wave oscillator is shown TABLE 1. Transistor sizes for MO-CA.
in Fig. 3. It incorporates a CA with two identical output stages
called multi-output CA (MO-CA). The CMOS realization of
the MO-CA is depicted in Fig. 4.
A closed-loop negative feedback configuration is utilized
to trigger the Schmitt trigger automatically and hence starts
and sustains the oscillation. This is achieved by applying
Ion to a grounded capacitor (C) whose voltage is changed
to current through a feedback resistor (R). A second output
stage, formed by M4c, M4d, M5c, and M5d and its bias-
ing transistors (MCP, MCN, MB10 and MB11), is utilized
to provide differential square-wave currents (Isqp and Isqn ).
The biasing current (IBB ) of this stage can be selected inde-
pendently. Therefore, the magnitude of the oscillation can be
independently adjusted through the bias current IBB .
Observing that during the charging interval Ion = L+ ,
IX > 0, IF = βL− where β = R1 /(R1 + R2 ), expressions
for the capacitor voltage and feedback resistor current (IR )
are determined. These lead to the charging interval given by
the following:
L+ − βL−
TCharge = RCln (2)
L+ + βL−
Similarly, the discharging interval can be expressed as
βL+ − L−
TDischarge = RCln (3)
−βL+ − L−
Typically, L+ = −L− ; hence, the frequency of the oscillation
reduces to the following:
fosc = h i (4)
2RCln 1+β
FIGURE 5. Die photographs of the proposed circuits. a The Schmitt
The proposed Schmitt trigger and oscillator were fabricated trigger. b The oscillator.
in a standard 150 nm CMOS process. The transistor sizes
currents are listed in Table 1. Their die photographs are shown During measurements, supply voltages of ±0.75 V and a
in Fig. 5. Their active areas are approximately 0.02mm2 and nominal biasing currents of 1 µA were used. These lead to
0.05mm2 , respectively. a typical total power of approximately 8 µW and 11 µW for
The design using OTA has input and output voltage sig-
nals and requires a voltage buffer to derive the load. Its
OTRA counterpart has an input current and provides output
voltage and requires an analog switch for its operation. The
basic Schmitt trigger using CCII is again a voltage mode
circuit designed with one active block and two resistors [18].
It has two problems, it requires a voltage buffer to derive the
load and its operation is directly dependent on the parasitic
resistance at its X-terminal designated as rx . Summary of the
main characteristics of these Schmitt triggers along with the
proposed design is given in Table 2.
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